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Subject:  Nowthen Heritage Festival auction 2024/2025

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Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 1 “Proven” Bushel Gourd (2 sets) -- 40 35
*323 Steiner ‘23 (370.5 English x self) 3 seeds “largest in the world in 2023”
Grew the 450.5 Werner (2nd largest Bushel Gourd ever)

Lot 2 World Record Long Gourd 1 (2 sets) -- 45 45
*173.75” Eaton’22 (121 Eaton x 115 Eaton) 1 seed current World Record!!
*168.25” Eaton ‘22 (115 Eaton x self) 2nd all time!!! 1 seed

Lot 3 Mother/Daughter “Proven” 150” maker (2 sets) -- 25 25
*150.88” Morgan ‘23 (143.63 Morgan x 168.25 Eaton) Maine State Record 2nd longest in world 2023
2 seeds
*143.63” Morgan DMG ‘22 (142.25 Morgan x 131 Tobeck) 3 seeds

Lot 4 Long Gourd New USA Record !! -- 55
*159.25” Faust ’24 (142.25” Faust x 144” Faust) 2 seeds
*150” Faust ’24 (144” Faust x 142.25” Faust) 2 seeds
*142.25” Faust ’23 (144” Faust x 168.25” Eaton) 1 seed
*144” Faust ’22 (146.06” x 154 Ansems) 1 seed

Lot 5 Field Pumpkins (2 Sets) -- 30 25
*128 Paul ‘20 (211McKinnonxSelf) grew the 177 1 seed
*177 Paul ‘21 (128Paulx94.5Paul) grew the 173 2 seeds
*173 Paul ‘22 (177 Paul x Open) 2 seeds
*165 Paul ‘22 (128 Paul x 177 Paul) 2 seeds
*157.5 Paul ‘21 (128 Paul x 94.5 Paul) 2 seeds
177 128

12/29/2024 7:17:18 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 6 Marrow Baggs Best -- 60 60
*253.5 Baggs ‘23 (235.9 Baggs x 256.9 Sjodin) 2nd largest ever!! 1 seed
*235.9 Baggs ‘22 (217 Baggs x 256.9 Sjodin) grew the 253.5 1 seed

Lot 7 Field Pumpkins Baggs Big Kins (2 sets) -- 50 50
*268 Baggs ’22 (168.7 Baggs x sib) 1 seed World Record
*218.3 Baggs ‘22 (168.7 Baggs x Sib) 1 seed

Lot 8 Monster Marrows why(2 sets) -- 45 40
*202 Baggs ‘21 (200.6 Baggs x 217 Baggs) 1 seed
*189.6 Baggs ‘20 (220 Baggs x 198 Baggs) 1 seed
*176.8 Baggs ‘21 (220 Baggs x 200.6 Baggs) 1 seed
*153 Baggs ’21 (200.6 Baggs x 217 Baggs) 1 seed

Lot 9 a few top Tomatoes in 2024 (2 sets) -- 35 35
*8.42 MacDonald ’24 (9.06 Brown x Open) 4 seeds
*8.17 Yohe ’24 (4.62 Meisner x Open) PA State Record 3 seeds
*7.91 Trombley ’24 (6.48 Young x Open) MI State Record 4 seeds

Lot 10 Sunflowers Widehead (2 sets) -- 100 70
*76” Brown (2-way measurement)
(27.25” old measurement)
(27” Brown x open) 8 seeds
*73” Brown (2-way measurement)
(26” old measurement)
(25” Brown x open) 8 seeds
*70.5” Brown (2-way measurement)
(25.50” old measurement),
(23” Brown x open) 8 seeds
24 seeds total

Lot 11 Basset’s Big one that got away(2 sets) -- 25 20
•2098Basset ‘23 (2480 Graham x 2493 Wolf) 1 seed
•2084 Basset ‘24(2610 Petrelli x 2480 Graham) 1 seed
•1762 Basset ’24 (2480 Graham x 2610 Petrelli) 1 seed
•1683 Basset ’24 (2501 Bernstrom x 2610 Petrelli) 1 seed
2098 2084 1762 1683

Lot 12 Don & Bev Boulders 18% Heavy (2 sets) -- 20 15
•1893.5 B. Anderson ‘23 (2560 Gienger x self) 18% 1 seeds
•1959.5 D. Anderson23 (2424 Caspers x 2560 Gienger) 18% 1 seeds

Lot 13 Werner “Proven 1 Ton & Heavy” (2 sets) -- 40 35
•1865 Werner ’23 (1885.5 Werner x 2110 Platte) 1 seed
##Grew the 2369.5 Werner coming in at 22% Heavy##

12/29/2024 7:43:19 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 14 Michigan State Record Bushel Gourd plus “Proven” Hot seed -- 110
•414 Trombley’24 (313 Trombley x self) Michigan State Record 3
rd largest in History 4 seeds
•313 Trombley’21 (384.5 Terry x 470.5 Connolly) 4 seeds

Lot 15 Mother/ Daughter (2 sets) -- 20 15
•2332 Paton ‘22 (2356.7 Mendi x 1885.5 Werner) 1 seed
•2035 Platte ‘23 (2332 Paton x 2110 Platte) 1 seed
2332 2035

Lot 16A Tall Sunflowers Butler’s specialty (2 sets) -- 50 45
•308” Butler ‘23 tall sunflower (332.5” Butler x open) 2 seeds
•294.5” Butler ‘23 tall sunflower (318” Butler x open) 3 seeds
•283” Butler ‘23 tall sunflower (302” Babich x open) 4 seeds

Lot 16B Tall Sunflowers, Butler’s specialty (2 sets) -- 40 35
•315” Butler ‘23 (320.5” Butler x open) 3 seeds
•293” Butler ‘23 (320.5” Butler x open) 4 seeds
•276” Butler ‘23 (320.5” Butler x open) 5 seeds

Lot 17 Toboyek’s Fire (2 sets) -- 40 35
•1652.5 Toboyek ‘23 (2006 Wolf x 1977.5 Rea) 1 seed
•1864 Toboyek ‘23 (1977.5 Rea x 2006 Wolf) 1 seed

Lot 18 Rick’s in the 10 pound club (2 sets) -- 60 55
• 10.2 Jolivette ’24 (7.83 Sjodin x open) 4 seeds
##largest Tomato in 2024 and 4th largest ever for a GPC Fruit##

Lot 19 Greenie “Green Squash green squash from coast to Coast” (2 sets) -- 50 50
•1997 Tobeck ’22 (1109 Jutras x self) 1 seed
•1838 Jutras ’20 (1109 Jutras x self) 1 seed
•1595 Bernstrom ’22 (2030 Tobeck x self) 1 seed
•1581 Mathiowetz ’23 (1595 Bernstrom x sib.) 1 seed
•1352 Bernstrom ’23 (1109 Jutras x self) 1 seed

12/29/2024 8:09:30 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 20 Best Squash of 2024 (2 sets) -- 45 45
•1778 Jutras ’24 (1109 x self) 1 seed
•1415 Jolivette ’24 (1109 Jutras x 1264 Peirpont) 14% Heavy 1 seed
•988.5 Jolivette ’24 (1264 Peirpont x 1109 Jutras) 8% Heavy 1 seed

Lot 21 Fire Orange mix (2 sets) -- 20 20
•1496.6 Kueny ’24 (1110 Jacobs x Self) 1 seed
•870.8 DMG Ressel ’22 (707 Ressel x 1072 Engel) 1 seed
•861 Maydan ’24 (839 Sandercock x self) 1 seed
•845.5 Kueny ’22 (1157 Zaychkowsky x Self) 1 seed
•758 Maydan ’24 (1010 Mace x self) 1 seed

Lot 22 so close to 300 Watermelon club -- 35
•291.5 VanBeck ‘22 (CC Burpee x 305 Vial) 3 seeds
•291.2 Mudd ’21 (332 Mudd x self) 2 seeds
•291 VanBeck ’22 (305 Vial DMG x self) 3 seeds
Bonus seeds
•302.5 Mudd ‘22 (305 Mudd x self) 2 seeds
10 seeds total

Lot 23 “Young’s Melon Mix” (2 sets) -- 50 40
•300.5 J Young ’18 (146.5 J Young x Sib) IL. State Record 3 seed
•260.5 Young ’21 (300.5 Young x Sib) 4 seeds
•248.5 Young ’21 (146.5 Young x Sib) 4 seeds
•236 Young ’21 (124 Young x 146.5 Young) +10 4 seeds
•216.5 Young ’21 (146.5 Young x self) 3 seeds
•124 Young ’20 (341 Mudd x 146.5 Young) 4 seeds
Total 22 Watermelon Seeds

Lot 24 Garden of Giants (2 sets) Best Genetics in the World!! Grow Everything!! -- 45 40
-Giant Onion Glazebrook WR strain (10 seeds)
-Giant Beetroot WR strain (2 seed pods)
-Giant Cornish Cabbage (10 seeds)
-Giant Celery WR strain (10 Seeds)
-Giant Turnip “from a 22 pounder” (10 seeds)

Lot 25 Garden of Giants (2 sets) Best Genetics in the world grow everything!! -- 45 40
-Giant Parsnip (5 seeds)
-Giant Swede (Rutabaga) WR strain 118 pounder (10 seeds)
-Giant Aubergine (Eggplant) Bennett WR Strain 5.6 grew the New World Record (4 seeds)
-Giant Carrots “same Strain that pro

12/29/2024 9:28:02 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 25 Garden of Giants (2 sets) Best Genetics in the world grow everything!! -- 45 40
-Giant Parsnip (5 seeds)
-Giant Swede (Rutabaga) WR strain 118 pounder (10 seeds)
-Giant Aubergine (Eggplant) Bennett WR Strain 5.6 grew the New World Record (4 seeds)
-Giant Carrots “same Strain that produced the 22.44 pounder grown by Chris Qualley” (15+ seeds)
-Giant Radish WR strain (5 seeds)

Lot 26 Orange mix (2 sets) -- 25 25
•1175 Gfeller’21 (1469.5 x 1215 Young) 1 seed
•958 Cook ‘22 (1965.5 Rodebaugh x 2195 Theil) HD winner 2 seeds
•845.5 Kueny ‘22 (1157 Zaychkowsky x self) HD winner 1 seed
•789 Grubbs ‘20 (1317 Clementz x 1810 Werner) 1 seeds
•453.6 Kueny ‘22 ( 1157 Zaychkowsky x self) HD Winner 2 seeds
1175 845.5 453.6

Lot 27 HD Magic -- 35
1528.5 Montsma ’21 (1665 MacDonald x Self) HD Winner 1 seed
1253 Ganstine ’23 (2493 Wolf x self) HD Winner 1 seed
983 Bongers ’24 (1170 Bongers x 1965.5 Rodebaugh) HD Winner 1 seed

Lot 28 Gebert’s Great season for Giant Field Pumpkins Mother/daughter Proven (2 sets) -- 30 25
•180 Gebert ’24 (126 Gebert x Sib) 3
rd largest in the world 2024 (4 seeds)
•126 Gebert ’23 (211 MacKinnon x self) 4 seeds

Lot 29 Orange Mix ( 2 sets) -- 30 30
•1842 Hoornstra ’23 (1885.5 Werner x 2365 Wolf) 1 seed
•1782 Montsma ’23 (2006 Wolf x 2046 Montsma) 1 seed
•1680 Young ‘22 (1885.5 Werner x 1905 Rose) HD winner 1 seed
•1250.5 Jacobson ‘22 (1883 Bayuk x self) 1 seed

Lot 30 HD winners (2 sets) -- 35 30
•950.5 Gardiner ’21 (1625 Gansert x Self) HD winner 1 seed
•672 Wolfley ‘21 ( 1059 Vincent x self) HD winner 1 seed
•531 Friermood ‘21 (1002 Ailts x 704 Ailts) HD winner 1 seed
•529 Baker ‘22 (1002 Ailts x self) 1 seed

Lot 31 Engel Orange (2 sets) -- 35 30
•1170 Engel ‘23 (1461 Rodebaugh x 8

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Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 31 Engel Orange (2 sets) -- 35 30
•1170 Engel ‘23 (1461 Rodebaugh x 840 Engel) HD winner 1 seed
•966 Engel ‘23 (840 Engel x 1461 Rodebaugh) 1 seed
•823 Engel EST ‘23 ( 1454 Engel x 1464 Rodebaugh) 1 seed
•636 Engel ‘22 ( 1454 Engel x self) HD winner 1 seed
•616 Engel ‘22 ( 1454 Engel x self) HD winner 1 seed
1170 966 823 636 612

Lot 32 Young’s HD magic (2 sets) -- 30 30
•1503.5 Young ’23 (839 Sandercock x 1552 Young) 1 seed HD Winner
•1065.5 Young ’23 (1442 Young x 839 Sandercock) 1 seed HD Winner
•600.5 Young ’23 (1552 Young x self) 1 seed
1503.5. 1065.5. 600.5

Lot 33 Catching Fire Ladies of HD (2 sets) -- 25 20
•920 Edwards ’23 (1303 Yohe x 808 Grubs) 1 seed
•1080 Baker ‘22 (1965.5 Rodebaugh x self) 1 seed
•976 B. Anderson ‘22 (1540.5 Anderson x self) HD Winner 1 seed
•728 Baker ‘23 (612 Baker x Self) HD Winner 1 seed
920 1080 976 728

Lot 34 Prettiest Pumpkins (2 sets) -- 30 20
•1025 Bierle ’20 (1810 Werner x self) HD Winner 1 seed
•1088 Miller ‘23 (2493 Wolf x self) HD Winner 1 seed
•646 Shuck ‘23 (899 McWilliams x self) 1 seed

Lot 35 Minnesota Orange & HD (2 sets) -- 30 25
•1175 Amundson ‘23 (2069 Stelts x self) 5% heavy to chart 1 seed
•894 Rickard ‘23 (642 Grubbs x self) 2nd place HD winner at Nowthen heritage festival. 1 seed
•776.5 Zachmeier ‘23 (531 Friermood x self) Most Beautiful at the Minnesota State Fair! 1 seed
•716 Amundson ‘23 (1461 Rodebaugh x 2069 Stelts) 7 % Heavy to chart 3rd place HD winner at
Nowthen Heritage Festival 1 seed

Lot 36 1 Ton orange (2 sets) --40 40
•2052 Thompson’23 (2424 Caspers x self) 1 seed
•2040.5 Leer ‘23 (2424 Caspers x 1508 Leer) 2 seeds
•1970.5 Turner ‘23 (1643 New x self) 1 seed
•1930 Turner 

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Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 36 1 Ton orange (2 sets) --40 40
•2052 Thompson’23 (2424 Caspers x self) 1 seed
•2040.5 Leer ‘23 (2424 Caspers x 1508 Leer) 2 seeds
•1970.5 Turner ‘23 (1643 New x self) 1 seed
•1930 Turner ‘23 (1783 New x 1643 New) 1 seed

Lot 37 Utah State Record “Hot Seed” (2 sets) -- 35 30
•2287 Sadiq ‘22 ( 1885.5 Werner x 2183.7 Mendi) grew 3 over a ton first year out and all heavy to chart!!
1 seed

Lot 38 Caleb’s Killer Season!! 1727 doing it’s thing!!! (2 sets) -- 65 60
•2419 Jacobus ’24 (1727 Jacobus x Sib) 1 seed
•2357 Jacobus ’24 (1727 Jacobus x Sib) 1 seed
•2210 Jacobus ’22 (2520 Schmit x 2702 Cutrupi) 1 seed

Lot 39 Dawson’s 300 pound near miss -- 40
•299.4 Dawson ’23 (255 Mitchell x Sib) 3 seeds 15% Heavy
•270 Dawson ’23 (285 Edwards x 274 Kent) 3 seeds
•269.1 Dawson ’23 (273 Dawson x 274 Kent) 3 seeds
299.4 270 269.1

Lot 40 Gantner’s Great season (2 sets) -- 30 30
•6.81 Gantner ’23 (5.43 D. Gantner x Open) (5 seeds)
•6.39 Gantner ’23 (8.105 DMG MacDonald x Open) (5 seeds)
•6.36 Gantner ’23 (8.105 DMG MacDonald x Open) (5 seeds)
•6.33 Gantner ’23 (9.06 Brown – Clone x Open) (5 seeds)
•6.20 Gantner ’23 (9.06 Brown – Clone x Open) (5 seeds)
•5.68 Gantner ’23 (9.06 Brown – Clone x Open) (5 seeds)

Lot 41 Sunflower “Widehead” (2 sets) -- 125 125
•Fortey Sunflower seeds World Record heaviest in 2022 (2 seeds)
•26” Checketts ‘21 (28” Rose x Open) 6 seeds
•25” Humbert French Record 4 seeds
•25” Minton 8 seeds
25” Humbert 26” Checketts Fortey seeds

12/29/2024 9:35:54 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 42 “Death By Fire” Hottest peppers in the world with heat so intense, the inferno will feel like it
came from the depths of hell!!!! 12 fiery varieties 5 seeds each (60 seeds Total) 2 sets --
•Dragon's Breath
•Chocolate Reaper
•Carolina Reaper
•Death Spiral
•Death Spiral x Primotalii
•Bhut Jolokia (Ghost)
•Leopard Reaper Gold
•Trinidad Viper Brown
•Aji Cachucha Purple Splotched
•KS Lemon Starrburst
•Red Moruga Scorpio
Dragons Breath Chocolate Reaper Death Spiral Primotalii. Leopard Reaper gold
Trinidad viper Aji Cachucha lemon Scorpion. Ghost

Lot 43 (2 sets) proven world record maker -- 60 60
•9.06Brown ‘21 (5.32 Howell/Jolivette x Open) Minnesota State Record 3 seeds
Grew the WR 11.65 Faust and many 6-8+ pound fruit!

Lot 44 Tall Sunflowers (2 sets) -- 50 45
•DeRycke Tall sunflower seeds….these seeds grew the new USA Record at 26.5 feet tall 5 seeds
•20’ Babich cross pollinated with the former US record 5 seeds
•20’ 3” Brown Minnesota State Record 5 seeds
20’ 3” DeRycke

Lot 45 “orange and big” (2 sets) -- 20 15
•2037.5 Crews ‘23 (2006 Wolf x 2537 Crews) Beautiful Orange 1 seed
•1807.5 Janowaik ‘23 (1940 Urena x self) Beautiful Orange 1 seed
•1707 Yohe UOW DMG ‘23 (2405 Gunstrom x Sib) Beautiful Orange 1 seed
2037.5 1807.5 1707

Lot 46 Bongers Break out season beat his personal best by nearly 600 pounds (2 sets) -- 25 20
•2024 Bongers ‘23 (2006 Wolf x 2554 Andrusz) 1 seed
•1758 Bongers ‘23 (2554 Andrusz x 1747.5 Handy) 1 seed
•1170 Bongers ‘23 (1745.5 Handy x 2006) 1 seed +12 heavy 150 sq ft patch 1 seed

Lot 47 Jerry’s HD Dominance -- 25
•920 Gibson ’22 (1727 Companion x Self) HD winner 1 seed
•1182 Gibson ’23 (2350 Gienger x 2405 Gunstrom)

12/29/2024 9:48:49 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 47 Jerry’s HD Dominance -- 25
•920 Gibson ’22 (1727 Companion x Self) HD winner 1 seed
•1182 Gibson ’23 (2350 Gienger x 2405 Gunstrom) HD winner 1 seed
•1308 Gibson ’24 (2360 Montsma x 2222 Gienger) HD Winner 2 seeds
•532 Gibson ’24 (2266 Kisamore x 2222 Gienger) HD winner 2 seeds

Lot 48 Gansert’s Glowing Orange Mega Pack (2 sets) -- 15 NS
•1031.5 Gansert ’18 (816.5 Gansert x open) HD winner 1 seed
•900 Gansert ’15 (359 Foss x 993.2 Vincent & McGill) HD Winner 1 seed
•851 Gansert ’15 (993.2 Vincent & McGill x Sibbed) 1 seed
•778 Gansert ’16 (811 Gerhardt x 1000.5 Gansert) HD Winner 1 seed
•655.5 Gansert ’17 (975.5 Gansert x 816 Gansert) 1 seed
•621.5 Gansert ’17 (778 Gansert x 377 Zunino) 1 seed

Lot 49 John’s Magical season Squashing his PB by over 500 pounds!! Bright orange!! (2 sets) -- 20 NS
•2140 Pritchard ‘23 (1620 Pritchard x 1625.5 Gantner) HD winner 1 seed
•1620 Pritchard ‘21 (2226.7 BoonenHerman x 1940 Urena) 1 seed “Proven 1 ton maker”

Lot 50A Watermelon “Grower of The Year” (2 sets) -- 20 20
•309.5 McCaslin ’24 (242 Wolf x Self) Heaviest in the world 2024 (4 seeds)
•276.2 McCaslin ’24 (276.8 Miller x self) 11% heavy 4 seeds
•262.2 McCaslin ’24 (309 McCaslin x self) 10% heavy 4 seeds
•256 McCaslin ’24 (146.5 Young x self) 6% heavy 4 seeds

Lot 50B (1 set) -- 60
•324 McCaslin ’19 (146.5 Young x self) 2 seeds
•309 McCaslin 2022 (301.5 McCaslin x Self) 4 Seeds
•301.5 McCaslin ’21 (305 Mudd x self) 2 seeds
•298 McCaslin 2021 (220.5 Smiley x Self) 4 Seeds

Lot 51 Wallace Whoppers Wows in 2024 (2 sets) -- 55 50
•2207 ’24 (2344.5 Wallace x 2365 Wolf) 1 seed
•2125.5 ’24 (2365 Wolf x 2344.5 Wallace) 1 seed

Lot 52 Mother/ Daught

12/29/2024 9:59:00 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 52 Mother/ Daughter Stelts “both Proven” 1 Ton Maker (2 sets) -- 40 35
•2342 Stelts ‘22 (1953 Daletas x 1885.5 Werner) +13% Heavy 1 seed
•2376.5 Stelts ‘23 (2342 Stelts x 1912 Stelts) +9% heavy 1 seed
##2376.5 grew the 2531 Stelts this year##

Lot 53 Mother/Daughter Stelts “Proven” 1 ton maker (2 sets) -- 20 15
•2243 Stelts ‘22 (1686.5 Stelts x 1953 Daletas) + 10 heavy 1 seed
•2227 Stelts ‘23 (2243 Stelts x 2164 Stelts) 1 seed

Lot 54 The Paton’s powerhouse “PROVEN” seed (2 sets) -- 70 70
• 2020 Paton DMG ’23 (2365 Wolf x 2907 Paton) 1 seed
##Grew the 2641.1(6th largest pumpkin of all time)##
2020 DMG

Lot 55 Mother/ Daughter Stelts “Proven” 1 ton maker (2 sets) -- 20 15
•1912.5 Stelts ‘22 (1885.5 Werner x 1686.5 Stelts) 1 seed
•2109 Stelts ‘23 (1912.5 Stelts x 2243 Stelts) 1 seed
•2004.5 Stelts ‘23 (1912.5 Stelts x 2165 Stelts) 1 seed

Lot 56 “California Dreaming Records” -- 25
•2497 Kennedy Root ’23 (2560 Gienger x 2554 Andrusz) +7 CA. State Record
•2036 Kennedy Root ’23 (1953 Daletas x 2554 Andrusz) +6

Lot 57 Super orange & Heavy!! -- 35
•2062 Corbin ’23 (2287 Sadiq x 1904.5 Sperry) +15 heavy HD Winner 1 seed
•1845 Hatton UOW DMG ‘23 (1783 New x 1541 McMillin) 10 % heavy beautiful orange 1 seed
2062 1845

Lot 58 Paton Power exhibit A “would ya look at that cross” “would ya look at that” -- 50
2639.4 Paton ’24 (1727 Jacobus x 2907 Paton) 1 seed

LOT 59 Paton Power exhibit B -- 85
WOW just WOW the power of the 2365 and the 1885.5 crossed with the
genetics out of the former world record…. The seed is truly beast mode.
•2641.1 Paton ’24 (2020 Paton DMG x 1727 Jacobus) 1 seed

12/29/2024 10:37:40 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


LOT 59 Paton Power exhibit B -- 85
WOW just WOW the power of the 2365 and the 1885.5 crossed with the
genetics out of the former world record…. The seed is truly beast mode.
•2641.1 Paton ’24 (2020 Paton DMG x 1727 Jacobus) 1 seed

Lot 60 “West Virginia Boulders Heavy, Heavy Mountain Mama” -- 25
•2144.5 Rodebaugh ’23 (1965.5 Rodebaugh x 1707.5 Caspers) +23 insane heavy 1 seed
•2025.7 Rodebaugh ’23 (1707.5 Caspers x 1965.5 Rodebaugh) +16 heavy 1 seed
•1229.7 Rodebaugh ’23 (1526 Burchette x 1965.5 Rodebaugh) +17 heavy 150 sq ft winner 2023 1 seed
2144.5 2025.7

Lot 61 “Pumpkin King in the Land of the Midnight Sun” (2 sets) -- 50 50
•2147 Marshall ’22 (2183 Mendi x 2365 Wolf) +10 Heavy Alaska State Record 1 seed
“Proven” monster maker Grew the 2457 LeBlanc @ + 19% and the 2023.5 @ +8%

Lot 62 Brad’s 6,200 Pounds of Pumpkins (2 sets) -- 35 35
•2190 Bledsoe ’24 (2560 Gienger x Sibbed) Colorado State Record 1 seed
•2083 Bledsoe ’24 (2560 Gienger x 2287 Sadiq) 1 seed
•1955 Bledsoe ’24 (2287 Sadiq x 2365 Wolf) 1 seed

Lot 63 Pete’s “Proven” (2 sets) -- 35 35
•1707.5 Caspers ’21 (2551.9 Mendi x 2200 Wolf) 1 seed
## grew 4 over 1 ton and all heavy to chart ##

Lot 64 Dawson’s New PB (2 sets) -- 45 40
•2465 Dawson ’24 (2560 Gienger x 2006 Wolf) 1 seed

Lot 65 The Granite State Boulder 2 sets -- 50 50
•2457 LeBlanc ’24 (2147 Marshall x 2222 Gienger) +19 (1 seed)

Lot 66 “The Orange Mavericks beautiful and big offspring” -- 30 25
•2360 Montsma ’23 (1300 Gienger x 2006 Wolf) +5 heavy 1 seed
•1782 Montsma ’23 (2006 Wolf x 2046 Montsma) beautiful orange 1 seed
2360 1782

Lot 67 “The Orange Maverick” Proven 1 ton maker -- 50
The rarest seed and only seed crossed with Maverick Travis has jus

12/29/2024 11:03:31 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)



[Last edit: 12/29/24 11:12:53 PM]

12/29/2024 11:11:30 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 67 “The Orange Maverick” Proven 1 ton maker -- 50
The rarest seed and only seed crossed with Maverick Travis has just a few seeds left!! Produces orange
and enormous!! Grew the Beautiful 2360 Montsma
•1300 Gienger ‘22 (1885.5 Werner x sib.”North American Record”) 1 seed

Lot 68 “The Wisconsin Surprise”(2 sets) -- 20 MS
•2420 Mathiowetz ’23 (1727 Jacobus x 1890 Mathiowetz) +17 Heavy Former Wisconsin State Record 1

Lot 69 “missed it by that much” almost a new WR -- 75
2731.5 Stelts ’24 (2144 Barron x 2143 Stelts) 18% heavy 1 seed

Lot 70 “Pure Michigan Magic” -- 85
2670 Thompson ’24 (2465.5 Sperry x 2560 Gienger) 13% Heavy 1 seed
New Michigan State Record 4
th Heaviest Pumpkin to ever hit the scales!!

Lot 71 “Big, Big, Heavy, Heavy” Now “Proven” (2 sets) -- 35 35
•2404 Barron ’23 (2365 Wolf x Sib) +11 MI. State Record 1 seed
First year out grew the 2252.5 Chan

Lot 72 “The game changer?” -- 105
•2907 Paton DMG (1885.5 Werner x 2356.7 Mendi) Largest pumpkin/Fruit ever on this planet OTT was
Literally “Off The Charts”coming in at an astonishing 538 OTT.Grower is out of seeds.
This Gorgeous
Gourd Has cemented the resolve that 3,000 will happen!!! 1 seed

Lot 73 “Great Ball of Fire” HD to the Max Hot Hot Hot Seed (2 sets) -- 75 70
2453 Sherwood ’24 (2069 Stelts x 1620 Pritchard) +9 HD winner 1 seed

Lot 74 Bernstrom Beast Largest Ott on Legal Fruit ever 515” (2 Sets) -- 30 25
•2501 Bernstrom ’23 (2560 Gienger x 1989.5 Conway) 1 seed
•2131 Bernstrom ‘23 (1989.5 Conway) x 2560 Gienger)8% heavy 1 seed

Lot 75 Belgium’s Big one!! -- 40
•2557.4 Van Geel ’24 (2560 Gienger x 2209 Boonen Herman) 12 % heavy 1 seed

Lot 76 Danish Record -- 50
•2459.9 Holst Olsen ’24 (2319.3

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Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 76 Danish Record -- 50
•2459.9 Holst Olsen ’24 (2319.3 Stoeckl x self) 1 seed

Lot 77 Stelts “Other Big One” -- 45
•2531 Stelts ’24 (2376.5 Stelts x 2344.5 Wallace) 1 seed

Lot 78 Werner Extra Extra Heavy plus HD Winner -- 60
•2369 Werner ’24 (1865 Werner x 2447 Cutrupi) HD Winner 1 seed

Lot 79 Ford “Like a Rock” -- 75
•2551 Ford ’24 (2177 Ford x 2042 Kisamore) 26% Heavy 1 seed
## Heaviest pumpkin in terms of percent heavy to chart ever weighed over a ton##

Lot 80 Ford “One Ton” PROVEN Heavy Producer!! -- 155
•2177 Ford ’23 (1885.5 Werner x 1935 Ford) 1 seed
First year out and just two seeds planted both of them going double digits, heavy to chart, including Jim’s
2551 going a staggering 26% HEAVY TO CHART!!!! Hot Hot Hot seed

Lot 81 Sleeper seed” now a Proven Powerhouse (2 sets) -- 150 150
•1727 Jacobus ‘22 (2702.9 Cutrupi x 2520 Schmit) Grew the 2420 Mathiowetz”Grew the Paton’s 2639.4
and the 2158.3 also grew the Jacobus 2419 and 2357!!! Yes that’s 5 over a ton and with one being
almost 100 pounds away from the world record.

12/29/2024 11:38:58 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 82 Barron Ultimate “PROVEN” Boulder (2 sets) -- 130 130
•2144 Barron ’22 (2183.7 Mendi x 1885.5 Werner) +19% heavy (1 seed) a proven monster maker. This
seed-has grown 5 over 2000 pounds in just the last two years including one that got within 18 pounds of
the world record. This cross from this pumpkin is literally the two best seeds on earth!!

Lot 83 Gienger the one that got away 3K?? -- 75
•2222 DMG Gienger ’23 (2365 Wolf x 2365 Sib WR)
1 seed

Lot 84 Gienger World Record AG -- 110
•2749 Gienger ’23 (2365 Wolf x Sib) +14 heavy New World Record (low seed count) 1 seed

Lot 85 Sperry’s Super Star Seed!! -- 150
•2465.5 ’23 (2365 Wolf x 1832.5 Graham) 13% Heavy 1 seed
## Grew the 2670 Thompson & 2032 Scott 1st year out!!##

Lot 86 Maverick “Flying to new Heights” Ultra PROVEN!!!! -- 240
One of just a few seeds ever in history to produce a 2500 pound pumpkin first year out, its company is
shared by the 2365 Wolf and 2183.7 Mendi Get this “Super seed” and turn your highflying dreams into a
reality!! 11 pumpkins in the last 2 years over a ton (also countless personal best off the seed)
•2560 Gienger ‘22 ( 1885.5 Werner x Sib) Proven 1 ton maker!! 1 seed

Lot 87 -- 950
“The Wolf Dynasty” a seed that has brought our hobby to the next level
Extremely sought after
and rare. This seed has grown more 1 ton plus pumpkins than any other seed that has ever existed. 32
pumpkins over a ton!! Countless state records and personal bests!! And this seed has raised the bar in
this hobby with a brand new world record!! This is your time this is your chance! Get the best genetics
on Earth and get a chance at history!! Most PROVEN seed ever!!
•2365 Wolf ’21 (1885.5 Werner x 2174 Daletas) 1 seed

12/29/2024 11:47:45 PM

Total Posts: 15 Current Server Time: 2/22/2025 3:37:04 AM
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