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Subject:  Southern Iowa GPG Association #2 auction 2023/2024

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Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Southern Iowa Giant Pumpkin
Growers Association

Lot 1 -- Corbin AGs (3 seeds each) -- 25
2062 Corbin ’23 (2287 Sadiq x 1904.5 Sperry) +15% HD
2014 Corbin ’24 (2062 Corbin x 2365 Wolf) +8%
1678 Corbin ’24 (2365 Wolf x 2062 Corbin)

Lot 2 -- Gebert Field Pumpkins (6 seeds each) -- 30
180 Gebert ’24 (Gebert 126 x sib)
126 Gebert ’23 (Mackinnon x self)

Lot 3 -- Amato and Mac Donald Bushel Gourds (3 sets) ( 3 seeds each ) -- 30 25 25
344.5 Amato ‘24 (470.5 Connolly x self) +2% World’s #3 ‘24 Ohio State Record
308 MacDonald ‘22 UOW (331 Brown x self)
299.5MacDonald ‘24 (308.5 MacDonald x self)
296 MacDonald ‘24 (308 MacDonald x self) +18%

Lot 4 -- Urena AGs (2 sets) -- 40 40
2390 Urena ’24 (2365 Wolf x 2447 Cutrupi) +12%
1986 Urena ’24 DMG (1940 Urena x 2365 Wolf)

Lot 5 -- Jolivette Green *Squash* (2 sets) -- 30 30
*1415* Jolivette ’24 (1109* Jutras x 1264* Pierpont) +14%
*988* Jolivette ’24 (1264* Pierpont x self) +8%

Lot 6 -- Bernstrom AGs (2 sets) -- 40 35
2080 Bernstrom ’24 (2365 Wolf x 2501 Bernstrom) +3%
2070.5 Bernstrom ’24 (2501 Bernstrom x 2749 Gienger) +6%
2004 Bernstrom ’24 (2749 Gienger x 2501 Bernstrom) +7%

12/28/2024 11:27:27 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 7 -- MacDonald and Young Tomatoes (4 sets) (5 seeds each) -- 30 25 20 20
8.42 MacDonald ‘24 (9.06 Brown x open)
5.40 MacDonald ‘24 (6.15 MacDonald x open)
4.99 Young ‘24 (7.11 LaRue x open)
4.42 Young ‘24 (8.61 Sutherland x open)
4.19 Young ‘24 (7.25 Young x open)
4.03 Young ‘24 (9.06 Brown x open)
3.70 Young ‘24 (7.88 Butler x open)

Lot 8 -- Daletas and Wiltermood AGs (2 Sets) -- 30 30
2387 Daletas ’24 (1885.5 Werner x 1357 Wolf) +5%
1938 Daletas “24 (2365 Wolf x 1357 Wolf)
1794.5 Wiltermood ’24 (1953 Daletas x 1357 Wolf) +3%

Lot 9 -- Rogers and Vaughn Watermelons (3 sets) -- NS
274 Rogers’24 (308 Kent x self) +9% (4 seeds) MS State Record
271 Vaughn ’24 241 Vial x self) (8 seeds)

Lot 10 -- Young (Beautiful Orange) AGs (4 sets) -- 35 30 25 25
1503.5 Young ‘23 (839 Sandercock x 1552 Young) +10%
1416 Young ‘24 (1503 Young x 839 Sandercock) +5%
1334.5 Young ‘24 (1065.5 Young x 839 Sandercock)
1065.5 Young ‘23 (1442 Young x 839 Sandercock)

Lot 11 -- Bledsoe AGs -- 50
2190 Bledsoe ’24 (2560 Gienger x sib)
2083 Bledsoe “24 (2560 Gienger x 2287 Sadiq)
1955 Bledsoe ’24 (2287 Sadiq x 2365 Wolf) +11%

Lot 12 -- Connolly AGs -- 25
2211 Connolly ’24 (2501 Bernstrom x 2222 Gienger) +6%
1955.5 Connolly ’24 (2465 Sperry x 2222 Gienger) +5%
1028 Connolly ’24 (1017 Rondeau x self) +7% 150 sq. ft. Bright Orange

Lot 13 -- Gould *Squash* and Roof AGs (2 Sets) -- NS
1548.5 Roof ’24 (1940 Urena x 2243 Stelts) +6%
1465 Roof ’24 (2243 Stelts x 1940 Urena) +11%
*938* Gould ’24 (*1109* Jutras x *926.5* Gould)

Lot 14 -- Gould Field Pumpkins -- 45
177.5 Gould’24 (191 Kapelari x 235 Razo) +8%
154 Gould ’24 (235 Razo x 191 Kapelari)
104.5 Gould ’24 (235 Razo x 191 Kapelari x 101.5 Rad.)

Lot 15 -- MacDonald and Young Long Gourds (4 sets) (3 seeds each) -- 20 NS
139.88 MacDona

12/28/2024 11:30:13 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 15 -- MacDonald and Young Long Gourds (4 sets) (3 seeds each) -- 20 NS
139.88 MacDonald ‘24 (144.25 MacDonald x self)
134.88 Young ‘24 (149 Jutras x open)

Lot 16 -- Bennett Cantaloupe and Field Pumpkin (2 sets) -- 20 20
62 Bennett ’23 (52 Bennett x self) IA State Record (10 seeds)
111.5 Bennett ’24 (121 Bakken x self) FP (3 seeds)

Lot 17 – Caspers and Lint Bushel Gourds (2 sets) -- 25 20
269.5 Caspers ’24 (unknown) +13% (4 seeds)
245 Lint ’24 (235 Lint x self) (5 seeds)

Lot 18 -- Caspers AGs (3 sets) -- 20 20 20
1933.5 Caspers ’24 (2401 Bernstrom x 1707.5 Caspers) +2%
1844.5 Caspers ’24 (2025.7 Rodebaugh x 2501 Bernstrom) +6% HD
1286 Caspers ’24 (1959.5 Anderson x 2025.7 Rodebaugh) 61 days old

Lot 19 -- Jolivette Tomatoes (2 sets) -- 20 20
7.44 Jolivette ’23 (11.65 Faust x open) DMG (4 seeds)
7.28 Jolivette ’23 (11.65 Faust x open) UOW DMG (5 seeds)
7.06 Jolivette ’23 (5.32 H/J x open) (5 seeds)
6.47 Jolivette ’23 (8.40 Marley x open) (4 seeds)

Lot 20 -- Amato Tall Sunflower and Tall Corn -- 20
17’ Amato Tall Sunflower (8 seeds)
16’9” Amato ‘24 Tall Corn (20 seeds)

Lot 21 -- Rodebaugh AGs (Heavies to chart) -- 25
2144.5 Rodebaugh ‘23 (1965.5 Rodebaugh x 1707.5 Caspers) +23%
2025.7 Rodebaugh ‘16 (1707.5 Caspers x 1965.5 Rodebaugh) +16%

Lot 22 -- Gansert Orange AGs (2 seeds each) -- 20
1175 Gansert est. (1634.5 Rea x 1020.5 Gansert)
1104 Gansert ’24 (1175 Gansert x 1552 Young) HD
1078 Gansert ’23 (1552 Young x 1634.5 Rea)

Lot 23 -- Clayton Tomatoes -- 20
8.68 Clayton ‘24 (5.04 Clayton x open) (15 seeds) World #3 ‘24
7.69 Clayton ‘23 (6.48 Young x open) MegaDom (12 seeds)
5.00 Clayton ‘24 (unknown) (25 seeds)

12/28/2024 11:33:57 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 24 -- Rodebaugh and Otto Watermelons -- 30
242.6 Rodebaugh ’24 (267.8 Vial x self) (5 seeds) WV State Record
240 Otto ’24 (286 Young x 300.5 Young) (5 seeds)
223.6 Otto ’24 (305 Young x self) (10 seeds)
175.5 Otto ’24 (300.5 Young x 286 Young) (5 seeds)

Lot 25 -- Kueny Orange AGs (2 sets) -- 20 NS
1496 Kueny ’24 (1110 Jacobs UOW x self) +5% HD (3 seeds)

Lot 26 -- Lint Eggplants (10 seeds each) -- 30
7.77 Lint ’24 (5.6 Bennett x self) #2 Largest in the world
7.1 Lint ’24 (4.6 Brown x self)

Lot 27 -- Montsma and Lint (HD Winners) (2 sets) -- 25 20
1424.5 Montsma ’24 (2360 Montsma x 2554 Andrusz) +6%
1279 Lint ’24 (2006 Wolf x 2144.5 Rodebaugh) +1% HD

Lot 28 -- Cleveland AG (Orange Beauty) (4 sets) -- 20 20 NS NS
1293.5 Cleveland ‘24 (2168.5 Werner x 2465 Sperry)

Lot 29 -- New AGs Orange -- 30
1976 New ’24 (1783 New x 2006 Wolf) +8% HD
1480 New ’24 (1931 Turner x 2006 Wolf) +1%

Lot 30 -- Gantner Tomatoes -- 20
6.91 Gantner ’24 (6.33 Gantner x open) (4 seeds) Domingo
6.22 Gantner ’24 (6.81 Gantner x open) (4 seeds) Domingo
5.76 Gantner ’24 (6.81 Gantner x open) (5 seeds) Domingo
5.30 Gantner ’24 (8.355 Strickler x open) (4 seeds) Mega Dom

Lot 31 -- Amato, Burchette and MacDonald Bushel Gourds -- 20
344.5 Amato ‘24 (470.5 Connolly x self) +2% World #3 ‘24 Ohio State Record (3 seeds)
309.5 Burchette ‘24 (384.5 Terry x open) +4% (3 seeds)
308 MacDonald ‘22 UOW (331 Brown x self) (3 seeds)
299.5 MacDonald ‘24 (308.5 MacDonald x self) (3 seeds)
296 MacDonald ‘24 (308 MacDonald x self) +18% (3 seeds)
281 Burchette ‘24 (384.5 Terry x open) +3% (2 seeds)

Lot 32 -- Sexton AGs -- 25
1904 Sexton ’24 (2501 Bernstrom x sib) +4% (2 seeds)
1886 Sexton ’24 (2388 Liggett x 2501 Bernstrom) +3% HD

Lot 33 -- Yohe Field Pumpkins Mother/Daughter (2 Sets) -- 35 30
166 Yohe ’24 (75 Yoh

12/28/2024 11:38:23 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 33 -- Yohe Field Pumpkins Mother/Daughter (2 Sets) -- 35 30
166 Yohe ’24 (75 Yohe x sib) +18% (2 seeds)
75 Yohe ’24 (268 Baggs x self) +4% grew 166 & 157 Yohe (3 seeds)

Lot 34 -- Courson Long Gourds (2 sets) -- 20 20
151.75 Courson ’24 (159 Jutras x self) MN State Record (2 seeds)
145.25 Courson ’24 (159 Jutras x self) (3 seeds)
144.88 Courson ’24 (159 Jutras x self) (3 seeds)

Lot 35 -- Crawford and Otto Watermelons -- 25
262.7 Crawford ’24 (276.8 Miller x 341.5 Vial) (4 seeds) MO State Record
243 Crawford ’24 (326 Kent x self) (4 seeds)
240 Otto ’24 (286 Young x 300.5 Young) (6 seeds)
224.5 Crawford ’24 (301.5 McCaslin x self) (4 seeds)

Lot 36 -- Bennett Eggplant (Monster Maker) (2 sets) -- 25 20
5.6 Bennett ’22 (4 seeds) Grew the 7.77 Lint and the 8.33 World Record

Lot 37 -- Prochaska Butternut and Cantaloupe (World & State Records) (4 sets) -- 20 NS NS NS
78 Prochaska ‘24 BN (131 Loris x open) (4 seeds) KS State Record
76.12 Prochaska ‘22 CAN (66.9 Bright x open) (6 seeds) World Record
74.28 Prochaska ‘22 CAN (59.6 Prochaska x open) (6 seeds)
70 Prochaska ‘24 CAN (76.12 Prochaska x sib) (6 seeds)

Lot 38 -- Jutras AG and *Squash* -- 30
*1778* Jutras ’24 (1109 Jutras x self) +6% World #2 in 2024
1671 Jutras ’24 (2501 Bernstrom x 2465 Sperry) + 9%

Lot 39 -- Jutras Long Gourds -- 25
159 Jutras ’23 (121 Eaton x 148 Gfeller) (2 seeds)
149.19 Jutras ’23 (121 Eaton x 136 LeBlanc) (3 seeds)
145.88 Jutras ’23 (115 Eaton x 121 Eaton) (3 seeds)
135.19 Jutras ’24 (121 Eaton x 159 Jutras) (3 seeds)

Lot 40 -- LeBlanc AG (2 Sets) -- 45 45
2457 LeBlanc ’24 (2147 Marshall x 2222 Gienger) +19%

Lot 41 -- Laub AGs (2 Sets) -- 25 20
2289 Laub ’24 (900 Corbin x 1940 Urena) +12% (2 seeds)
2189 Laub ’24 (2222 Gienger x 1940 Urena) +1%
1838 Laub ’24 (1940 Urena x 900 Corbin) +4% (2 seeds)

12/28/2024 11:38:52 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 42 -- Fleser and Scott AGs (2 sets) -- 30 25
2080 Fleser Est ‘24 (1247 Bailey x 1975 Fleer) (2 seeds)
2032 Scott ’24 (2465.5 Sperry x 1904.5 Sperry) +14%
1975.5 Fleser ‘23 (1707.5 Caspers x 2554 Andrusz) +13%
1776 Fleser ‘24 (2365 Wolf x 1975.5 Fleser) (2 seeds)
1460 Fleser ‘24 (2404 Barron x 1975.5 Fleser) (2 seeds) HD

Lot 43 -- Yohe Tomatoes (2 Sets) Domingos -- 25 25
8.17 Yohe ’24 (4.62 Meisner x open) (3 seeds)
6.51 Yohe ’24 (9.06 Brown x open) (5 seeds)
6.44 Yohe ’24 (7.40 Johnson x open) (5 seeds)

Lot 44 -- Trombley Bushel Gourds Mother/Daughter (2 sets) -- 30 25
414 Trombley ’24 (313 Trombley x self) +8% (6 seeds) World #2 ‘24
313 Trombley ’21 (384.5 Terry x 470.5 Connolly) (4 seeds)

Lot 45 -- Trombley AGs ( 2 sets) (2 seeds each) -- 20 NS
2201 Trombley ’24 (2042 Kisamore x 2501 Bernstrom) +8%
1978 Trombley ’24 (2424 Caspers x 2501 Bernstrom) +4%
1677 Trombley ’24 (2283 Trombley x 2424 Caspers) +3%

Lot 46 -- Hoornstra AGs (2 sets) -- 40 35
2226.5 Hoornstra ’24 (2365 Wolf x 2560 Gienger) +3%
2021 Hoornstra ’24 (2560 Gienger x 2365 Wolf) +5%

Lot 47 -- Zappa AGs (2 sets) (2 seeds each) -- 30 25
2315 Zappa DMG ’23 (2144 Bannon x 2405 Gunstrom)
2196 Zappa ’24 (839 Sandercock x 2144 Barron) +5%
1692.5 Zappa ’24 (2315 Zappa DMG x 1321 Sandercock) +3%

Lot 48 -- Mudd Watermelons (2 seeds each) -- 55
341 Mudd ’19 (302 Kent x self) +5%
333.5 Mudd ’19 (305 Mudd x self)
316 Mudd ’19 (199.5 Mudd x self) +3%
293.5 Mudd ’19 (305 Mudd x self) +2%
272 Mudd ’24 (325.4 Mudd x self) +5%

Lot 49 -- Holland AGs -- 25
2035.5 Holland ‘24 (2144 Barron x 2365 Wolf)
1867.5 Holland ‘24 (2365 Wolf x 2144 Barron) +4%
1447 Holland ‘24 (1728 Holland x 2144 Barron)
1351 Holland ‘24 (1824 Holland x 2365 Wolf)
827 Holland ‘24 (1728 Holland x 2144 Barron)

Lot 50 -- Sperr

12/28/2024 11:39:55 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 50 -- Sperry AGs (2 sets) (2 seeds each) -- 35 35
2237.5 Sperry ’24 (2198 Sperry x 2465 Sperry) +3%
1864 Sperry ’24 (2447 Cutrupi x 2465 Sperry) +10%

Lot 51 -- Bratcher Watermelons (2 sets) (2 seeds each) 20 20
268 Bratcher ’24 (276.8 Miller x 302 Kent) #2 OK State Record
224.6 Bratcher ’24 (316 Mudd x self ) +5%

Lot 52 -- Paton AGs -- 85
2257 Paton (2365 Wolf x 1727 Jacobus)
2158 Paton ’24 (1727 Jacobus x 2907 Paton)
2020 Paton DMG ’23 (2365 Wolf x 2907 Paton)

Lot 53 -- Ford AGs -- 50
2048 Ford ’24 (2042 Kisamore x 1727 Jacobus) +9%
1977 Ford ’24 (1727 Jacobus x 2177 Ford) +12%

Lot 54 -- Jolivette Tomatoes (2 sets) (5 seeds each) -- 20 20
6.34 Jolivette ’24 (7.83 Sjodin x open)
6.16 Jolivette ’24 (7.28 Jolivette x open)
6.10 Jolivette ’24 (7.06 Jolivette x open)
5.92 Jolivette ’24 (7.06 Jolivette x open)
5.50 Jolivette ’24 (7.28 Jolivette x open)

Lot 55 -- Montsma AGs (2 sets) (2 seeds each) -- 20 NS
2046 Montsma ‘22 (2520 Schmit x 1189 Wild)
1855 Montsma ‘24 (2360 Montsma x sib) +9%

Lot 56 -- Donahue Green *Squash* (3 Sets) (2 seeds each) -- 30 NS NS
*1419* Donahue ’24 (1701 Jutras x self) +2%

Lot 57 -- Harrington Butternut Squash (3 sets) (2 seeds each) -- 20 20
111 Harrington ’24 (204 Hebb x self)
65 Harrington ’24 (55.5 Brown x self)

Lot 58 -- Harrington Watermelon and Bushel Gourd and Zucchini -- 20 20
232 Harrington ’24 (210.5 Zappa x 299.4 Dawson) (4 seeds)
219.5 Harrington ’24 (299.4 Dawson x 341.5 Vial) (4 seeds)
198 Harrington ’24 (146.5 Young x 210.5 Zappa) (4 seeds)
266.5 Harrington ’24 (384.5 Terry x self) +12% BG (2 seeds)
15.31 Harrington ’24 (12.06 Harrington x self) Zuch (2 seeds)

Lot 59 -- Wallace AGs -- 40
2344.5 Wallace ’23 (2365 Wallace x 1707.5 Caspers) +2 %
2207 Wallace ’24 (2344.5 Wallace x 2365 Wolf) +1%
2125.5 Wallace ’24 (2365 W

12/28/2024 11:40:51 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 60 -- McCaslin Watermelons (2 sets) (4 seeds each) -- 45 40
309.5 McCaslin ’24 (242 Wolf x self) +3% World #1 ‘24
276.2 McCaslin ’24 (276.8 Miller x self) +11% World #3 ‘24
262.2 McCaslin ’24 (309 McCaslin x self) +10%
256 McCaslin ’24 (146.5 Young x self) +6%

Lot 61 -- Pugh AGs (2 sets) -- 25 25
2301 Pugh AG ’24 (2560 Gienger x 2501 Bernstrom) +3%
2250 Pugh DMG ’24 (2501 Bernstrom x 1620 Pritchard) +2%

Lot 62 -- Jolivette and Trombley Tomatoes (2 sets) -- 25 20
10.2 Jolivette ’24 (7.83 Sjodin x open) (4 seeds) World #1 ‘24
7.91 Trombley ’24 (6.48 Young x open) (4 seeds) MI State Record
5.97 Jolivette ’24 (7.44 Jolivette x open) UOW (5 seeds)
5.32 Jolivette ’24 (7.28 Jolivette x open) UOW (5 seeds)
5.36 Jolivette ’24 (7.28 Jolivette x open) UOW (5 seeds)

Lot 63 -- Stelts AGs (2 sets) -- 25 25
2381 Stelts ’24 (2266 Kisamore x 2143 Stelts) +10%
1791 Stelts ’24 (2227 Stelts x 2144 Barron) +10%

Lot 64 -- Sherwood AG #1 Largest HD ’24 (2 sets) -- 55 55
2453 Sherwood ’24 (2069 Stelts x 1620 Pritchard) +9%
Lot 65 -- Stelts AG (2 sets) -- 80 75
2464 Stelts ’24 (2365 Wolf x 2376 Stelts) +5%

Lot 66 -- Dawson AGs (2 sets) -- 50 45
2465 Dawson ’24 (2560 Gienger x 2006 Wolf) +5%

Lot 67 -- Sperry AGs (Throwing Lunker Orange) (2 Sets) -- 180 180
2465.5 Sperry ’23 (2365 Wolf x 1832 Graham) +13%

Lot 68 -- Fleser Field Pumpkins (2 sets) -- 20 20
146 Fleser ‘18 (211 MacKinnon x 181 MacKinnon) (3 seeds)
127 Fleser ‘19 (211 MacKinnon x open) (5 seeds)

Lot 69 -- Stelts AG (2 sets) -- 65 60
2531 Stelts ’24 (2376 Stelts x 2344 Wallace) +8%

12/28/2024 11:41:28 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 70 -- Ford AG (Boulder) -- 90
2551 Ford ’24 (2177 Ford x 2042 Kisamore) +26% WI State Record

Lot 71 -- Faust Tomatoes (5 seeds each) -- 55
7.10 Faust ‘24 (11.65 Faust x open)
6.97 Faust ‘24 (8.32 Faust x open)
6.72 Faust ‘24 (7.94 LaRue x open)
6.49 Faust ‘24 (7.94 LaRue x open)
6.44 Faust ‘24 (7.92 Faust x open)
5.93 Faust ‘24 (8.51 LaRue x open)

Lot 72 -- Paton AG #4 in the world ’24 -- 65
2639.4 Paton ’24 (1727 Jacobus x 2907 Clone) +4%

Lot 73 -- Paton AG #3 in the world ‘24 -- 70
2641.10 Paton ’24 (2020 Paton x 1727 Jacobus) +6%

Lot 74 -- Faust Long Gourds -- 30
159.25 Faust ‘24 (142.25 Faust x 144 Faust) (4 seeds) World #2 ‘24
150.00 Faust ‘24 (144 Faust x 142.25 Faust) (5 seeds) World #5 ‘24
132.50 Faust ‘24 (142.25 Faust x 144 Faust) (5 seeds)
131.03 Faust ‘24 (144 Faust x 142.5 Faust) (5 seeds)
129.50 Faust ‘24 (144 Faust x 142.25) (5 seeds)
128.65 Faust ‘24 (142.25 Faust x 144 Faust) (5 seeds)

Lot 75 -- Stelts AG #1 in the world ’24 (2 sets) -- 90 80
2731 Stelts ’24 (2144 Barron x 2143 Stelts) +18%

Lot 76 -- Neptune Watermelons (4 sets) (4 seeds each) -- 30 25 25 25
289.4 Neptune ‘24 (341 Vial x 272.5 K. Neptune) World #2 ‘24
245 Neptune ‘24 (291 Kent x 272.5 K. Neptune)
221.5 Neptune ‘24 (272.5 K. Neptune x 291 Kent) +4%

12/28/2024 11:42:18 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot 77 -- Werner and Neptune Bushel Gourds (4 sets) -- 35 30 20 NS
450.5 Werner ‘24 (323 Steiner x sib) +16% World #2 best ever (4 seeds)
294.5 Neptune ‘24 (343 Kaminski x self) +1% (2 seeds)

Lot 78 -- Tobeck Green *Squash* Collection -- 65
*2030* Tobeck ‘21 (*1109* Jutras x *1935.5* Jutras) +18% #3 World best ever
*1997* Tobeck ‘22 (*1109* Jutras x *1109* Jutras) +6% #4 World best ever
*1887* Tobeck ‘23 (*1109* Jutras x *2030* Tobeck) +4% #8 World best ever
*1592* Tobeck ‘23 (*1997* Tobeck x *2030* Tobeck) +8%
*1480* Tobeck ‘20 (*1935.5* Jutras x *1935.5* Jutras)

Lot 79 -- Werner AGs (2 sets) -- 75 75
2369.5 Werner ‘24 (1865 Werner x 2447.1 Cutrupi) +22%
2297 Werner ‘24 (1885.5 Werner x 2560 Gienger) +6%

Lot 80 -- Barron AGs (2 sets) Monster Maker -- 100 95
2404 Barron ‘23 (2365 Wolf x sib) +11%
2144 Barron ‘22 (2183.7 Mendi x 1885.5 Werner) +17% Grew the 2731.5 Stelts

Lot 81 -- Bernstrom AG Largest OTT of any Legal Fruit ever (2 sets) -- 40 35
2501 Bernstrom ‘23 (2560 Gienger x 1989.5 Conway)

Lot 82 -- Jacobus AGs (3 sets) -- 65 65 60
2419 Jacobus ‘24 (1727 Jacobus x sib) +7%
2357 Jacobus ‘24 (1727 Jacobus x sib) +3%
2210 Jacobus ‘22 (2520 Schmit x 2702 Cutrupi) +1%

Lot 83 -- Jacobus AG Monster Maker -- 200
1727 Jacobus ‘22 (2702 Cutrupi x 2520 Schmit)

12/28/2024 11:42:39 PM


Nova Scotia

Thanks so much as always for the results really appreciate it! WOW the deals unfortunately I could not make it.

12/29/2024 9:04:40 AM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


sometimes I wonder if anybody even reads these things they are so much work if nobody cares. lol

12/30/2024 5:05:00 AM


Nova Scotia

I'm sure they do and also very appreciative hopefully, as it must be a lot of work and time! Great reference.

12/30/2024 7:24:58 AM


Beaver WV

Yes Maters I read it and I think A lot of people care. May I say A job well done!! Thank You

12/30/2024 7:44:37 AM


Brooktondale, New York

I really enjoy reading your post. Especially when my wife drags me out of the house to go on some romantic date..doesnt she know its auction season. We can go on a date next October..thank you for your investment of time.

[Last edit: 12/30/24 11:07:56 AM]

12/30/2024 11:07:31 AM


Arden, NC

Dang Scott, Thank you for posting these auctions. It's certainly a help to see what is valued by the community.

1/2/2025 7:42:58 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

Scott, your hard work is much appreciated in this community.

1/2/2025 8:20:27 PM


Bloomfield, Iowa

Thank you Scott! Very much appreciated.

1/12/2025 3:55:49 AM

Total Posts: 18 Current Server Time: 2/22/2025 3:39:02 AM
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