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Subject:  Illinois(IGPGA) Auction Results 2023/2024

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Lot 1 (Two Sets) --- 45, 40
Start off HEAVY with Rodebaugh and Pugh!!
2144.5 Rodebaugh 23% Heavy {1965 rodebaugh x 1707 caspers}
2025.7 Rodebaugh 16% Heavy{1707 caspers x 1965 rodebaugh}
1229.7 Rodebaugh 17% Heavy{1526 burchette x 1965 rodebaugh}
2023 Pugh 19% Heavy{2006 wolf x 2365 wolf}
1940 Pugh 9% Heavy{1686.5 stelts x 2365 wolf}

Lot 2 ( One Set) --- 25
Morse and Ford have all the best genetics
2177 Ford {1885 werner x 1935 ford}
2007 Morse {2560 morse x 2365 wolf}
1797 Morse {2350 morse x 2493 wolf}

Lot 3 ( Two Sets)--- 30, 30
Thompson -Cotterman combo
2052 Thompson {2424 casper x self}
1650 Thompson {1935 ford x self}
2094 Cotterman {1885 werner x 2365 wolf}
1761 Cotterman {2365 wolf x 1885 werner}

Lot 4 ( Two Sets ) --- 20, NS
Jacobson and Platte
2041.5 Jacobson {2243 stelts x 1693 mcmillin}
1570 Jacobson {1338.5 jacobson x self}
1338.5 Jacobson {1691.3 mcmillin x self} 2022
1250.5 Jacobson {1883 bayuk x self} 2022
2035 Platte {2332 paton x 2110 platte}

Lot 5 ( Two Sets ) --- 40, 40
It was a Sperry good season Steve!! and 2k creator
2465.5 Sperry {2365 wolf x 1832 graham}
2198 Sperry {1832 graham x 2365 wolf}
2154 Sperry {1904 sperry x 2365 wolf}
1904.5 Sperry {1885 werner x 2520 schmidt} 2022
1525.5 Sperry {2006 wolf x 1832 graham

2/26/2024 10:34:05 AM


Lot 6 ( Four Sets ) --- 65, 60, 55, 50
Genetic masters Seed Combo
2360 Montsma {1300 gienger x 2006 wolf}
1782 Montsma {2006 wolf x 2046 montsma}
2237 Klema/Solberg {2560 gienger x 1990 Kelma/Solberg}
2024 Bongers {2006 wolf x 2554 andrusz}
1758 Bongers {2554 andrusz x 1747 handy}
1170 Bongers {1747 handy x 2006 wolf}

Lot 7 ( One Set ) --- 80
RETRO MEGA SEED LOT from years past -over 50 seeds in this lot!!
1636 Ligget {1375 ligget x 1459 sundstrom}09
1444.5 Presto {1528 star x 1385 jutras}09
1395 Wallace {1385 wallace x sib}09
1373 Kaczenski {1071 kaczenski x 845 bobier}09
1341 Wallace {1288 wallace x 1483 wallace}09
1333.5 Lieber {1161 rodonis x 1376 bobier}09
1258 Wallace {1450 wallace x 1385 wallace}09
1007 Wallace {840 wallace x 1385 wallace}09
958 Gansert {914 gansert x 1689 jutras}09
919 Wallace {185 wallace x sib}09
900 Wallace {1068 wallace x 1161 wallace}09
1571 Parks {1385 jutras x 991 urena}10
1409.5 Miller {1622 young x1658 young}10
1320 Ellsworth {1250 ellsworth x 1622 young}10
1386 Checkon {1381 checkon x 1404 bryson}12
1365 Checkon {1404 bryson x 1381 checkon}12
1124 Graham {1314 sperry x 1634 werner}12
1744.5 Fulk {220 debacco x 1789 wallace}13
1080 Urena {1495 stelts x 1789 daletas}13
2102 Meier {1985 miller x sib}14
1865 Harnica {2032 mathison x 1985 miller}14
1740 Globus {2009 wallace x 1554 mathison}14
1718 Weston {1676 daletas x open}14
1250 Watson {1245 barard x 2323 meier}14
2059 Daletas {1676 daletas x 2032 mathison}15
1997 Daletas {2032 mathison x 1495 stelts}15
1975 Wallace {2009 wallace x 1985 wallace}15
1921 Weston {1714 weston x 1566 rodonis}15

2/26/2024 10:39:28 AM


Lot 7 continued
1670 Howell/Jolivette {2009 wallace x 1756 H/J}15
1662 DeBacco {1916 Barron x 1676 daletas}15
1490.5 Naylor {1092 Naylor x 1692 mcmullen}15
1438 Horton {1843 geddes x self}15
1333 Weston {1566 rodonis x 1714 weston}15
1333 Sperry {1775 sperry x 2009 wallace }15
1284.5 Dwelly {1834 daletas x self}15
1127 Boyce {1312 weston x 1865 harnica}15
1101 Companion {1844 rose x 1813 northrup}15
916.5 Rodeau {1495 x lieber}15
1553.5 Weston {2009 wallace x 1921 weston}15
1472 Terry {2096 meier x 1916 barron}15
1230 Weston {1756 lancaster x 1921 weston}15
2043.5 Clementz {2145 mcmullen x 1947 clementz}17
1789 werner {2145 mcmullen x self}17
1747 Werner {2075 connolly x 2145 mcmullen}17
1701 Weston {1487 harris x 1714 weston}17
1610 Urena {1937 urena x 1625 gantner}17
1438 Pappas {1961 sperry x open}17
1427.5 DeBacco {2145 mcmullen x 2075 connolly}17
1369 Breznick {1710 breznick x 1585 werner}17
1346 Breznick {2008 neptune x 1651 breznick}17
1279.5 DeBacco {2075 connolly x 2145 mcmullen}17
1261 Caspers {2261 wallace x 2624 willemijns}17
1276 Breznick {1651 breznick x 2008 neptune}17
1267 Weston {1714 weston x 1230 weston}17
1237 Caspers {2095 willemijns x 2145 mcmullen}17
1222 deBacco {1662 debacco x 1367 vanhoutte}17
916 Young {1297 young x 907 young}17
1923 LaRiviere {2269 patton x self}18
1790 Marley {1680 giarrusso x 1928 daletas}18
1724 Martin {1531 martin x 1971 barlow}18
1382 Leer {1261 caspers x 1501 vanderwielen}18

2/26/2024 10:40:45 AM


Lot 8 ( One Set) --- 125
Marks Mill Fabric
Mark’s Famous Red Mil Fabric 5x5—TWO sheets– (delivery in MARCH)
Minimum Bid $40 FREE Shipping
Retails at $80 (plus shipping) for two sheets

Lot 9 ( Two Sets ) --- 30, 25
Pete's five beauties all with Caspers PROVEN genetics
2008 Caspers {1707 caspers x 2365 wolf}
1965 Caspers {2424 caspers x 2365 wolf}
1935.5 Caspers {1707 caspers x 2365 wolf}
1516 Caspers {2365 wolf x 2424 caspers}
1195 Caspers {2424 caspers x self}

Lot 10 ( One Set) --- 50
Michigan HEAVY Hitters with STATE RECORD and 2K CREATOR!!
2404 Barron MI REC {2365 wolf x sib}
2144 Barron 17% heavy {2183 mendi x 1885 werner}2022
2283 Trombley 5%heavy {2144 barron x 2110 platte}

Lot 11 ( Two Sets ) --- 45, 30
Wisconsin STATE RECORD 17% heavy
2420 Mathiowetz WI REC 17% heavy {1727 jacobus x 1890 mathiowetz}
1974 Mathiowetz {1477 caspers x 1619 mathiowetz}-22
1938 Mathiowetz {1890 mathiowetz x 2520 schmit}

Lot 12 ( Two Sets ) --- 55, 55
2022 Ohio STATE RECORD and massive HD winner from 2023
2266 Kisamore HD {2365 wolf x 2147 sippel}
2195.5 Kisamore OH REC 2022 {872 kisamore x self}22
2042 Kisamore 19% heavy {2147 sippel x 2365 wolf}

Lot 13 ( Two Sets ) --- 40, 35
“Patrica” Pritchard 16% HEAVY HD WINNER over 2K
2140 Pritchard 16% heavy HD{1620 pritchard x 1625 gantner}
1438 Pritchard {2030 kisamore x 1756 H/J}2022 -2 seeds

Lot 14 ( One Set ) --- 35
HEAVY HD WINNER and the 2K CREATOR the 2287 Sadiq2287 Sadiq {1885 werner x 2183 mendi}2022
2062 Corbin 15% heavy HD{2287 sadiq x 1904 sperry} 2 seeds
1854 Corbin 8% heavy{900 corbin x sib}22
1822 Corbin 7%heavy {900 corbin x 1904 sperry}2 seeds
1556 Corbin 8% heavy HD {1904 sperry x 2287 sadiq}

2/26/2024 10:41:19 AM


Lot 15 ( One Set ) --- 80
Howard Dill WINNING ORANGE combo
1708 Donahue HD{1634 rea x 2200 wolf} 2 seeds
1698 Stoffel HD{ } 2 seeds
1461 Rodebaugh “RUBY”{2350 gienger x self}2022
1016 Cook HD{1209 hodge x 1251 new}3 seeds-2021
958 Cook HD{1965 rodebaugh x 2195 theil}3 seeds-2022
453 Kueny HD{1157 zaychkowsky x self}2 seeds-2022

Lot 16 ( One Set ) --- 40
“House” mixed corn and gourds- over 300 seeds!!!
393 House {2560 geinger x self}2 seeds
81 FP House {80 house x self}4 seeds
80 FP House {142 mcinnis x 145 mcinnis}4 seeds
72” Dipper gourd- 6 seeds
Pod corn house -20 seeds
House Giant Indian corn- 100 seeds
House tall silo corn 15-16 feet tall-100 seeds
Glass Gem popcorn-100 seeds

Lot 17 ( Two Sets ) --- 40, 35
Field Pumpkins with 2 State Records 2 sets
164 Trombley MI REC{146 fleser x sib}2 seeds
148.5 Adkins Illinois REC{168 Baggs x sib}4 seeds
125 Adkins {168 baggs x sib}4 seeds
81.6 Rodebaugh 12% heavy{138 paul x sib}2 seeds

Lot 18 ( One Set) --- 165
Marks Mill Fabric - Secondary (second chance)
Mark’s Famous Red Mil Fabric 5x5—TWO sheets– (delivery in MARCH)
Minimum Bid $40 FREE Shipping
Retails at $80 (plus shipping) for two sheets

Lot 19 ( One Set) --- 50
Butternut Squash once world records 1 set
101 Knox WR 2 seeds
65.10 Brown 2 seeds
65.5 Swenson 3 seeds
55.5 Brown 2 seeds

Lot 20 ( One Set) --- 60
Tomato Time
10.46 LaRue {7.94 larue x open}4 seeds
8.51 LaRue {5.80 larue x open} 4 seeds
7.98 LaRue {7.06 larue x open}4 seeds
7.57 LaRue {6.32 larue x open}4 seeds
7.35 Brown {3.62 oglesby x open}4 seeds -2020
6.82 Brown {7.66 Hill x open}4 seeds - 2021
6.55 Rodebaugh {8.44 sutherland x open}4 seeds
5.48 LaRue {5.62 larue x open}4 seeds - 2020

2/26/2024 10:42:00 AM


Lot 21 ( One Set) --- 50
Watermelon Legends and 200 pound plus makers from the past
308.5 Jackson {276 white x open}2 seeds- 2019
290.5 Terry {251 kent x self}3 seeds- 2016
289.5 Vail {341.5 vail x 316 edwards}4 seeds
268 Houston {316 mudd x self}4 seeds-2020
260.5 Young {300.5 young x sib}4 seeds-2021
248.5 Young {146.5 young x sib}4 seeds-2021
237 Young {300.5 young x 146.5young}3 seeds- 2021
236 Young {124 young x 146.5 young}4 seeds- 2021
234 Terry {209 terry x self}4 seeds- 2016
216.5 Young {146 young x self}4 seeds-2021
212 Houston {146 young x self}4 seeds-2020
124 Young {341 mudd x 146 young}2 seeds-2020

Lot 22 ( One Set) --- 45
The Watermelon King SUPERSEED from 2015
146.5 Young {117.6 young x 50 carey}2 seeds-2015

Lot 23 ( One Set) --- 25
Joe's longest LONG gourd in the world this year!!
159 Jutras {121 eaton x 148 gfeller}3 seeds
149.19 Jutras {121 eaton x 136 leblanc}3 seeds
145.88 Jutras {115 eaton x 121 eaton}3 seeds

Lot 24 ( Two Sets) --- 65, 60
Werner and Wallace WOW
2344.5 Wallace {2365 wolf x 1707 caspers}
1950 Wallace {1707 caspers x 2365 wolf}
1907 Wallace est{2006 x 2365 wolf}
2081 Werner {1885 werner x sibb}
1997 Werner {2110 platte x 2365 wolf}
1932 Werner {2365 wolf x sibb}
1912.5 Werner {2365 wolf x 2168 werner}
1865 Werner {1885 werner x 2110 platte}

Lot 25 ( 2 Sets ) --- 175, 170
Marks Mill Fabric - Tertiary (third chance)
Mark’s Famous Red Mil Fabric 5x5—TWO sheets– (delivery in MARCH)
Minimum Bid $40 FREE Shipping
Retails at $80 (plus shipping) for two sheets

Lot 26 ( Two Sets) --- 75, 75
Going BIG with Barbie and friends
2251 Andrusz {2405 gunstrom x 2365 wolf}
2245 Andrusz {2365 wolf x 2554 andrusz}
2023 Andrusz {2554 adrusz x 2365 wolf}
2239.5 Marintzer “Barbie”{2168 werner x 2425 daletas}
2184 Marintzer “Ken” {2425 daletas x 2168 werner}

2/26/2024 10:43:02 AM


Lot 27 ( One Set) --- 45
2nd Biggest at the Bay!
2497 Kennedy?root {2560 geinger x 2554 andrusz}
2036 Kennedy/Root {1953 daletas x 2554 andrusz}

Lot 28 ( Two Sets) --- 55, 50
Another Stellar Season for the Stelts patch -5 over 2k new PB and an HD!!
2376 Stelts 9% heavy{2342 stelts x 1912 stelts}
2227 Stelts {2243 stelts x 2164 stelts}
2143 Stelts {2365 wolf x 2069 stelts}
2109 Stelts {1912 stelts x 2243 stelts}
2004 Stelts {1912 stelts x 2164 stelts}
1853 Stelts HD{2069 stelts x 1912 stelts}

Lot 29 ( Two Sets) --- 60, 55
The 515’’ Bernstrom BEAST !!!
2501 Bernstrom {2560 geinger x 1989 conway}
2131 Bernstrom {1989 conway x 2560 geinger}

Lot 30 ( One Set) --- 250
The New World Record “Michael Jordan” and his friend “Godzilla”
2749 Gienger “Michael Jordan”WR {2365 wolf x sib}
2222 Gienger dmg{2365 wolf x 2365 wolf}

Lot 31 ( One Set) --- 175
Saved the Best for last “Mavrick” the Monster Maker -1 set
2560 Gienger {1885 werner x sib} 2022

2/26/2024 10:44:06 AM

Total Posts: 7 Current Server Time: 2/22/2025 3:45:59 AM
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