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Subject:  Nowthen Auction Results (night 1) 2023/2024

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Lot 1 300+ pound Bushel Club (2 sets) --- 75, 70
*370.5 English ‘22 (470.5 Connolly x self) 2 seeds
*369 Marsh ‘19 (384.5 Terry x self) 4 seeds
*347 Ansems ‘21 (237 Ansems x 335 Ansems) 2 seeds
*323 Steiner ‘23 (370.5 English x self) 4 seeds “largest in the world in 2023”
*308 MacDonald UOW ‘22 (331 Brown x self) 3 seeds

Lot 2 Long Gourd 1 (2 sets) --- 45, 40
*168.25” Eaton ‘22 (115 Eaton x self) 2 seeds 2nd all time!!!
*154.75” Ansems 21’ (136.75” Ansems x 142.25” Ansems) 2 seeds
*144” Faust 22 (146.06 Faust x 154.75”Ansems) 3 seeds

Lot 3 Long Gourd March to 150” (2 sets) --- 45, 40
*159” Jutras ‘23 (121 Eaton x 148 Gfeller) 2 seeds New USA record!!!
*150.88” Morgan ‘23 (143.63 Morgan x 168.25 Eaton) 2 seeds
*143.63” Morgan DMG ‘22 (142.25 Morgan x 131 Tobeck) 2 seeds
*142.25” Morgan 21’ (131” Tobeck x Self) 2 seeds

Lot 4 Connolly BGs 2023 Bushel Gourd G.O.T.Y --- 30, 25
*317 Connolly ‘23 (470.5 Connolly x Self) 2 seeds
*283 Connolly ‘23 (200 LaRiviere x self) 2 seeds
*273 Connolly’23 (296.5 Jutras x self) 2 seeds

Lot 5 Field Pumpkins (2 Sets) --- 40, 40
*128Paul ‘20 (211McKinnonxSelf) 1 seed grew the 177
*177Paul ‘21 (128Paulx94.5Paul) 2 seeds grew the 173
*173 Paul ‘22 (177 Paul x Open) 2 seeds
*164 Paul ‘21 (128 Paul x self) 2 seeds
*158.5 Paul ‘22 (164 Paul x 128 Paul) 2 seeds

Lot 6 Marrow Baggs Best (2 sets) --- 45, 45
*253.5 Baggs ‘23 (235.9 Baggs x 256.9 Sjodin) 1 seed 2nd largest ever!!
*235.9 Baggs ‘22 (217 Baggs x 256.9 Sjodin) 1 seed grew the 253.5

Lot 7 Field Pumpkins Baggs Big Kins (2 sets) --- 70, 70
*268 Baggs ’22 (168.7 Baggs x sib) 1 seed World Record
*218.3 Baggs ‘22 (168.7 Baggs x Sib) 1 seed
*196.2 Baggs ‘23 (268 Baggs x 218.3) 1 seed
*190.6 Baggs ‘21 (168.7 Baggs x Sib)

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Lot 8 Marrow (2 sets) --- 40, 40
*202 Baggs ‘21 (200.6 Baggs x 217 Baggs) 1 seed
*201.2 Baggs ‘21 (217 Baggs x 198.8 Baggs) 1 seed
*184.9 Baggs ‘21 (200.6 Baggs x 198.4 Baggs) 1 seed
*171.5 Baggs ‘21 (198.8 Baggs x 200.6 Baggs) 1 seed
*149 Glazebrook (Fortey seed) 2 seeds

Lot 9 Faust Tomatoes --- 40
*8.49 Faust ‘23 (9.06 Brown x open) 5 seeds
*8.00 Faust ‘23 (9.06 Brown x open) 5 seeds
*7.92 Faust ‘23 (9.06 Brown x open) 5 seeds
*6.63 Faust ‘23 (11.65 x open) 5 seeds
*6.31 Faust ‘23 (8.36 Strickler x open) 5 seeds
*6.13 Faust ‘23 (11.65 Faust x open) 5 seeds
*5.56 Faust ‘23 (11.65 Faust x open) 5 seeds
*5.54 Faust ‘23 (11.65 Faust x open) 5 seeds

Lot 10 Sunflowers Widehead (2 sets) --- 60, 55
*76” Brown (2-way measurement)
(27.25” old measurement)
(27” Brown x open) 8 seeds
*73” Brown (2-way measurement)
(26” old measurement)
(25” Brown x open) 8 seeds
*70.5” Brown (2-way measurement)
(25.50” old measurement),
(23” Brown x open) 8 seeds

Lot 11 Basset’s Big one that got away(2 sets) --- 40, 35
•2098 Basset 23 DMG (2480 Graham x 2493 Wolf) 1 seed
•1655 Basset 23 (2493 Wolf x 2480 Graham) 1 seed
•1524 Basset 23 (2493 Wolf x 2480 Graham) 1 seed

Lot 12 Don & Bev Boulders (2 sets) --- 40, 35
•1893.5 B. Anderson ‘23 (2560 Gienger x self) 18% 1 seeds
•1959.5 D. Anderson23 (2424 Caspers x 2560 Gienger) 18% 1 seeds

Lot 13 Serene’s Beauty’s and Records (2 sets) --- 65, 60
•61 Stang ‘23 marrow (256.9 Sjodin x self) 2 seeds Minnesota State Record
•71 Stang ‘23 Buternut (103 Jarosh x 104.5 Ruthruff) 4 seeds Minnesota State Record
•100 Stang ‘23 FP (268 Baggs x unknown) 2 seeds
•799 Stang ‘23 (1454 Engel x 1977 Rea) 2 seeds
•1559 Stang ‘23 (Unknown x 1250.5 Jacobson) DMG (2 seeds)


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Lot 14 The German Giant --- 35
•2181.5 Grafe ‘23 (2287 Sadiq x 2110 Plate) 1 seed
•1911.4 Grafe ‘21 (2112 Skinner x 2158 Paton) 1 seed
•1830.9 Grafe ‘22 (1911.4 Grafe x sib) 1 seed

Lot 15 Mother/ Daughter (2 sets) --- 35, 30
•2332 Paton ‘22 (2356.7 Mendi x 1885.5 Werner) 1 seed
•2035 Plate ‘23 (2332 Paton x 2110 Plate) 1 seed

Lot 16A Tall Sunflowers Butler’s specialty --- 50
•308” Butler ‘23 tall sunflower (332.5” Butler x open) 5 seeds
•301” Butler ‘23 tall sunflower (332.5” Butler x open) 5 seeds
•294.5” Butler ‘23 tall sunflower (318” Butler x open) 5 seeds
•283” Butler ‘23 tall sunflower (302” Babich x open) 5 seeds

Lot 16B Tall Sunflowers, Butler’s specialty --- 70
•311” Butler ‘23 (302” Babich x open) 5 seeds
•294” Butler ‘23 (318” Butler x open) 5 seeds
•293” Butler ‘23 (320.5” Butler x open) 5 seeds
•276” Butler ‘23 (320.5” Butler x open) 5 seeds

Lot 17 Toboyek’s Fire (2 sets) --- 40, 35
•1652.5 Toboyek ‘23 (2006 Wolf x 1977.5 Rea) 1 seed
•1864 Toboyek ‘23 (1977.5 Rea x 2006 Wolf) 1 seed

Lot 18 Rick’s 2023 Maters (2 sets) --- 30, 25
•7.44 Jolivete ‘23 tomato (11.65 Faust x open) 4 seeds
•7.28 Jolivete ‘23 tomato (11.56 Faust x open) 4 seeds
•7.06 Jolivete ‘23 tomato (5.32 Howell/Jolivete x open) 4 seeds
•6.47 Jolivete ‘23 tomato (8.40 Marley x open) 4 seeds
•5.36 Jolivete ‘23 tomato (9.06 Brown x open) 4 seeds

Lot 19 Greenie Queen Green Squash G.O.T.Y --- 60
•1500* est Tobeck ‘23 (2030 Tobeck x 1997 Tobeck) 1 seed
•1592* Tobeck ‘23 (1997 Tobeck x 2030 Tobeck) 1 seed
•1884* Tobeck ‘23 (1109 Jutras x 2030 Tobeck) 1 seed

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Lot 20 Frank’s 1 Ton gene�cs beast --- 50
•2007 Morse ‘23 (2560 Gienger x 2365 Wolf) 1 seed
•1797 Morse ‘23 (2350 Morse x 2493 Wolf) 1 seed

Lot 21 2 WR Butternuts --- 85
•123.6 Loris ‘23 buternut (103 Jarosh x self) 2 seeds
•131.4 Loris ‘23 buternut (103 Jarosh x self) 2 seeds New World Record Butternut

Lot 22 Watermelon Vial’s 300+ --- 100
•341 Vial 21’ (330.5 Vial x 316 Edwards) 2 seeds
•330.5 Vial 20’ (302 Kent x Sibb) 2 seeds
•329 Vial 21’ (218.5 Vial x 316 Edwards) 2 seeds
•306 Vial ’22 (341.5 Vial x 330.5 Vial) 2 seeds

Lot 23 Mace Tall Sunflower --- 85
•23’7”Mace ‘20 5 seeds
•22’ 2”Mace ‘20 5 seeds
•21’11”Mace ‘19 5 seeds
•21’2.5”Mace ‘19 5 seeds
•21’2”Mace ‘19 5 seeds

Lot 24 Garden of Giants (2 sets) Best Gene�cs in the World!! Grow Everything!! --- 45, 40
-Giant Onion Glazebrook WR strain (10 seeds)
-Giant Beetroot WR strain (2 seed pods)
-Giant Cornish Cabbage (10 seeds)
-Giant Celery WR strain (10 Seeds)
-Giant Turnip “from a 22 pounder” (10 seeds)

Lot 25 Garden of Giants (2 sets) Best Gene�cs in the world grow everything!! --- 65, 60
-Giant Leeks (5 seeds)
-Giant Swede (Rutabaga) WR strain 118 pounder (10 seeds)
-Giant Aubergine (Eggplant) Glazebrook WR Strain from 2021 (3 seeds)
-Giant Carrots “same Strain that produced the 22.44 pounder grown by Chris Qualley” (15+ seeds)
-Giant Radish WR strain and from a 15 pounder (5 seeds)

Lot 26 Orange mix (2 sets) --- 30, 25
•1175 Gfeller’21 (1469.5 x 1215 Young) 1 seed
•947 Cook ‘22 (1088 Bayuk x 2350 Gienger) 2 seeds
•845.5 Kueny ‘22 (1157 Zaychkowsky x self) HD winner 1 seed
•789 Grubbs ‘20 (1317 Clementz x 1810 Werner) 2 seeds

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Lot 26 Orange mix (2 sets) --- 30, 25
•1175 Gfeller’21 (1469.5 x 1215 Young) 1 seed
•947 Cook ‘22 (1088 Bayuk x 2350 Gienger) 2 seeds
•845.5 Kueny ‘22 (1157 Zaychkowsky x self) HD winner 1 seed
•789 Grubbs ‘20 (1317 Clementz x 1810 Werner) 2 seeds
•453.6 Kueny ‘22 ( 1157 Zaychkowsky x self) HD winner 2 seeds

Lot 27 Graham’s Slam Dunk!! --- 50
•1832.5 Graham ‘20 (1938 Sperry x 1339 Graham) 1 seed

Lot 28 1 Ton Ford (2 sets) --- 35, 30
•2177 Ford ‘23 (1885.5 Werner x 1935 Ford) +6% heavy 1 seed
•1829 Ford ‘23 (2365 Wolf x 1935 Ford) 1 seed
•1674 Ford ‘23 (1935 Ford x 2110 Plate) 1 seed

Lot 29 Orange Mix ( 2 sets) --- 30, 25
•1680 Young ‘22 (1885.5 Werner x 1905 Rose) HD winner 1 seed
•1654 Mar�n ‘19 (1501 VanderWielen x sib) HD winner 1 seed
•1625.5 Helsel ‘21 (2350 Gienger x 2112 Skinner) 1 seed
•1250.5 Jacobson ‘22 (1883 Bayuk x self) 1 seed

Lot 30 HD winners (2 sets) --- 35, 30
•1477 Caspers ‘21 (2350 Gienger x 2200 Wolf) HD winner 1 seed
•672 Wolfley ‘21 ( 1059 Vincent x self) HD winner 1 seed
•531 Friermood ‘21 (1002 Ailts x 704 Ailts) HD winner 1 seed
•529 Baker ‘22 (1002 Ailts x self) 1 seed

Lot 31 Engel Orange (2 sets) --- 35, 35
•1170 Engel ‘23 (1461 Rodebaugh x 840 Engel) HD winner 1 seed
•966 Engel ‘23 (840 Engel x 1461 Rodebaugh) 1 seed
•823 Engel EST ‘23 ( 1454 Engel x 1464 Rodebaugh) 1 seed
•636 Engel ‘22 ( 1454 Engel x self) HD winner 1 seed
•616 Engel ‘22 ( 1454 Engel x self) HD winner 1 seed

Lot 32 Young’s HD magic (2 sets) --- 60, 55
•1552 Young ‘20 (1215 Young x 1297.5 Young) HD winner “Proven HD Maker” 1 seed
•1469.5 Young ‘20 (1297.5 Young x 1080 Young) HD winner “Proven HD Maker

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Lot 32 Young’s HD magic (2 sets) --- 60, 55
•1552 Young ‘20 (1215 Young x 1297.5 Young) HD winner “Proven HD Maker” 1 seed
•1469.5 Young ‘20 (1297.5 Young x 1080 Young) HD winner “Proven HD Maker” 1 seed
•1215 Young ‘19 (1297.5 Young x self) HD winner “Prover HD Maker” 1 seed

Lot 33 Catching Fire Ladies of HD (2 sets) --- 35, 30
•1482 Whity ‘23 (1500 Lopres� x 2560 Gienger) HD winner 1 seed
•1080 Baker ‘22 (1965.5 Rodebaugh x self) 1 seed
•976 B. Anderson ‘22 (1540.5 Anderson x self) HD winner 1 seed
•728 Baker ‘23 (612 Baker x Self) HD winner 1 seed

Lot 34 G.O.G. Top 3 Pre�est Pumpkins (2 sets) --- 35, 35
•1009 Cook (665 Cook x 1016 Cook) HD winner 1 seed
•1088 Miller (2493 Wolf x self) HD winner 1 seed
•646 Shuck (899 McWilliams x self) 1 seed

Lot 35 Minnesota Orange & HD (2 sets) --- 55, 50
•1175 Amundson ‘23 (2069 Stelts x self) 5% heavy to chart 1 seed
•894 Rickard ‘23 (642 Grubbs x self) 1 seed
•776.5 Zachmeier ‘23 (531 Friermood x self) 1 seed
•716 Amundson ‘23 (1461 Rodebaugh x 2069 Stelts) 7 % Heavy to chart 1 seed

Lot 36 1 Ton orange (2 sets) --- 45, 40
•2052 Thompson’23 (2424 Caspers x self) 1 seed
•2040.5 Leer ‘23 (2424 Caspers x 1508 Leer) 2 seeds
•1970.5 Turner ‘23 (1643 New x self) 1 seed
•1930 Turner ‘23 (1783 New x 1643 New) 1 seed

Lot 37 Utah State Record “Hot Seed” --- 85
•2287 Sadiq ‘22 ( 1885.5 Werner x 2183.7 Mendi) 1 seed

Lot 38 Minnesota Grower closing in on 2K --- 45
•1987.5 Johnson ’23 (1912.5 Stelts x 1707.5 Caspers) +2 (2 seeds)
•1872 Johnson ’22 (1395 Johnson x 1852.5 Qualley) (2 seeds)
•1743 Johnson ’23 (1707.5 Caspers x 2359.5 LeBlanc) +2 ( 2 seeds)
•1620 Johnson &

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Lot 38 Minnesota Grower closing in on 2K --- 45
•1987.5 Johnson ’23 (1912.5 Stelts x 1707.5 Caspers) +2 (2 seeds)
•1872 Johnson ’22 (1395 Johnson x 1852.5 Qualley) (2 seeds)
•1743 Johnson ’23 (1707.5 Caspers x 2359.5 LeBlanc) +2 ( 2 seeds)
•1620 Johnson ’23 UOW (2359.5 LeBlanc x 1912.5 Stelts) +5.5 ( 2 seeds)
•1610 Johnson ’22 UOW DMG (1966.5 Johnson x 1852.5 Qualley) +9 (2 seeds)

Lot 39 Dawson’s 300 pound near miss (2 sets) --- 55, 50
•299.4 Dawson ’23 (255 Mitchell x Sib) 3 seeds
•270 Dawson ’23 (285 Edwards x 274 Kent) 3 seeds
•269.1 Dawson ’23 (273 Dawson x 274 Kent) 3 seeds
•266 Dawson ’21 (316 Dawson x selfed) 4 seeds

Lot 40 Gantner’s Great season (2 Sets) --- 30, 30
•6.81 Gantner ’23 (5.43 D. Gantner x Open) (5 seeds)
•6.39 Gantner ’23 (8.105 DMG MacDonald x Open) (5 seeds)
•6.36 Gantner ’23 (8.105 DMG MacDonald x Open) (5 seeds)
•6.33 Gantner ’23 (9.06 Brown – Clone x Open) (5 seeds)
•6.20 Gantner ’23 (9.06 Brown – Clone x Open) (5 seeds)
•5.68 Gantner ’23 (9.06 Brown – Clone x Open) (5 seeds)

Lot 41 Sunflower “Widehead” (2 sets) --- 50, 45
•26” Checkets ‘21 (28” Rose x Open) 6 seeds
•25” DeRycke 6 seeds
•25” Humbert French Record 6 seeds
•22” Rudorfer (27.6” Rudorfer x open) 6 seeds
25” Humbert 26” Checkets

Lot 42 Oddball & Exo�c (2 sets) --- 45, 40
•Octopus Gourd “decora�ve” 4 seeds
•Giant Loofah 3 seeds
•Broom Corn 20 seeds “Make your own broom”
•Angels Trumpet Large White Flower 15 seeds
•12”+ Indian Corn 30+ seeds
•Morning Glory “Star of Yelta” 10 seeds
•Easter Egg plant 5 seeds
•”Hairy Balls”

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Lot 42 Oddball & Exo�c (2 sets) --- 45, 40
•Octopus Gourd “decora�ve” 4 seeds
•Giant Loofah 3 seeds
•Broom Corn 20 seeds “Make your own broom”
•Angels Trumpet Large White Flower 15 seeds
•12”+ Indian Corn 30+ seeds
•Morning Glory “Star of Yelta” 10 seeds
•Easter Egg plant 5 seeds
•”Hairy Balls” Milkweed 5 seeds

Lot 43 (2 sets) proven world record maker --- 80, 80
•9.06Brown ‘21 (5.32 Howell/Jolivete x Open) 2 seeds Minnesota State Record
•7.35 Brown ‘20 (3.62 Oglesby x Open) 3 seeds
•6.82 Brown ‘21 (7.66Hill x Open) 3 seeds

Lot 44 Tall Sunflowers (2 sets) --- 50, 45
•26’1” Babich Current USA Record 4 seeds
•23’1” Babich 5 seeds
•22’ Babich 5 seeds
•20’ 11” 5 seeds

Lot 45 “orange and big” (2 sets) -- 45, 40
•2037.5 Crews ‘23 (2006 Wolf x 2537 Crews) 1 seed Beautiful Orange
•1807.5 Janowaik ‘23 (1940 Urena x self) 1 seed Beautiful Orange
•1707 Yohe UOW DMG ‘23 (2405 Gunstrom x Sib) 1 seed Beautiful Orange

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Lot 46 Bongers (2 sets) ---- 30, 25
•2024 Bongers ‘23 (2006 Wolf x 2554 Andrusz) 1 seed
•1758 Bongers ‘23 (2554 Andrusz x 1747.5 Handy) 1 seed
•1170 Bongers ‘23 (1745.5 Handy x 2006) 1 seed +12 heavy 150 sq � patch 1 seed

Lot 47 Kisamore Boulders including “Heavy Beauty” --- 75
•2266 Kisamore 2023 (Rick) (2365 Wolf 2021 x 2147.5 Sippel 2022) +5% heavy HD winner 1 seed
•2042 Kisamore2023 (Doug) (2147.5 Sippel 2022 x 2365 Wolf 2021) +19% heavy 1 seed

Lot 48 Sippel Super Seed --- 50
•2147.5 Sippel ‘22 ( 1935 Ford ‘21 x 1501 VanderWielen) 16% Heavy 1 seed

Lot 49 John’s Magical season Squashing his PB by over 500 pounds!! Bright orange!! (2 sets) --- 50, 45
•2140 Pritchard ‘23 (1620 Pritchard x 1625.5 Gantner) HD winner 1 seed
•1620 Pritchard ‘21 (2226.7 BoonenHerman x 1940 Urena) 1 seed “Proven 1 ton maker”
•1145 Pritchard ‘22 (2350 Gienger x 2030 Kisamore) 2 seeds

Lot 50A McCaslin and Smiley Melons --- 55
•324 McCaslin ’19 (146.5 Young x self) 2 seeds
•309 McCaslin 2022 (301.5 McCaslin x Self) 4 Seeds
•301.5 McCaslin ’21 (305 Mudd x self) 2 seeds
•227.5 Smiley 2023 (220.5 Smiley x Self) 4 Seeds
•298 McCaslin 2021 (220.5 Smiley x Self) 4 Seeds
•McCaslin Bushel Gourd Root Stock, 8 Seeds

Lot 50B Mudd Watermelons --- 50
•297.4 Mudd ’23 (325.4 Mudd x Self) #3 in the World ‘23
 2 seeds
•286 Mudd ’23 (325.4 Mudd x Self) +7 #4 in the World ‘23
 2 seeds
•277.5 Mudd ’23 (305 Mudd x Self)
 2 seeds
•227 Mudd ’23 (305 Mudd x Self)
 2 seeds
•217.8 Mudd ’23 (199.5 Mudd x Self)
 2 seeds
•200.5 Mudd ’23 (199.5 Mudd x Self) 2 seeds

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Lot 51 Wallace Wows with a new PB in 2023 --- 35
•2344.5 WALLACE ‘23 (2365 Wolf x 1707 Caspers) 1 seed
•1907 Est Wallace ‘23 (2006 Wolf x 2365Wolf) 1 seed

Lot 52 Mother/ Daughter Stelts “Proven” 1 Ton Maker (2 sets) --- 40, 35
•2342 Stelts ‘22 (1953 Daletas x 1885.5 Werner) +13% Heavy 1 seed
•2376.5 Stelts ‘23 (2342 Stelts x 1912 Stelts) +9% heavy 1 seed

Lot 53 Mother/Daughter Stelts “Proven” 1 ton maker (2 sets) --- 35, 30
•2243 Stelts ‘22 (1686.5 Stelts x 1953 Daletas) + 10 heavy 1 seed
•2227 Stelts ‘23 (2243 Stelts x 2164 Stelts) 1 seed

Lot 54 Beau�ful pollinator Stelts (2 sets) --- 50, 50
•2069 Stelts ‘22 (1953 Daletas x 2350 Gienger) 16% Heavy 1 seed Proven HD Maker
•2143 Stelts ‘23 (2365 Wolf x 2069 Stelts) 1 seed

Lot 55 Mother/ Daughter Stelts “Proven” 1 ton maker (2 sets) --- 40, 35
•1912.5 Stelts ‘22 (1885.5 Werner x 1686.5 Stelts) 1 seed
•2109 Stelts ‘23 (1912.5 Stelts x 2243 Stelts) 1 seed
•2004.5 Stelts ‘23 (1912.5 Stelts x 2165 Stelts) 1 seed

Lot 56 “BirdMans” Personal Best --- 35
•2094 Coterman ’23 (1885.5 Werner x 2365 Wolf) +5 heavy 1 seed
•1761 Coterman ’23 DMG (2365 Wolf x 1885.5 Werner) 1 seed “growing 72 pounds a day”

Lot 57 Super orange & Heavy!! --- 40
•2062 Corbin ’23 (2287 Sadiq x 1904.5 Sperry) +15 heavy HD winner 1 seed
•1845 Haton UOW DMG ‘23 (1783 New x 1541 McMillin) 10 % heavy beau�ful orange 1 seed

Lot 58 “Zappa and Bok’s almost Perfect season” (2 sets) --- 35, 30
•2315 Zappa ‘23 DMG (2144 Barron x 2405 Gunstrom) 11 % heavy. 1 seed still growing when cut did not
•2012.5 Bok DMG ‘23 (2195.5 Kisamore x 2493 Wolf) 17% insane heavy 1 seed

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LOT 59 Which of these seeds will be the next big one??? A beau�ful Werner mix!!! (2 sets) --- 70, 70
•2081 Werner ‘23 (1885.5 Werner x SIB) 1 seed
•1997 Werner ‘23 (2110 Plate x 2365 Wolf) 1 seed
•1932 Werner ‘23 (2365 Wolf x SIB) 1 seed
•1912.5 Werner ‘23 (2365 Wolf x 2168 Werner) 1 seed
•1865 Werner ‘23 (1885.5 Werner x 2110 Plate) 1 seed

Lot 60 “West Virginia Boulders Heavy, Heavy Mountain Mama” --- 40
•2144.5 Rodebaugh ’23 (1965.5 Rodebaugh x 1707.5 Caspers) +23 insane heavy 1 seed
•2025.7 Rodebaugh ’23 (1707.5 Caspers x 1965.5 Rodebaugh) +16 heavy 1 seed
•1229.7 Rodebaugh ’23 (1526 Burchete x 1965.5 Rodebaugh) +17 heavy 1 seed 150 sq ft winner 2023

Lot 61 “Pumpkin King in the Land of the Midnight Sun” (2 sets) --- 40, 35
•2147 Marshall ’22 (2183 Mendi x 2365 Wolf) +10 1 seed Heavy Al --- aska State Record
•2023.5 Marshall ’23 (2147 Marshall x 1885.5 Werner) +8 heavy 1 seed
•1878.5 Marshall ’23 (1885.5 Werner x 2147 Marshall) +6 heavy 1 seed
•1819 Marshall ’22 (2365 Wolf x 2183 Mendi) +5 heavy 1 seed

Lot 62 “Young’s Melon Mix” (2 sets) --- 60, 60
•300.5 J Young ’18 (146.5 J Young x Sib) IL. State Record 3 seed
•286 Young ’23 (260.5 Young x 176.5 Davis) +8 World #4 in ‘23 3 seeds
•260.5 Young ’21 (300.5 Young x Sib) 4 seeds
•248.5 Young ’21 (146.5 Young x Sib) 4 seeds
•236.9 Young ’23 (236 Young x 176.5 Davis) +9 4 seeds
•236 Young ’21 (124 Young x 146.5 Young) +10 4 seeds
•195 Young ’23 (258.5 Kent x 236 Young) +7 4 seeds
•124 Young ’20 (341 Mudd x 146.5 Young) 4 seeds

Lot 63 “Pete’s Giants and HD Beauty” (2 sets) --- 50, 45
•2088 Caspers ’23 (1707.5 Caspers x 2365 Wolf)
•1965 Caspers ’23 (242

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Lot 63 “Pete’s Giants and HD Beauty” (2 sets) --- 50, 45
•2088 Caspers ’23 (1707.5 Caspers x 2365 Wolf)
•1965 Caspers ’23 (2424 Caspers x 2365 Wolf) HD Beauty of the North
•1935.5 Caspers ’23 (1707.5 Caspers x 2365 Wolf)
•1516 Caspers ’23 (2365 Wolf x 2424 Caspers)
•1195 Caspers ’23 (2424 Caspers x Self) 61 DAP

Lot 64 “West coast Weight” Pugh’s PB --- 25
•2023.5 Pugh ’23 (2006 Wolf x 2365 Wolf) +19 incredible heavy 1 seed
•1940 Pugh ’23 (1686.5 Stelts x 2365 Wolf) +9 heavy

Lot 65 Kansas State Record and Jake’s PB --- 40
•2239.5 Marintzer ’23 (2168 Werner x 2425 Daletas) +6
•2184 Marintzer ’23 (2425 Daletas x 2168 Werner) +6

Lot 66 --- 105
•2360 Montsma ’23 (1300 Gienger x 2006 Wolf) +5 heavy 1 seed
•1782 Montsma ’23 (2006 Wolf x 2046 Montsma) beau�ful orange 1 seed

Lot 67 “The Orange Maverick” --- 200
•1300 Gienger ‘22 (1885.5 Werner x sib.”North American Record”) 1 seed

Lot 68 “The Wisconsin Surprise” --- 50
•2420 Mathiowetz ’23 (1727 Jacobus x 1890 Mathiowetz) +17 Heavy 1 seed Wisconsin State Record

Lot 69 “Sleeper seed of Season” --- 100
•1727 Jacobus ‘22 (2702.9 Cutrupi x 2520 Schmit) 1 seed

Lot 70 “California Dreaming Records” --- 50
•2497 Kennedy Root ’23 (2560 Gienger x 2554 Andrusz) +7 CA. State Record
•2036 Kennedy Root ’23 (1953 Daletas x 2554 Andrusz) +6

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Lot 71 “Big, Big, Heavy, Heavy” --- 55
•2404 Barron ’23 (2365 Wolf x Sib) +11 MI. State Record 1 seed
•2144 Barron ’22 (2183 Mendi x 1885.5 Werner) +17 1 seed

Lot 72 “The game changer?” --- 250
•2907 Paton DMG (1885.5 Werner x 2356.7 Mendi) 1 seed

Lot 73 “Great Ball of Fire” HD to the Max --- 85
•2319.3 STÖCKL ‘23 (2365 X SELF) 5% heavy 1 seed Largest HD ever!!! GERMAN RECORD

Lot 74 Bernstrom Beast Largest Ot on Legal Fruit ever 515” (2 Sets) --- 80, 80
•2501 Bernstrom ’23 (2560 Gienger x 1989.5 Conway) 1 seed
•2131 Bernstrom ‘23 (1989.5 Conway) x 2560 Gienger) 8% heavy 1 seed

Lot 75 Maverick “Flying to new Heights” --- 135
•2560 Gienger ‘22 ( 1885.5 Werner x Sib) Proven 1 ton maker!! 1 seed

Lot 76 “The Grand Greenie” World Record Producing Squash Seed “Very Rare” --- 400
•1109 Jutras ‘19 (927.5 Jutras x 1844.5 holub)

Lot 77 Gienger the one that got away 3K?? --- 165
•2222 DMG Gienger ’23 (2365 Wolf x 2365 Sib WR) 1 seed

Lot 78 Gienger World Record AG --- 175
•2749 Gienger ’23 (2365 Wolf x Sib) +14 heavy 1 seed

1/15/2024 11:46:10 AM


MS was at its finest which resulted in a lot of partial posts

1/15/2024 11:47:22 AM

Tom K


Nice job Spudder. 78 lots is a lot.

1/15/2024 2:56:15 PM

Tom K


Did lot 76 really sell for $4000?

1/15/2024 2:56:47 PM


Orient, Ohio

I believe it was 400

1/15/2024 3:12:22 PM


$400.00 is right and there was at least 80 lots as at least 2 were A & B

1/15/2024 9:24:26 PM

Ken D.

Connecticut, USA

fixed the 4000 and the subject of the thread. This was the Nowthen auction.

1/16/2024 6:03:14 AM



1/16/2024 9:11:13 AM

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