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Subject:  Kentucky Giant Pumpkin Growers Auction 23/24

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Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot #1 -- 40
Pete Caspers
2424 Caspers 22 (1707.5 Caspers x 2702.9 Cutrupi)
1840.5 Caspers 22 (2702.9 Cutrupi x 1470 Caspers)
1633 Caspers 22 (1477 Caspers x 2702.9 Cutrupi)
1281 Caspers 22 (1976 Sippel x 2702.9 Cutrupi)

Lot #2 -- 80
Don Barron
2144 Barron 22 (2183.7 Mendi x 1885.5 Werner)
2118 Barron 19 (1984 Barron x 2416 Haist)
2096.5 Barron 21 (2183.7 Mendi x Self)
1636 Barron 22 (2096.5 Barron x 1885.5 Werner)

Lot #3 -- 40
Barry LeBlanc
2359.5 LeBlanc 22 (2365 Wolf x 2201 Wallace)
2128 LeBlanc 22 (2201 Wallace x 2365 Wolf)
1849 LeBlanc 23 (2359 LeBlanc x 2560 Gienger)

Lot #4 --45
Steve Sperry Daughter/Mother
2154 Sperry 23 (1904.5 Sperry x 2365 Wolf)
1904.5 Sperry 22 (1885 Werner x 2520 Schmit)
2136.5 Sperry 22 (1806 Sperry x 1940 Urena)
1806 Sperry 18 (1970.5 Sperry x 2363 Holland)

Lot #5 --45
2200 Pound+
2283 Trombley 23 (2114 Barron x2110 Platte)
2240.5 Connolly 22 (2356 Mendi x 2702.9 Cultrupi)
2234 Noel 22 (2183 Mendi x 2096.5 Barron)
2218 Cardenas 21 (1953 Daletas x 2183 Mendi)
2200 Wolf 20 (1885.5 Werner x Sibb)

Lot #6 -- 40
Jeff Uhlmeyer
1998.5 Uhlmeyer 23 (1363 Baker x 1686 Stelts)
1946 Uhlmeyer 23 (1940 Urena x Self)
1815 Uhlmeyer 23 (1686 Stelts x 2425 Daletas)

1/11/2024 8:22:41 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot #7 -- 35
Quinn Werner
2168.5 Werner 22 (1885.5 Werner x 2183.7 Mendi)
2143 Werner 21 (1885.5 Werner x 1893.5 Daletas)
1703 Werner 21 (1893.5 Daletas x 1885.5 Werner)

Lot #8 -- 40
Todd Cotterman
2094 Cotterman 23 (1885.5 Werner x 2365 Wolf)
1761 Cotterman 23 (2365 Wolf x 1885.5 Werner)

Lot #9 -- 30
Andy & Amy Corbin
2062 Corbin 23 (2287 Sadiq x 1904.5 Sperry)
1822 Corbin 23 (900 Corbin x 1904.5 Sperry)
1556 Corbin 23 (1904.5 Sperry x 2287 Sadiq)
1553 Corbin 23 (900 Corbin x 1904.5 Sperry)
1854 Corbin 22 (900 Corbin x Self)

Lot #10 -- 50
Mohamad Sadiq
2287 Sadiq 22 (1885.5 Werner x 2183.7 Mendi)
1905 Sadiq 22 (2183.7 Mendie x 1885.5 Werner)

Lot #11 -- 45
Tom Montsma
2360 Montsma 23 (1300 Gienger x 2006 Wolf)
1782 Montsma 23 (2006 Wolf x 2046 Montsma)

Lot #12 -- 80
Jutras Long Gourds (4 seeds each)
159 Jutras 23 (121 Eaton x 148 Gfeller)
149.19 Jutras 23 (121 Eaton x 136 LeBlanc)
145.88 Jutras 23 (115 Eaton x 121 Eaton)

Lot #13 -- 60
Faust Long Gourds
142.25 Faust 23 (144 Faust x 168.5 Eaton) 6 seeds
133.25 Faust 23 (146.06 Faust x 168.5 Eaton) 5 seeds

Lot #14 2 Lots -- 35
McCaslin & Smiley (4 seeds each)
309 McCaslin 22 (301.5 McCaslin x Self)
301.5 McCaslin 21 (305 Mudd x Self)
220.5 Smiley 20 (158 Smiley x 324 McCaslin)
298 McCaslin 21 (220.5 Smiley x Self)
227.5 Smiley 23 (220.5 Smiley x Self)
McCaslin 8 gourd seeds for rootstock

Lot #15 2 Lots --
Joseph Miller Melons (4 seeds each)
276.8 Miller 23 (189 Miller x 216 Miller)
256.5 Miller 23 (126.5 Miller x 216 Miller)
247 Miller 23 (189 Miller x 216 Miller)
230.5 Miller 23 (194.5 Miller x 216 Miller)
203.6 Miller 23 (216 Miller x Self)

1/11/2024 8:41:44 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot #14 2 Lots -- 35 30
McCaslin & Smiley (4 seeds each)
309 McCaslin 22 (301.5 McCaslin x Self)
301.5 McCaslin 21 (305 Mudd x Self)
220.5 Smiley 20 (158 Smiley x 324 McCaslin)
298 McCaslin 21 (220.5 Smiley x Self)
227.5 Smiley 23 (220.5 Smiley x Self)
McCaslin 8 gourd seeds for rootstock

Lot #15 2 Lots -- 100 100
Joseph Miller Melons (4 seeds each)
276.8 Miller 23 (189 Miller x 216 Miller)
256.5 Miller 23 (126.5 Miller x 216 Miller)
247 Miller 23 (189 Miller x 216 Miller)
230.5 Miller 23 (194.5 Miller x 216 Miller)
203.6 Miller 23 (216 Miller x Self)

Lot #16 -- 80
Haist, Pritchard, Connolly & Terry
2198.5 Haist 23 (2365 Wolf x 2006 Wolf)
2140 Pritchard 23 (1620 Pritchard x 1625.5 Gantner)
1908 Connolly 23 (2907 Paton x 2365 Wolf)
1846.6 Terry 23 (2006 Wolf x 2114 Barron)

Lot #17 -- 55
Rodebaugh Pretty & Heavy
1461 Rodebaugh 22 (2350 Geinger x Self)
1965.5 Rodebaugh 21 (1342 Burchette x 2350 Gienger)

Lot #18 -- 30
Jutras & Jolivette
2217.5 Jutras 23 (2493 Wolf x 1832.5 Graham)
1774.5 Jolivette 23 (2520 Schmitt x 1965 Brandt)
1093 Jutras 23 (2365 Wolf x 1109 Jutras)

Lot #19 -- 25
Niles Jacobson
2041.5 Jacobson 23 (2243 Stelts x 1693 McMillin)
1570 Jacobson 23 (1338.5 Jacobson x Self)
1338.5 Jacobson 22 (1691.3 JACOBSON X Self)
1250.5 Jacobson 22 (1883 Bayuk x Self)

Lot #20 -- 100
Dave & Carol Stelts
2342 Stelts 22 (1953 Daletas x 1885.5 Werner)
2262 Stelts 22 (1686 Stelts x 1953 Daletas)
2243 Stelts 22 (1686 Stelts x 1953 Daletas)
2164 Stelts 22 (1849 Stelts x 1885.5 Werner)
1912 Stelts 22 (1885.5 Werner x 1686 Stelts)
1686 Stelts 19 (1421 Hazeltine x 2469 Daletas)

Lot #21 -- 100
Paton Brothers 2023
2020 Paton 23 dmg (1885.5 Werner x 2907 Paton)
2020 Paton 23 dmg (2365 Wolf x 2907 Paton)
1688 Paton 23 est (1885.5 Werner x 2907 Paton clone)

Lot #22 -- 80
Brian Mathiowetz
2420 Mathiowetz 23 (1727 Jacobus x 1890 Mathiowetz)
1938 Mathiowetz 23 (1890 Mathiowetz x 2520 Schmit)
1581 Mat

1/11/2024 9:14:33 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot #22 -- 80
Brian Mathiowetz
2420 Mathiowetz 23 (1727 Jacobus x 1890 Mathiowetz)
1938 Mathiowetz 23 (1890 Mathiowetz x 2520 Schmit)
1581 Mathiowetz 23 SQ (1595 Bernstrom x Sibb)

Lot #23 -- 40
Jolivette Tomatoes (4 seeds each)
7.44 Jolivette 23 (11.65 Faust x Open)
7.28 Jolivette 23 (11.65 Faust x Open)
7.06 Jolivette 23 (5.32 H/J x Open)
6.47 Jolivette 23 (8.4 Marley x Open)
5.36 Jolivette 23 (9.06 Brown x Open)

Lot #24 -- 50
Del & Julie Faust Tomatoes (5 seeds each)
8.49 Faust 23 (9.06 Brown x Open)
8.00 Faust 23 (9.06 Brown x Open)
7.92 Faust 23 (9.06 Brown x Open)
6.63 Faust 23 (11.65 Faust x Open)
6.31 Faust 23 (8.36 Strickler x Open)
6.25 Faust 23 (8.36 Strickler x Open)
6.13 Faust 23 (11.65 Faust x Open)
5.56 Faust 23 (11.65 Faust x Open)
5.54 Faust 23 (11.65 Faust x Open)

Lot #25 -- 50
Pete Caspers 2023
2088 Caspers 23 (1707.5 Caspers x 2365 Wolf)
1965 Caspers 23 (2424 Caspers x 2365 Wolf)
1935.5 Caspers 23 (1707.5 Caspers x 2365 Wolf)
1516 Caspers 23 (2365 Wolf x 2424 Caspers)
1195 Caspers 23 (2424 Caspers x Self)

Lot #26 -- 55
Jacob Marintzer
2239.5 Marintzer 23 (2168 Werner x 2425 Daletas)
2184 Marintzer 23 (2425 Daletas x 2168 Werner)

Lot #27 -- 20
Dale Marshall
2023.5 Marshall 23 (2147 Marshall x 1885.5 Werner)
2147 Marshall 22 (2183.7 Mendi x2365 Wolf)
1878.5 Marshall 23 (1885.5 Werner x 2147 Marshall)
1819 Marshall 22 (2365 Wolf x 2183.7 Mendi)

Lot #28 2 Lots -- 100 100
Andrew Vial Melons (2 seeds each)
267.8 Vial 23 (255 Mitchell x Sibb)
236.8 Vial 23 (330.5 Vial x 255 Mitchell)
235 Vial 23 (218.5 Vial x 255 Mitchell)
341.5 Vial 19 (255 Mitchell x 302 Kent)
330.5 Vial 19 (302 Kent x 302 Kent)
329 Vial 21 (218.5 Vial x 316 Edwards)
289.5 Vial 21 (341.5 Vial x 316 Edwards)

Lot #29 2sets -- 50 50
Frank Mudd Melons (2 seeds each)
297.4 Mudd 23 (325.4 Mudd x Self)
286 Mudd 23 (325.4 Mudd x Self)
277.5 Mudd 23 (305 Mudd x Self)
227 Mudd 23 (305 Mudd x Self)
217.8 Mudd 23 (199.5 Mudd

1/11/2024 9:43:42 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot #29A -- 40
Todd Dawson Melons (3 seeds each)
299.4 Dawson 23 (255 Mitchell x Sibb)
270 Dawson 23 (285 Edwards x 274 Kent)
269.1 Dawson 23 (273 Dawson x 274 Kent)

Lot #30 2 Sets -- 50 50
Chris Kent Melons (2 seeds each)
308 Kent 23 (302 Kent x 274 Kent)
287 Kent 23 (291.4 Terry x 330 Vial)
250.8 Kent 23 (140 Cantrell x Self)
249 Kent 23 (274 Kent x 302 Kent)
233 Kent 23 (306 Vial x 274 Kent)

Lot #31 2 Lots -- 205 200
255 Mitchell & 350.5 Kent
255 Mitchell 07 (168 Johnson x 157 Bright) 3 seeds
350.5 Kent 13 (291 Kent x 274 Kent) 3 seeds

Lot #32 -- 50
Cindy Knows Squash
2030 Tobeck 21 (1109 Jutras x 1938 Jutras)
1997 Tobeck 22 (1109 Jutras x Self)
1884 Tobeck 23 (1109 Jutras x 2030 Tobeck)
1592 Tobeck 23 (1997 Tobeck x 2030 Tobeck)
1500 Tobeck 23 est (2030 Tobeck x 1997 Tobeck)

Lot #33 -- 80
Heavy Handy
1747.5 Handy (1803 Gadberry x 1625.5 Gantner)

Lot #34 -- 35
Erik Gunstrom
2405 Gunstrom 23 (2110 Platte x 2365 Wolf)

Lot #35 2 Lots --30 25
Steve Strickler
2054 Strickler 23 (2365 Wolf x 1686 Stelts)

Lot #36 -- 65
Quinn Werner 2023
2081 Werner 23 (1885.5 Werner x Sibb)
1997 Werner 23 (2110 Platte x 2365 Wolf)
1932 Werner 23 (2365 Wolf x Sibb)
1912.5 Werner 23 (2365 Wolf x 2168 Werner)
1865 Werner 23 (1885.5 Werner x 2110 Platte)

Lot #37 -- 50
Steve Daletas
2425 Daletas 22 (1885.5 Werner x 2469.5 Daletas)
1931.5 Daletas 22 (1953 Daletas x 2469.5 Daletas)
1817 Daletas 22 (1940 Urena x 2469.5 Daletas)

Lot #38 -- 25
Steve Geddes
2359 Geddes 22 (326 Ritter x Sibb)

Lot #39 -- 20
Jamie Graham
2480 Graham 22 (1832.5 Graham x 2294.5 Noel)
1583 Graham 22 (2294.5 Noel x 1832.5 Graham)
1393.5 Graham 22 (2200 Geddes x 1832.5 Graham)

1/11/2024 11:28:05 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot #40 -- 25
Robert Cyrus
2124 Cyrus 23 (2262 Stelts x 2365 Wolf)
2194.4 Cyrus 22 (2230 Wallace x 1514 Slone)

Lot #41 -- 60
Amelia Wolf’s Bright Orange
2006 Wolf 22 (2365 Wolf x Sibb)

Lot #42 -- 55
Chris Rodebaugh 2023
2144.5 Rodebaugh 23 (1965.5 Rodebaugh x 1707.5 Caspers)
2025.7 Rodebaugh 23 (1707.5 Caspers x 1965.5 Rodebaugh)
1229.7 Rodebaugh 23 (1526 Burchette x 1965.5 Rodebaugh)

Lot #43 -- 80
Rick Kisamore
2266 Kisamore 23 (2365 Wolf x 2147 Sipple)
2042 Kisamore 23 (2147.5 Sipple x 2365 Wolf)
2195.5 Kisamore 22 (872 Kisamore x Self)
2030 Kisamore 21 (1965 Brandt x 1625.5 Gantner)
2003 Kisamore 23 (2350 Gienger x 2593 Paton)

Lot #44 2 Lots -- 30 25
Dave & Carol Stelts 2023
2376 Stelts 23 (2342 Stelts x 1912 Stelts)
2109 Stelts 23 (1912 Stelts x 2243 Stelts)
2004 Stelts 23 (1912 Stelts x 2164 Stelts)

Lot #45 2 Lots -- 40 35
Dave & Carol Stelts 2023
2227 Stelts 23 (2243 Stelts x 2164 Stelts)
2143 Stelts 23 (2365 Wolf x 2069 Stelts)
1853 Stelts 23 (2069 Stelts x 1912 Stelts)

Lot #46 -- 100
Don Barron
2404 Barron 23 (2365 Wolf x Sibb)
2144 Barron 22 (2183 Mendi x 1885.5 Werner)

Lot #47 -- 55 55
Doc Liggett 2 Lots
2388.5 Liggett 23 (1885.5 Werner x Self)
1728 Liggett 23 (1837.5 Liggett x Self)

1/11/2024 11:28:40 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


Lot #48 -- 45
Ron Wallace
2344.5 Wallace 23 (2365 Wolf x 1707.5 Caspers)
1907 Wallace 23 est (2006 Wolf x 2365 Wolf)

Lot #49 -- 75
Andy Wolf’s Big One
2493 Wolf 22 (2365 Wolf x Self)

Lot #50 -- 125
Travis Gienger’s Proven
2560 Gienger 22 (1885.5 Werner x Sibb)

Lot #51 -- 70
Steve Sperry 2023
2465.5 Sperry 23 (2365 Wolf x 1832 Graham)
2198 Sperry 23 (1832 Graham x 2365 Wolf)
2154 Sperry 23 (1904.5 Sperry x 2365 Wolf)
1525.5 Sperry 23 (2006 Wolf x 1832 Graham)

Lot #52 -- 100
Charlie Bernstrom
2501 Bernstrom 23 (2560 Gienger x 1989.5 Conway)
2131 Bernstrom 23 (1989.5 Conway x 2560 Gienger)
1352 Bernstrom 23 SQ (1109 Jutras x Self)

Lot #53 -- 155
Travis Gienger with WR Pollen
2222 Gienger 23 dmg (2365 Wolf x 2365 Wolf WR)

Lot #54 -- 55 55
Kennedy/Root 2 Lots
2497 Kennedy/Root 23 (2560 Gienger x 2554 Andrusz)
2036 Kennedy/Root 23 (1953 Daletas x 2554 Andrusz)

Lot #55 -- 200
Travis Gienger’s World Record
2749 Gienger 23 (2365 Wolf x Sibb)

1/11/2024 11:30:04 PM

Total Posts: 7 Current Server Time: 2/22/2025 6:49:22 PM
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