Seed Auctions/Raffles
Subject: Illinois (IGPGA) Auction results 2022/2023
Date Posted
spudder |
Lot 1 (One Set)--- 60 Morse– 2350 Morse MI State Record {2520 Schmit x Self}
Lot 2 ( Two Sets)--- 35, 35 Frias– 2118 Frias {2183 Mendi x 1940 Urena} 1603 Frias {2517 Mendi x 1824 Gonzalez}
Lot 3 (One Set)--- 60 Skinner– 2068 Skinner {1885 Werner x 2183 Mendi} 1671 Skinner {2183 Mendi x 1885 Wener} 1642 Skinner {1781 Vangeel x 1885 Werner}
Lot 4 (Three Sets)--- 25, 25, 20 Kisamore– 2195.5 Kisamore {872 Kisamore x Self} New Ohio State Record
5 (Two Sets)--- 65, 65 Tiger Lily 1634 Rea {2350 Gienger x 1885 Werner}
Lot 6 (Two Sets)--- 50, 45 Sperry lot— 2136.5 Sperry {1806 Sperry x 1940 Urena}-2 seeds 1904.5 Sperry {1885 Werner x 2520 Schmit}-2 seeds 1818 Sperry {2520 Schmit x 1885 Werner} 1554 Sperry {1940 Urena x 1885 Werner}
Lot 7 (Two sets)--- 40, 40 Bear swipe lot 2480 Graham (bear swipe){1832.5 Graham x 2294.5 Noel} 1583 Graham (sir seed){2294.5 Noel x 1832.5 Graham} 1393.5 Graham (penny){2200 Geddes x 1832.5 Graham}
1/13/2023 10:47:08 PM
spudder |
Lot 8 (Two Sets)--- 35, 30 Connolly lot 150 ft Winner– 2240.5 Connolly {2356 Mendi x 2702 Cutrupi} 1375 Connolly {1552 Young x 1552 Young}-150SQ winner–
Lot 9 (Two Sets)--- 25, 20 Grow like Geddes– 2359 Geddes {326 Ritter x Sibbed}
Lot 10 (Two Sets)--- 60, 55 Daletas lot– 2425 Daletas {1885 Werner x 2469.5 Daletas} 1931.5 Daletas {1953 Daletas x 2469 Daletas} 1817 Daletas {1940 Urena x 2469 Daletas}
Lot 11 (Two Sets)--- 25, 20 Gibson Lot 920 Gibson HD Winner (1727 Companion x Self) 1439 Gibson (1990 Bernstrom x Self) 1379 Gibson (895.5 x Self) 1022 Gibson (1146.5 companion x Self)
Lot 12 (One Set)--- 25 Anderson - 976 Anderson HD Winner (1540.5 Anderson x Self)
Lot 13 (Two Sets)--- 30, 25 Barron– Lot 2144 Barron {2183 Mendi x 1885 Werner} 1636 Barron {2096.5 Baron x 1885 Werner}
LOT 13.5 Marrow and– 1 set --- 20 187.4 Baggs(20) {220 Baggs x 165 Baggs}-2seeds 130 Tobeck(20) {220 Baggs x 91.5 LaRue}-2seeds
1/13/2023 10:47:45 PM
spudder |
LOT 14 (One Set)--- 160 Donated by Drip Dept - THIS ITEM IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTS OF THE CONTIGUOUS UNITED STATES, INCLUDES FREE SHIPPING-- Deluxe Drip Irrigation Kit for Small Farms Retail $242 Drip Depot irrigation kits are the leading brand of drip irrigation kits in America This kit includes everything you need to hook up to any standard outdoor water faucet or garden hose connection. Only hand tightening is required for all of the threaded irrigation parts including enough parts for 15 rows and 1000ft of tape. This can be easily expanded at a low cost to fit your needs
Lot 15 (Two Sets)--- 65, 60 LeBlanc– lot 2359.5 LeBlanc{2365 Wolf x 2201 Wallace} 2128 LeBlanc {2201 Wallace x 2365 Wolf}(20% heavy)-2seeds
Lot 15.5 (2 sets) Bushel Gourd --- 25, 20 345 Guns(21){343 Kaminski x Self}--2seeds– 313 Trombley(21){384.5 Terry x 470.5 Connolly}-4seeds- 297 Trombley(21){470.5 Connolly x Self}-4seeds-
Lot 16 (Two sets)--- 25, 20 Pierpont– lot 2121.5 Pierpont(2021){2114 Wallce x 2145 McMullen} 2074 Pierpont{2702 Cutrupi x Self} 1960 Peirpont {1992.5 Pierpont x Self}
Lot 17 (Three Set)--- 55, 50, 45 Sadiq set 2287 Sadiq {1885 Werner x 2183 Mendi} 1905 Sadiq {2183 Mendi x 1885 Werner}
Lot 17.5 (one set) -- 35 Joes ALL Squash lot from years past 1407 Jutras(16) {1445.5 Jutras x sib} 1384 Jutras(17) {1445 Jutras x 1060 Holub} 1252.5 Jutras(17){1060 Holub x self} 927 Jutras(18){1701 Jutras x 2118 Jutras}
1/13/2023 10:48:12 PM
spudder |
Lot 18 (Two sets - Two seeds each)--- 135, 130 Stelts¨Cset 2342 Stelts {1953 Daletas x 1885 Werner} 2262 Stelts {1686 Stelts x 1953 Daletas} 2243 Stelts {1686 Stelts x 1953 Daletas} 2164 Stelts {1849 Stelts x 1885 Werner} 2069 Stelts {1953 Daletas x 2350 Gienger} 1912 Stelts {1885 Werner x 1686 Stelts}
Lot 19 (One Set)--- 190 Wolf set 2493 Wolf {2365 Wolf x Self} (Andy) 2006 Wolf {2365 Wolf x Sib} (Amelia) 1120 Wolf {1040 Wolf x Self}(HD) (Andy)
Lot 20 (One Set)--- 30 Theil ¨C 2195 Theil (21){1747.5 Handy x 1699 Theil}
Lot 21 (Two sets)--- 75, 70 Werner¨C 2168.5 Werner {1885 Werner x 2183 Mendi} 1802 Werner {2183 Mendi x 1885 Werner}
Lot 22 (Two Sets)--- 30, 25 Noel¨C 2234 Noel {2183 Mendi x 2096 Barron}(19% Heavy)-2seeds 2096.5 Noel {2096.5 Barron x 1641 Wallace}
Lot 23 (Two sets - 2 Seeds Each)--- 50, 45 Sippel¨C 2147.5 Sippel {1935 Ford x 1501 VanderWielen}-2seeds
Lot 24 (Two sets - 2 Seeds Each)--- 30, 25 Mudd is best for Watermelons-2 sets-2 seeds¨C 325.4 Mudd {305 Mudd x Self} 302.5 Mudd {305 Mudd x Self} 298.2 Mudd {332 Mudd x Self} 249.2 Mudd {305 Mudd x Self} 248.8 Mudd {332 Mudd x Self}
Lot 25 (Two sets - 4 Seeds Each)--- 40, 35 McCaslin and Smiley make happy watermelons 309 McCaslin {301.5 McCaslin x Self} 301.5 McCaslin(21){305 Mudd x Self}(grew 309) 282 McCaslin {298 McCaslin x Self} 249.5 Smiley {220.5 Smiley x Self} 230 Smiley {330.5 Vial x Self} 220.5 Smiley {158 Smiley x 324 McCaslin}
1/13/2023 10:49:00 PM
spudder |
Lot 26 (One Set Two Seeds)--- 25 Back to 2020 watermelon lot 300 Mudd (20){305 Mudd x Self} 277.6 Mudd (20){146.5 Young x Self} 249 Mudd (20){302Kent x Self} 245 Brussel (20){247 Edwards x 218 Bentley} 239 Brussel (20){218 Bentley x 247 Edwards}
Lot 27 (2 Sets)--- 120, 120 Mill Fabric THIS ITEM IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTS OF THE CONTIGUOUS UNITED STATES, INCLUDES FREE SHIPPING Marks Famous Red Mil Fabric 5x5¡ªTWO sheets¨C (delivery in MARCH) Minimum Bid $40 FREE Shipping Retails at $80 (plus shipping) for two sheets
Lot 28 (One Set)--- 20 HD from Overseas Ressel through the years 707.2 Ressel (20)-HD-{495.2 Ressel x 97.4 Ressel}-2 seeds-HD 495.2 Ressel(18)-HD-{1030 DeBacco x 1143 Engel}-grew 707.2 HD 490.7 Ressel(17){97.4 Ressel x Self} 97.4 Ressel(16){1177 Clemetz x 500.5 Warren}-grew 490.7
Lot 29 (One Set)--- 25 Montsma HD¨C1set¨C 2046 Montsma {2520 Schmit x 1189 Wild}-2seeds 1528.5 Montsma -HD-{1665 MacDonald x Self}HD
Lot 30 (One Set)--- 45 Illinois MEGA lot with some HD-1set 845.5 Kueny-HD-{1157 Zaychkowsky x Self}-HD¨C2seeds 1398 Janowiak (20)-HD-{1501 Vanderweilen x 1885 Werner}-HD 1893 Mourlas (21){2145 McMullen x Self}--2seeds¨C 1813 Mourlas (21){1911 Urena x Self}--2seeds 1760 Adkins {1940 Urena x Self}-2seeds 929 Adkins- Squash-{1109 Jutras x Self}-2seeds 82 Hebb-Butternut-(21){65.5 Brown x Self}-4 seeds 171 Hebb-Lunga-(21){NA}-4 seeds 50 Adkins-Cantaloupe-(21){67 McCaslin x Self}-5seeds 192¡¯¡¯House-Tall Corn-100seeds 144¡±¡±House Tall Indian corn 12¡±ears-100seeds 168.5 House Pear gourd(21){138.5 House x Open}-10seeds 74¡±House Dipper gourd-15 seeds 8¡¯Tall Glass Gem popcorn-100seeds 76.6 House Field Pumpkin(2017){81 Wolf x 181 MacKinnon}--6seeds 80 House Field Pumpkin(21){142 McInnis x 145 McInnis}-5seeds15
1/13/2023 10:49:29 PM
spudder |
Lot 26 (One Set Two Seeds)--- 25 Back to 2020 watermelon lot 300 Mudd (20){305 Mudd x Self} 277.6 Mudd (20){146.5 Young x Self} 249 Mudd (20){302Kent x Self} 245 Brussel (20){247 Edwards x 218 Bentley} 239 Brussel (20){218 Bentley x 247 Edwards}
Lot 27 (2 Sets)--- 120, 120 Mill Fabric THIS ITEM IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTS OF THE CONTIGUOUS UNITED STATES, INCLUDES FREE SHIPPING Marks Famous Red Mil Fabric 5x5¡ªTWO sheets¨C (delivery in MARCH) Minimum Bid $40 FREE Shipping Retails at $80 (plus shipping) for two sheets
Lot 28 (One Set)--- 20 HD from Overseas Ressel through the years 707.2 Ressel (20)-HD-{495.2 Ressel x 97.4 Ressel}-2 seeds-HD 495.2 Ressel(18)-HD-{1030 DeBacco x 1143 Engel}-grew 707.2 HD 490.7 Ressel(17){97.4 Ressel x Self} 97.4 Ressel(16){1177 Clemetz x 500.5 Warren}-grew 490.7
Lot 29 (One Set)--- 25 Montsma HD¨C1set¨C 2046 Montsma {2520 Schmit x 1189 Wild}-2seeds 1528.5 Montsma -HD-{1665 MacDonald x Self}HD
Lot 30 (One Set)--- 45 Illinois MEGA lot with some HD-1set 845.5 Kueny-HD-{1157 Zaychkowsky x Self}-HD¨C2seeds 1398 Janowiak (20)-HD-{1501 Vanderweilen x 1885 Werner}-HD 1893 Mourlas (21){2145 McMullen x Self}--2seeds¨C 1813 Mourlas (21){1911 Urena x Self}--2seeds 1760 Adkins {1940 Urena x Self}-2seeds 929 Adkins- Squash-{1109 Jutras x Self}-2seeds 82 Hebb-Butternut-(21){65.5 Brown x Self}-4 seeds 171 Hebb-Lunga-(21){NA}-4 seeds 50 Adkins-Cantaloupe-(21){67 McCaslin x Self}-5seeds 192¡¯¡¯House-Tall Corn-100seeds 144¡±¡±House Tall Indian corn 12¡±ears-100seeds 168.5 House Pear gourd(21){138.5 House x Open}-10seeds 74¡±House Dipper gourd-15 seeds 8¡¯Tall Glass Gem popcorn-100seeds 76.6 House Field Pumpkin(2017){81 Wolf x 181 MacKinnon}--6seeds 80 House Field Pumpkin(21){142 McInnis x 145 McInnis}-5seeds15
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LOT 31 (One Set)--- 160 Donated by Tertill THIS ITEM IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTS OF THE CONTIGUOUS UNITED STATES, INCLUDES FREE SHIPPING. Tertill Weeding Robot Retails $349 Tertill is a compact and effective robot that weeds your vegetable garden for you. It's solar-powered, weatherproof, and lives in the garden all season long.
Lot 32 (One Set)--- 50 World Record Tomato time 11.65 Faust-WR-{9.06 Brown x Open}-1seed 8.32 Faust {9.06 Brown x Open}-Domingo-4seeds 5.42 Faust {8.10 McDonald x Open}-Domingo-4seeds 5.24 Faust {9.06 Brown x Open}-Domingo-4seeds 5.20 Faust {9.65 Marley x Open}-Domingo-5seeds 144 Faust {146.06 Faust x 154.75 Ansems}-Long Gourd-4seeds16
Lot 33 (Three Sets)--- 40, 35, 30 Petes double NEW STATE record season 2424 Caspers {1707.5 Caspers x 2702.9 Cutrupi} 1840.5 Caspers {2702.9 Cutrupi x 1470 Caspers} 1633 Caspers {1477 Caspers x 2702.9 Cutrupi} 1281 Caspers {1976 Sippel x 2702.9 Cutrupi}
Lot 34 (One Set)--- 40 Caspers 2400 PLUS creator!-1set 1707.5 Caspers (21){2551.9 Mendi x 2200 Wolf}
Lot 35 (One Set)--- 50 Daletas Proven Genetics1953 Daletas (20){2114 Wallace x 2624.6 Willemijns}
Lot 36 (One Set)--- 75 World Record seed 2702.9 Cutrupi (21){1885 Werner x Self} Thanks you Edwin Pierpont!!
Lot 37 (One Set)--- 85 Biggest in North America MAVRICK 2560 Gienger {1885 werner x Sibbed
1/13/2023 10:50:06 PM
Total Posts: 7 |
Current Server Time: 2/23/2025 4:07:06 AM |