Seed Auctions/Raffles
Subject: St. Croix(SCGA) Auction Results 2022/2023
Date Posted
spudder |
Lot 1 Long Gourd 1 (1set)--- 20 154.75” Ansems‘21 (136.75”Ansemsx142.25”Ansems) North American Record 2021 2 seeds 144.75” Young 21’ (146” LeBlanc x self) VT State Record 1 seed 142.25” Morgan 21’ (131” Tobeck x Self) ME StateRecord 2 seeds 137.13” Gfeller 21’(134.75 Fleser x self) 3 seeds
Lot 2 Butler’s master garden (1set)--- 20 7.88 Butler(9.06 Brown) tied Canadian record 5 seeds 26.20 foot tall sunflower 5 seeds 254.5 Butler (244 Butler x self) 2 seeds 1335.5 Butler (1109 Jutras x self) 2 seeds
Lot 3 Field Pumpkins 1 (2 sets)--- 30, 25 218.3 Baggs(168.7 Baggs x sib) 2 seeds (Largest GPC pumpkin in 2022) 190.6 Baggs‘21 (168.7Baggs x Sib) 1 seed
Lot 4 Field Pumpkins 2 (2 Sets) --- 25, 20 177 Paul ‘21 (128 Paul x 94.5 Paul) Wisconsin State Record 2 seeds 156.5 Paul ‘21 (128 Paul x 94.5 Paul) 2 seeds 159.5 Paul ‘21 (128 Paul x 94.5 Paul) 2 seeds
Lot 5 Field Pumpkins 3 (2 sets)--- 35, 30 186 Nesbitt (133 Wursten x self) 1 seed 160 Ailts (90 Ailts x self) 3 seeds 144 Ailts (90 Ailts x self) 3 seeds 90 Ailts (188 MacKinnon x 211 MacKinnon) 3 seeds
Lot 6 Field Pumpkin World Record (2 sets)--- 75, 70 268 Baggs (168.7 Baggs x Sib) 3 seeds
Lot 7 Giant Tomatoes (1 set)--- 40 8.07 Daho 18’ (4.22 Daho x open) 3 seeds 7.88 Lyons 21’ (5.70 MacDonald x Open) 3 seeds Canadian Record 8.335 Strickler ‘21 (5.61 Konieczny x Open) 3 seeds 8.105dm MacDonald ‘20 (5.71 Lambchop x Open) 4 seeds 7.72 MacDonald (5.17 MacDonald x Open) 4 seeds 8.10 MacDonald ‘20 (5.70 MacDonald x Open) 4 seeds Lot 8 Sunflower Wide Head/tall--- 55 25” Brown wide head 6 seeds 27” Brown wide head 6 seeds 20’3” Brown tall 6 seeds
1/6/2023 10:19:37 PM
spudder |
Lot 9 Tomatoes World Record (2 sets)--- 85, 80 11.65 Faust (9.06 Brown x open) 1 seed world record 8.32 Faust (9.06 Brown x open) 2 seeds 5.42 Faust (8.10 MacDonald x open) 2 seeds 5.24 Faust (9.06 Brown x open) 2 seeds 5.20 Faust (9.65 Marley x open) 3 seeds
Lot 10 Tomatoes (2 sets) mother/daughter Proven--- 65, 60 9.06 Brown ‘21 (5.32 Howell/Jolivette x Open) MN Record 2 seeds “Grew the 11.65 Faust” 7.35 Brown ‘20 (3.62 Oglesby x open ) 4 seeds 6.82 Brown ‘21 (7.66 Hill x Open) 4 seeds 6.14 Brown ‘21 (6.66 Spaziani x Open) 4 seeds 5.32 Howell/Jolivette ‘20 (9.65 Marle x Open) Domingo “Grew the 9.06 Brown” 1 seeds
Lot 11 Long Gourds (2 sets)--- 40, 35 154.06 Gfeller (131 Tobeck x 137 Gfeller) 2 seeds USA Record!! 148.5 Gfeller (131 Tobeck x 125.25 Kline) 2 seeds 148 Gfeller (131 Tobeck x 125.25 Kline) 2 seeds 144 Faust (146.06 Faust x 154.75 Ansems) 2 seeds 133 Faust (146.06 Faust x 154.75 Ansems) 2 seeds
Lot 12 Tomatoes (2 sets)--- 35, 30 Porkchop 3 pigs 8.64 (5.30 Butler x open) 2 seeds 8.58 (9.06 x open) 2 seeds 8.40 (7.72 La Rue) 2 seeds
Lot 13 Marrow--- 50 235.9 Baggs (217 Baggs x 256.9 Sjodin) 1 seed (#1 in world 2nd largest ever) 202 Baggs UOW/DMG (200.6 Baggs 217 Baggs) 1 seed 201.2 Baggs DMG (217 Baggs x 198.8 Baggs) 1 seed 184.9 Baggs (200.6 Baggs x 198.4 Baggs) 1 seed 176.8 Baggs (220 Baggs x 200.6 Baggs) 1 seed
Lot 14 Pete’s Powerhouse (2 sets)--- 50, 45 2424 Caspers (1707.5 Caspers x 2702.9 Cutrupi) 1 seed 1840.5 Caspers (2702.9 Cutrupi x 1470 Caspers) 1 seed 1633 Caspers (1477 Caspers x 2702.9 Cutrupi) 1 seed 1281 Caspers (1976 Sippel x 2702.9 Cutrupi) 1 seed
Lot 15 Pete’s Magic seed (1 set)--- 45 1707.5 Caspers (2551.9 Mendi x 2200 Wolf) Grew the 2424 Caspers”
Lot 16 Squash (1 set)--- 35 1997 Tobeck (1109 Jutras x self) 1 seed 1595 Bernstrom (2030 Tobeck x self) 2 seeds 1133 Yohe (1838 Jutras x 2145 McMullen) 3 seeds
1/6/2023 10:21:00 PM
spudder |
Lot 17 Butternut (1 set)--- 55 104.5 Ruthruff (55.5 Brown x 65.1 Brown) 3 seeds “World Record” 103 Jarosh (65.5 Swenson x self) 2 seeds 56.0 Ruthruff (65.1 Brown x self) 4 seeds
Lot 18 Watermelon Power Couple--- 40 309 McCaslin (301.5 McCaslin x self) 3 seeds 282 McCaslin (298 McCaslin x self) 3 seeds 249.5 Smiley (220.5 Smiley x self) 4 seeds 230.5 Smiley (330.5 Vial x Self) 4 seeds 220.5 Smiley (158 Smiley x 324 McCaslin) 3 seeds
Lot 19 Orange 1 (1 set)--- 65 1634 Rea (2350 Gienger x 1885.5 Werner) 1 seed “Tiger Lily” 1540.5 Anderson ’21 (2350 x Self) 2 seeds 1387 Miller (1785 Ford x self) 2 seeds
Lot 20 HD magic (1 set)--- 40 1552 Young ‘20 (1215 x 1297.5 Young) HD seed 1477 Caspers (2350 Gienger x 2200 Wolf) 1 seed 1469.5 Young ‘20 (1297.5 x 1080 Young) HD 1 seed
Lot 21 HD Orange (2 sets)--- 45, 40 1584 Martin (1141.5 Lehrer x 2112 Skinner) 1 seed “Beauty of the North Champion 2022” 1120 Wolf (1040 Wolf x self) 1 seed “HD winner” 854 Anderson (729 Gansert x self) 2 seeds “HD winner” 852 Toboyek (1785.5 Ford x self) 1 seed “Beauty of the North Champion 2021”
Lot 22 HD Clone Magic (1 set) --- 85 1461 Rodebaugh (2350 Gienger xself) seed “Ruby” Clone of the 1511 Rodebaugh
Lot 23 Orange HD Big (1 set)--- 50 2045 Daho (1885.5 Werner x self) 1 seed HD winner “French Champion” 1528.5 Montsma (1665 MacDonald x self) 1 seed HD winner 1375 Connolly (1552 Young x self) 1 seed 150 square-foot Challenge WR 529 Baker (1002 Ailts x self) 1 seed HD winner
Lot 24 Barron/Barker= Heavy to Chart (2 sets)--- 55, 45 2144 Barron (2183.7Mendi x 1885.5 Werner) 17% Heavy 1 seed 1363 Barker (1940 Urena x 1747.5 Handy) 24% Heavy 1 seed (Pollinater was 20% Heavy) 1204 Barker (1747.5 Handy x 2350 Gienger) 20% Heavy 1 seed
Lot 25 Heavy Twins
1/6/2023 10:23:31 PM
spudder |
Lot 17 Butternut (1 set)--- 55 104.5 Ruthruff (55.5 Brown x 65.1 Brown) 3 seeds “World Record” 103 Jarosh (65.5 Swenson x self) 2 seeds 56.0 Ruthruff (65.1 Brown x self) 4 seeds
Lot 18 Watermelon Power Couple--- 40 309 McCaslin (301.5 McCaslin x self) 3 seeds 282 McCaslin (298 McCaslin x self) 3 seeds 249.5 Smiley (220.5 Smiley x self) 4 seeds 230.5 Smiley (330.5 Vial x Self) 4 seeds 220.5 Smiley (158 Smiley x 324 McCaslin) 3 seeds
Lot 19 Orange 1 (1 set)--- 65 1634 Rea (2350 Gienger x 1885.5 Werner) 1 seed “Tiger Lily” 1540.5 Anderson ’21 (2350 x Self) 2 seeds 1387 Miller (1785 Ford x self) 2 seeds
Lot 20 HD magic (1 set)--- 40 1552 Young ‘20 (1215 x 1297.5 Young) HD seed 1477 Caspers (2350 Gienger x 2200 Wolf) 1 seed 1469.5 Young ‘20 (1297.5 x 1080 Young) HD 1 seed
Lot 21 HD Orange (2 sets)--- 45, 40 1584 Martin (1141.5 Lehrer x 2112 Skinner) 1 seed “Beauty of the North Champion 2022” 1120 Wolf (1040 Wolf x self) 1 seed “HD winner” 854 Anderson (729 Gansert x self) 2 seeds “HD winner” 852 Toboyek (1785.5 Ford x self) 1 seed “Beauty of the North Champion 2021”
Lot 22 HD Clone Magic (1 set) --- 85 1461 Rodebaugh (2350 Gienger xself) seed “Ruby” Clone of the 1511 Rodebaugh
Lot 23 Orange HD Big (1 set)--- 50 2045 Daho (1885.5 Werner x self) 1 seed HD winner “French Champion” 1528.5 Montsma (1665 MacDonald x self) 1 seed HD winner 1375 Connolly (1552 Young x self) 1 seed 150 square-foot Challenge WR 529 Baker (1002 Ailts x self) 1 seed HD winner
Lot 24 Barron/Barker= Heavy to Chart (2 sets)--- 55, 45 2144 Barron (2183.7Mendi x 1885.5 Werner) 17% Heavy 1 seed 1363 Barker (1940 Urena x 1747.5 Handy) 24% Heavy 1 seed (Pollinater was 20% Heavy) 1204 Barker (1747.5 Handy x 2350 Gienger) 20% Heavy 1 seed
Lot 25 Heavy Twins
1/6/2023 10:23:31 PM
spudder |
Lot 25 Heavy Twins (1 set)--- 40 1989.5 Tobeck (1940 Urena x 2183.7 Mendi) 18% Heavy 1 seed 1989.5 Conway (2356.7 Mendi x 1747.5 Handy) 18% heavy 1 seed
Lot 26 Stelts (2 sets)--- 60, 55 2164 Stelts (1849 Stelt x 1885 Werner) 1 seed 2243 Stelts (1686 Stelts x 1953 Daletas) 1 seed 2262 Stelts (1686 Stelts x 1953 Daletas) 1 seed
Lot 27 Geddes 2300 pounders (1 set)--- 35 2304 Geddes (1542 Urena x self) 1 seed 2359 Geddes (326 Ritter xSib) 1 seed
Lot 28 a little over a ton!! (1 set)--- 30 2092 Noel (2183 Mendi x 2058 Noel) 1 seed 2063 Croyle (1935 Ford x 2054 Wallace) 1 seed 2061 Croyle (1935 Ford x 2054 Wallace) 1 seed 2027 Neptune (2183 Mendi x 2433 Paton) 1 seed
Lot 29 Skinner/Connolly (1 set)--- 40 2240.5 Connolly (2356.7 Mendi x 2702.9 Cutrupi) 1 seed 2068 Skinner (1885.5 Werner x Mendi) 1 seed 1671 Skinner (2183.7 Mendi x 1885.5 Werner) 2 seeds
Lot 30 State Records!! (2 sets)--- 25, 20 2195.5 Kisamore (872 Kisamor x self) 14% heavy 1 seed “Ohio record” 1854 Corbin (900 Corbin x self) 8% 2 seeds “Wyoming state record”
Lot 31 2100 club (1 set)--- 25 2169 Daho (2183 Mendi x self) 1 seed 2152 Gantner (1501 VanderWielen x 1418 Lehrer) 1 seed 2150 Paton (2183 Mendi x 2356 Mendi) 1 seed
Lot 32 Werner (1 set)--- 60 2168.5 Werner (1885.5 Werner x 2183.7 Mendi) 1 seed 1802 Werner (2183.7 Mendi x 1885.5 Werner) 1 seed
Lot 33 Moby‘s monster (1 set)--- 55 2520 Schmit (2261 Schmit x 1083 Schmit) 1 seed
Lot 34 Pennsylvania State record (1 set)--- 75 2405 Guns (2110 Platte x 2365 Wolf) 1 seed
Lot 35 Mendi’s Monster (1 set)--- 35 2517 Mendi (2183 Mendi x 2552 Mendi) 1 seed
Lot 36 Urena (1 set)--- 40 2007 Urena ‘21 (2183.7 Mendi x 1542 Urena) 1 seed 1938 Urena ‘19 (2145.5 McMullen x Willemijns) 1 seed 1910 Urena ‘21 (1940 Urena x 2183.7 Mendi) 1 seed 1623 Urena ‘21 (1542 Urena 2183.7 Mendi) 1 seed
1/6/2023 10:25:16 PM
spudder |
Lot 37 Mendi’s monster maker (1 set)--- 40 2356.7 Mendi (2183 Mendi x 1686 Stelts) 1 seed
Lot 38 Barry’s Big ones (1 set)--- 60 2359.5 Leblanc (2365 Wolf x 2201 Wallace) 1 seed 2128 Leblanc (2201 Wallace x 2365 Wolf) 1 seed
Lot 39 Dreaming (2 sets)--- 35, 25 2356 Booth (1940 Urena x 1695 Booth) 1 seed 2118 Frias (2183.7 Mendi x 1940 Urena) 1 seed
Lot 40 Paton’s Official Biggest (1 set)--- 75 2656 Paton (1940 Urena x 2356 Mendi) 1 seed largest official pumpkin growing in 2022!!
Lot 41 Amelia Wolf Beauty (1 set)---- 100 2006 Wolf (2365 Wolf x Sib) 1 seed Pollinater threw the 2493
Lot 42 Noel’s Killer crosses (1 set)--- 65 2234 Noel (2183.7 Mendi x 2096.5 Barron) 19% heavy 1 seed (Pollinater went heavy) 2096.5 Noel (2096.5 x 1641 Wallace) 26% Heavy 1 seed 1915 Noel (2294.5 Noel x 2058.5 Noel) 1 seed
Lot 43 Andy’s Personal Best (1 set)--- 110 2493 Wolf (2365 Wolf x Self) 17% heavy 1 seed
Lot 44 maverick (2 sets)--- 75, 70 2560 Gienger (1885.5 Werner x Sib) New North American record!! 1 seed
1/6/2023 10:41:15 PM
spudder |
Lot 45 New York State record (1 set)--- 130 2554 Andrusz (2365 Wolf x 1885.5 Werner) 15% heavy 1 seed
Lot 46 Tiger King (2 sets)--- 75, 75 2350 Gienger (1501 VanderWielen x self) 1 seed
Lot 47 Current World Record (1 set) --- 75 2702.9 Cutrupi (1885 Werner x self) OTT 514” (1 seed)
Lot 48 Urena’ Golden Seed (1 set)--- 75 1911 Urena (2066 Geddes x 1631 Urena) 1 seed “Has grown 6 pumpkins over 2000 pounds”
Lot 49 The Game Changer?? (1 set)--- 285 2907 Paton (1885 x 2356 Mendi) largest OTT ever 542” (1 seed) great color amazing Pollinater…you ready for 3,000 pounds???
Lot 50 Wolf’s Seed--- 460 2365 Wolf ‘21 Werner x 2174 Daletas) 1 seed (has grown more 1 ton Pumpkins First year out than any other seed in history) rare seed!
1/6/2023 11:13:55 PM
George J |
Roselle, IL [email protected]
Can someone from St. Croix contact me thanks
1/7/2023 7:47:27 AM
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