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Subject:  Pacific Giant(PGVG) Auction Results

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Lot 1. The Ultimate Watermelon Collection---50
341 Vial – Watermelon ‘21 (330.5 Vial x 316 Edwards) #1 in world 2021, third largest ever - 2 seeds
330.5 Vial – Watermelon ’20 (302 Kent x 302 Kent) Grew 341 Vial - 2 seeds
329 Vial - Watermelon ‘21 (218.5 Vial x 316 Edwards) #2 in world 2021, top 10 all time - 2 seeds
289.5 Vial - Watermelon ‘21 (341.5 Vial x 316 Edwards) - 4 seeds
218.5 Vial – Watermelon ‘20 (269 Dawson x 341.5 Vial) grew the 329 Vial - 2 seeds
301.5 McCaslin – Watermelon ‘21 (305 Mudd x self) #3 in world 2021 - 4 seeds
298 McCaslin – Watermelon ’21 (220.5 Smiley x self) - 4 seeds
324 McCaslin - Watermelon ‘19 (146.5ng x self) - 4 seeds
41 Mudd – Watermelon ‘19 (302 Kent x self) - 2 seeds
300 Mudd – Watermelon ‘20 (305 Mudd x self) #1 in world 2020 - 2 seeds
291 Mudd– Watermelon ‘21 (332 Mudd x self) – 4 seeds
288 Mudd – Watermelon ’21 (305 Mudd x self) - 2 seeds
270 Mudd- Watermelon ‘21 (305 Mudd x self) - 2 seeds
264 Mudd – Watermelon ‘21 (305 Mudd x self) - 2 seeds
220.5 Smiley – Watermelon ‘20 (158 Smiley x 324 McCaslin) grew the 264 McCaslin - 2 seeds
260.5 Young – Watermelon ‘21 (305 Mudd x sib) - 4 seeds
248.5 Young – Watermelon ‘21 (146.5 Young x sib) – 4 seeds
237 Young – Watermelon ’21 (300.5 Young x 146.5 Young) - 4 seeds
236 Young - Watermelon ‘21 (124 Young x 146.5 Young) 10% heavy - 4 seeds
216.5 Young – Watermelon ‘21 (146.5 Young x self) - 4 seeds
124 Young – Watermelon ‘20 (341 Mudd x 146.5 Young) - 4 seeds

Lot 2. Proven PGVG La Rue Tomatoes (2 sets)--- 50, 50
9.44 La Rue - Domingo Tomato ‘20 (9.65 Marley x open) - 4 seeds
7.38 La Rue - Domingo Tomato ‘20 (9.65 Marley x open) - 5 seeds
7.06 La Rue - Domingo Tomato ‘20 (9.65 Marley x open) - 5 seeds

3/6/2022 10:34:28 PM


5.08 La Rue - Domingo Tomato ‘20 (5.01 Clayton x open) - 5 seeds

Lot 3. Farmer Brown's Record Setting Veggies---40
65.10 Brown - Butternut Squash ‘20 (Former World Record) - 2 seeds
55.50 Brown - Butternut Squash (Former World Record) - 2 seeds
20’3” Brown - Tall Sunflower ‘20 (26’8” Butler x open) 6 seeds
331 Brown - Bushel Gourd ’18 (265.5 Engel x self) 3 seeds
9.06 Brown - Domingo Tomato ‘21 (5.32 Howell/Jolivette x open) 4 seeds
7.35 Brown - Domingo Tomato ‘20 (3.62 Ogelsby x open) - 4 seeds
6.82 Brown - Big Zac Tomato ‘21 (7.66 Hill x open) - 4 seeds
6.14 Brown - Domingo Tomato ‘20 (6.66 Spaziani x open) - 4 seeds

Lot 4. PGVG Grower - Cindy Tobeck Master Gardener Championship Set---45
2030 Tobeck* ’21 (1109 Jutras x 1935 Jutras) 18% heavy
1738 Tobeck ’21 (2114 Wallace x 2145 McMullen) 16% heavy
7.19 Tobeck - Tomato ‘21 (9.44 LaRue x open) - 5 seeds
129.75” Tobeck – Long Gourd ’21 (155.7 Lazic x 146 LeBlanc) - 3 seeds
152.5 Tobeck – Marrow ‘21 (217 Baggs x open) 3 seeds
114 Tobeck – Field Pumpkin ‘21 (157.5 Rosquita x 168.7 Baggs) - 3 seeds

Lot 5. Fantastic Orange---25
1169 Gansert ’21 (1215 Young x 775 Gansert) HD Winner
1103 Young ’11 (1059 Vincent-McGill x 1131 Gansert) Classic
1230 Daletas ’01 (705 Stelts x 846 Calai) Classic
1175.5 Gfeller ’21 (1469.5 Young x 1215 Young) – 2 seeds
870 Ritter ’20 (1718 Ceja x 1718 Ceja) HD Winner – 2 seeds
370 Zunino “Princess Peach” HD Winner

Lot 6. Paul Field Pumpkins---25
177 Paul - Field Pumpkin ’21 (128 Paul x 94.5 Paul) - 4 seeds
164 Paul - Field Pumpkin ‘21 (128 Paul x self) - 4 seeds
159.5 Paul - Field Pumpkin ’21 (128 Paul x 94.5 Paul) - 3 seeds
157.5 Paul - Field Pumpkin ‘21 (128 Paul x 94.5 Paul) - 3 seeds
156.5 Paul - Field Pumpkin ‘21 (128 Paul x 94.5 Paul) - 3

3/6/2022 10:35:15 PM


Lot 7. PGVG Grower – Steve Daletas Standards ---45
1928.5 Daletas ‘17 (2145.5 McMullen x 1756 Howell/Jolivette)
1989.5 Daletas ‘17 (1756 Howell/Jolivette x 1625 Gantner)

Lot 8. WOW---65
2201 Wallace ’21 (2183 Mendi x 2294 Noel) 17% heavy

Lot 9. Ansems Bushel Gourds & Offspring ---25
347 F. Ansems – Bushel Gourd ’21 (237 Ansems x 325 Ansems) #1 in the world for 2021 - 2 seeds
247.5 Sherwood – Bushel Gourd ’19 (335 Ansems x 303.5 Sherwood) - 3 seeds
243 S. Ansems – Bushel Gourd ’21 (237 Ansems x 335 Ansems) - 2 seeds
234.5 Warner – Bushel Gourd ’19 (128.75 Ansems x 129 Ansems) - 2 seeds

10. Greenies ---45
1838 Jutras* ’20 (1109 Jutras* x self) - 2 seeds
1620.5 Theil* ’21 (463.5 Thiel* x 580 Nieuwenhoff*) - 2 seeds
1464 Harnica* ’21 (1109 Jutras* x self) - 2 seeds
1236.5 Jutras* ’21 (966 Kloch x 810 Cantrell) - 2 seeds

Lot 11. Half Moon Bay Champ: PGVG Grower Jeff Uhlmeyer (2 sets)---65, 60
2191 Uhlmeyer ’21 (2469 Daletas x 1911 Urena) 17% heavy
1760 Uhlmeyer ’21 (2416.5 Haist x 2469 Daletas) 14% heavy

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Lot 12. Beautiful Orange---30
1296 Engel '21 (1083 Schmit x 2350 Gienger)
1155 Gansert (926 Gansertl x 1552 Young) HD Winner
1157 Zaychkowsky ’19 (575 Wolf x self) HD Winner
800 est. Zunino “Anna Pandamit” ’20

Lot 13. PGVG Grower - Jack LaRue’s 2021 Tomatoes (2 sets)---75, 75
9.09 La Rue - Domingo Tomato ‘21 (5.08 La Rue x open) - 3 seeds
7.665 La Rue - Domingo Tomato ‘21 (7.06 La Rue x open) - 3 seeds
6.56 La Rue - Domingo Tomato ‘21 (8.71 La Rue x open) - 4 seeds
6.52 La Rue - Domingo Tomato ‘21 (8.71 La Rue x open) - 4 seeds
6.25 La Rue - Domingo Tomato ‘21 (8.71 La Rue x open) - 4 seeds
5.93 La Rue - Domingo Tomato ‘21 (8.105 MacDonald x open) - 5 seeds
5.72 La Rue - Domingo Tomato ‘21 (5.34 La Rue ‘19 x open) - 5 seeds
5.59 La Rue - Domingo Tomato ‘21 (8.71 La Rue x open) - 5 seeds
5.36 La Rue – Big Zac Tomato ‘21 (5.62 La Rue x open) - 4 seeds
5.20 La Rue – Big Marley Tomato ‘21 (6.72 La Rue x open) - 5 seeds
5.14 La Rue - Domingo Tomato ‘21 (8.71 La Rue x open) - 4 seeds
5.13 La Rue – Big Zac Tomato ‘21 (6.06 La Rue x open) - 4 seeds
5.09 La Rue - Domingo Tomato ‘21 (8.105 MacDonald x open) - 5 seeds

Lot 14. Scott’s Near Miss---65
2376 Bayuk DMG ’21 (2294 Noel x 2350 Gienger) 14% heavy
1883 Bayuk ’21 (2350 Gienger x self)

15. Andy Wolf, the All-American Boy!---30
2200 Wolf ’20 (1885.5 Werner x sib) 5% heavy
1971.5 Wolf ’17 (2230 Wallace x 1810 Werner) 2% heavy
1371.5 Wolf ’17 (191 Wolf x 2003 Haist) 3% heavy
1240 Wolf ’17 (1884 Crews x 2517 Haist) 2% )heavy

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Lot 16. From Across the Pond---40
2226.7 BoonenHerman DMG ’18 (2016 BoonenHerman x2145 McMullen)
2164.9 Vanheuckelom ’19 (1928 Daletas x self)
2040.4 Vanheuckelom ’20 (2141 Vangeel x 2164.9 Vanheuckelom)
2138 Biermans ’18 (1801 Berrens x 2624 Willemijns) 11% Heavy.
1911.4 Grafe ’21 (2112 Skinner x 2158 Paton)

Lot 17. Joe Platte & Medi Daho---65
2110 Platte '21 (1885.5 Werner x 1686 Stelts) 5% Heavy. Long. Orange.
1900 Platte '21 (1686 Stelts x 1885.5 Werner) 7% Heavy. 2 seeds.
2163.9 Daho '21 (2183 Mendi x self) 6% Heavy. French Record.
1978 Daho '21 (2183 Mendi x sibb) Pollinator grew 2163.9 Daho.

Lot 18. New Orange from 2021---60
1477 Caspers ’21 (2350 Gienger x 2200 Wolf) – HD Winner
1454.5 Engel ’21 (896 Engel x 359 Foss) – HD Winner
1169 Gansert ’21 (1215 Young x 775 Gansert)
1528.5 Montsma ’21 (1665 MacDonald x self) – HD Winner

Lot 19. Biggest Ever from the Biggest State! (2 sets)---45, 45
2356 Booth ’21 (1940 Urena x 1695.5 Booth) 12% heavy .
1695.5 Booth ’20 (2175 Urena x 1938 Urena)

Lot 20. Leonardo’s Latest Great One (2 sets)---65, 65
1940 Urena ‘20 (2517 Haist x 1911 Urena)

Lot 21. 2021 Urena (2 sets)---50, 45
2007 Urena ‘21 (2183 Mendi x 1542 Urena) 11% Heavy
1910 Urena ‘21 (1940 Urena x 2183 Mendi) 11% Heavy
1623 Urena ‘21 (1542 Urena x 2183 Mendi)

Lot 22. Jerry is Building a Greenhouse on Wheels---35
1905 Rose ’21 (1885.5 Werner x 2005 Haist)
1800 Rose ‘21 (1686 Stelts x 2005 Haist) 18% heavy.
1637 Rose ’21 (1392 Carlson/Peterson #2 x 1392 Carlson/Peterson #1) 4% heavy.

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Lot 16. From Across the Pond---40
2226.7 BoonenHerman DMG ’18 (2016 BoonenHerman x2145 McMullen)
2164.9 Vanheuckelom ’19 (1928 Daletas x self)
2040.4 Vanheuckelom ’20 (2141 Vangeel x 2164.9 Vanheuckelom)
2138 Biermans ’18 (1801 Berrens x 2624 Willemijns) 11% Heavy.
1911.4 Grafe ’21 (2112 Skinner x 2158 Paton)

Lot 17. Joe Platte & Medi Daho---65
2110 Platte '21 (1885.5 Werner x 1686 Stelts) 5% Heavy. Long. Orange.
1900 Platte '21 (1686 Stelts x 1885.5 Werner) 7% Heavy. 2 seeds.
2163.9 Daho '21 (2183 Mendi x self) 6% Heavy. French Record.
1978 Daho '21 (2183 Mendi x sibb) Pollinator grew 2163.9 Daho.

Lot 18. New Orange from 2021---60
1477 Caspers ’21 (2350 Gienger x 2200 Wolf) – HD Winner
1454.5 Engel ’21 (896 Engel x 359 Foss) – HD Winner
1169 Gansert ’21 (1215 Young x 775 Gansert)
1528.5 Montsma ’21 (1665 MacDonald x self) – HD Winner

Lot 19. Biggest Ever from the Biggest State! (2 sets)---45, 45
2356 Booth ’21 (1940 Urena x 1695.5 Booth) 12% heavy .
1695.5 Booth ’20 (2175 Urena x 1938 Urena)

Lot 20. Leonardo’s Latest Great One (2 sets)---65, 65
1940 Urena ‘20 (2517 Haist x 1911 Urena)

Lot 21. 2021 Urena (2 sets)---50, 45
2007 Urena ‘21 (2183 Mendi x 1542 Urena) 11% Heavy
1910 Urena ‘21 (1940 Urena x 2183 Mendi) 11% Heavy
1623 Urena ‘21 (1542 Urena x 2183 Mendi)

Lot 22. Jerry is Building a Greenhouse on Wheels---35
1905 Rose ’21 (1885.5 Werner x 2005 Haist)
1800 Rose ‘21 (1686 Stelts x 2005 Haist) 18% heavy.
1637 Rose ’21 (1392 Carlson/Peterson #2 x 1392 Carlson/Peterson #1) 4% heavy.

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Lot 23. Howard Dill Winners Through the Years----30
466 Possert ’16 – HD Winner
1225.5 Kristensen ’17 (1469 Marshall x 1040 Kristensen) – HD Winner
772 Schweigert ’18 (811 Schweigert x 503 Schweigert) – HD Winner
926 Gansert ’19 (1275 Rea x 1092.5 Gansert) – HD Winner
1263.5 Montsma ’20 (1872 Sippel x self) – HD Winner
889 Yohe ’21 (532 House x 2307 Wallace) – HD Winner

Lot 24. How Long Can A Gourd Be?---40
152.25” Yohe – Long Gourd ’21 (131 Tobeck x self) USA Record- 3 seeds
137.38” Harnica – Long Gourd ’21 (124.5 Harnica x self) - 3 seeds
131.88” Harnica – Long Gourd ’21 (155.7 Lazic x 129 Ansems) - 3 seeds
132.25” Williams – Long Gourd ’21 (139.5 VanderWielen x 135.1 Harnica) #14 in world for 2021 - 3 seeds

Lot 25. Long Gourds #2---35
146.5” Leblanc – Long Gourd ’20 (136.88 Leblanc x self) #1 in world 2020 & Top 10 All-Time- 3 seeds
138” Leblanc – Long Gourd ’21 (155.7 Lazic x 146.5 Leblanc) - 4 seeds
132” Williams – Long Gourd ’21 (135.1 Harnica x 139.5 VanderWielen) #14 in world for 2021 - 3 seeds
133” Ansems – Long Gourd (128.75 Ansems x 136 Leblanc) - 3 seeds

Lot 26. Western Lab’s “Atlantic Giant Soil Test” & Amendment Consultation with Scott Holub.---120

Lot 27. PGVG Grower – Jef Treece Field -pumpkins---35
188.5 Treece - Field Pumpkin ’19 (130 Treece x 150 Nieuwenhoff) - 3 seeds
130.5 Treece - Field Pumpkin ‘18 (167.5 Treece x 175.5 Wagler) - 3 seeds
191 Kapelari - Field Pumpkin ’19 (142 Kapelari x self) - 2 seeds
168 Treece - Field Pumpkin ‘19 (133.5 Treece x 81 Wolf) - 3 seeds
130.5 Treece - Field Pumpkin ‘21 (133.5 Treece x 188.5 Treece) - 3 seeds
151.5 Treece - Field Pumpkin ‘21 (125 Treece x 133.5 Treece) - 3 seeds (Twins/Conjoined Pumpkins)


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Lot 28. Pumpkin Barron---40
2118 Barron ‘19 (1984 Barron x 2416.5 Haist) 11% Heavy
2096 Barron ‘21 (2183 Mendi x self) 20.88% Heavy
1876.5 Barron ’17 (1872 Sippel x self) 7% Heavy
1759 Barron ’21 (532 House x 2307 Wallace) 8.5% Heavy.

Lot 29. Utah is a Difficult Place to Grow for Most People---25
2047 Bowman ‘21 (1911 Wolf x 1542 Urena) 8% Heavy. Utah State Record.
2142 Bowman ‘21 (1542 Urena x 1911 Wolf) 6% Heavy. Second All Time for Utah.

Lot 30. PGVG Green---45
2030 Tobeck* ’21 (1109 Jutras* x 1935 Jutras*) 18% heavy - “Mean Joe Green.”
842 Barker* ’21 (1652 Zappa* x 1935 Jutras*) Pollinated by “Mean Joe Green.”

Lot 31. 2350 & 1501 Genetics Make Big Orange Pumpkins---60
1976 C. Sippel '21 (1501 VanderWeilen x Self)
1858 Sippel '20 (1501 VanderWeilen x Self)
2003 Kisamore '21 (2350 Gienger x 2593 Paton) 7% Heavy & Beautiful Orange.
1477 Caspers '21 (2350 Gienger x 2200 Wolf) – HD Winner

LOT 32. Thanks Ron B.---50
2517 Haist ‘19 (2005 Haist x 2005 Haist) 8% Heavy. Grew 1954 Jutras & 1940 Urena.
2269 Haist ‘19 (2003 Haist x 2003 Haist) 6% Heavy
2226.7 BoonenHerman ’18 (2016.6 Boonen x 2145 McMullen) 9.76% Heavy
2241 Vangeel ’21 (2226.7 BoonenHerman x 2138.9 Biermans) 19% Heavy

Lot 33. Get your 1953 & Offspring…While You Can Still Afford Them! – 2 Sets---50, 50
1953 Daletas '20 (2114 Wallace x 2624.6 Willeminjs) 11% Heavy
1957 St. Laurent '21 (1953 Daletas x 2112 Skinner) 22% 2 seeds.
2218 Jose Cardenas ’21 (1953 Daletas x 2183 Mendi) 5% Heavy

Lot 34. Fish Road Farm – PGVG Grower – Jim Sherwood---35
1589 Sherwood '20 (2226.7 BoonenHerman x 2005 Haist ) 4% heavy.
1575.5 Sherwood '21 (1686 Stelts x 2183 Mendi) 7% heavy.
1338 Sherwood ‘21 (1501 VanderWielen x 2183 Mendi) 5% Heavy.

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Lot 35. Greathouse & Keenan---45
2133.5 Greathouse ‘21 (1885 Werner x 1686 Stelts) 5% heavy
1765 Greathouse '21 (1686 Stelts x 2005 Haist) 5% heavy.
1943 Keenan '21 (2003 Haist x 2114 Wallace) 16% heavy.

Lot 36. Young Genetics = Orange---35
1552 Young ’20 (1215 Young x 1297.5 Young) HD Winner
1155 Gansert ’21 (926 Gansert x 1552 Young)
744 House ‘21 (1872 Sippel x 1552 Young)
536 Young ‘21 (1469 Young x 1215 Young)
369.5 House ‘21 (545 Harnica x 1215 Young)

Lot 37. Skinner 2021---70
2272.5 Skinner '21 (2112 Skinner x 1795.5 McCracken) 2% heavy.
2078 Skinner '21 (2350 Gienger x 2112 Skinner) 9% heavy
1800 est. Skinner ’21 (1795.5 McCracken x 2350 Gienger)

Lot 38. New England’s Contender---40
2294.5 Noel '19 (2114 Wallace x 1938 Sperry)
2058.5 Noel '19 (1938 Sperry x 2017.5 Boyce)
2092 Noel ’21 (2183 Mendi x 2058.5 Noel) +14%
1915 Noel ’21 (2294.5 Noel x 2058.5 Noel)

Lot 39. Professor Lieber--35
2276 Lieber ‘20 (2114 Wallace x self) 7% HeavY
1885 Lieber ‘21 (2276 Lieber x self) 10% Heavy.

Lot 40. Andy Wolf 2021---60
2365 Wolf '21 (1885.5 Werner x 2174 Daletas) 4% heavy
1797 Wolf ‘21 (2268 LeBlanc x 717 Connolly) 6% Heavy
1787.5 Wolf ’21 (2163 Paton x 2174 Daletas) 12% Heavy
1212 Wolf ’21 (1514 Sloane x 1885.5 Werner)

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Lot 41. The Tiger King---115
2350 Gienger ’20 (1501 VanderWielen x self) 4.21% Heavy

Lot 42. Wanna Win? Grow This Seed.--- 45
1686 Stelts ‘19 (1412 Hazeltine x 2469 Daletas) 19.5% heavy

Lot 43. Grew the 2112 Skinner---45
1810 Werner ‘16 (1756 Howell/Jollivette x 1558.5 Werner) 22% Heavy

Lot 44. The Great Green Equalizer ---160
1109 Jutras* ’21 (927 Jutras* x 1844 Holub*)

Lot 45. ---55
1542 Urena ’19 (1875 Mendi x 2624 Willemijns) 18% HeavY

Lot 46. Proven Big & Consistently Heavy!---60
2114 Wallace ’18 (2145 McMullen x 2624 Willemijns) 11% Heavy

Lot 47. Reuben’s 2500 Pounders---150
2517.7 Mendi ‘21 (2183 Mendi x 2552 Mendi) 10% Heavy.
2552 Mendi '20 (2183 Mendi x self) 13% Heavy.

Lot 48. The New World Record!---200
2702 Cutrupi ’21 (1885 Werner x self) 6% Heavy.

Lot 49.---300
2183.7 Mendi ’19 (1911 Urena x 2469 Daletas)

3/6/2022 11:43:14 PM

Total Posts: 10 Current Server Time: 2/23/2025 9:28:03 AM
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