Squash Growing Forum
Subject: Interesting color on this 2365
Date Posted
pg3 |
Lodi, California
11/22/2022 3:21:59 PM
Andy W |
Western NY
I'm guessing he lives a little too close to one of the old soviet nuclear reactors, lol.
11/22/2022 3:32:34 PM
WiZZy |
President - GPC
I am not guessing. Thats not a squash. Doesnt pass the color rules test. Aint the only one. Many growers are tweaking the squash by crossing with AG's, then we know the weeding out has to take place with multiple seeds/years grown....... Problem is it Causes issues at the weigh offs, and puts the onus on the judges, which causes conflicts. Grower expects it as a squash, but nature says different. GPC says its an AG... and the conflict goes on....
Check your genetic history prior to planting... you get what you sow.,.. Its not the GPC's fault, we are trying to preserve a lineage for future squash generations.
11/22/2022 5:23:18 PM
pg3 |
Lodi, California
I know it doesn't pass the test for a squash, but that's a very green squash coloration it has, dappled with orange. That's why I posted it here.
Of course AGs and squash are for all intents and purposes the same thing, green squash just have genetics that cause them to produce chlorophyll in the fruit, resulting in the green coloration. Howard Dill just decided when he found the green coloration to separate the two, which is pretty easy to do since the green is recessive.
If the two weren't separated, every once in a while you would get a fruit that's green, whether that's to your benefit or consternation.
11/22/2022 6:30:12 PM
pg3 |
Lodi, California
Also these phenomena happen all the time, if you spend some time looking on pumpkin fanatic a lot of good seeds produce gems like this one. In my opinion this is good evidence that the coloration of fruit is controlled by multiple genes, and is not quite as simple as a 2x2 punnet square, though that tool is useful for guessing outcomes.
Take a look at this fruit here. I think it looks amazing with the green coloration and the orange starburst around the stem.
That would be a great halloween showpiece
11/22/2022 6:38:28 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
Yeah, page 17 of the rules does lay it out there pretty well but is a bit confusing as to the area of the fruit considered to the first-time reader; Hope I'm not out of line, here and 'See Examples below' might help, because they are indeed helpful, great ones. Yeah, it IS a pumpkin and it IS a very interesting picture, as well! All the radial-ness of it and Mr. Kryukov's attire and the greenhouse all add up to the thought of 'This is how we (I should) do it'. See his other fruit that is quite impressive - eric g
11/22/2022 6:55:16 PM
pg3 |
Lodi, California
Well technically it is a squash, as are all AGs. I don't really care about the GPC rulebook, it doesn't have anything to do with what I'm talking about lol. I understand what the rules are, but they aren't really what I was talking about
11/22/2022 7:17:00 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
...and I think that my reply occurred whilst you had replied twice in the meantime and showed up after those (happens to me a LOT, lol) and it is all good because I lernt about them thar coloration details. That's The Thing about information - There's no such Thing as too much. Later---Eric G
11/22/2022 7:44:10 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
Not much later - Yeah, that pic you referenced is astonishing, like if it were the front of a squash spacecraft after reentry, lol---eg
11/22/2022 7:55:26 PM
Andy W |
Western NY
Some people weren't around back in the day of the mad scientist:
Color is malleable.
11/22/2022 8:30:56 PM
pg3 |
Lodi, California
That's really interesting, its a shame there isn't more information. I wonder if that would work with modern fruit, or if its been bred out. Lots of people heavily shade their fruit then uncover later, maybe you need a very particular set of conditions
11/22/2022 9:37:17 PM
Andy W |
Western NY
The principle is still the same, and I've noticed it (unintentionally) working for growers.
11/22/2022 9:43:59 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
I see all the time that growers use white sheets to shade their fruits - here have been seen the results of using materials/shading levels other than that. I know that if I had a reason to shade my pumpkins (well, I DO, but...) it'd be with anything other than a white sheet(s). Mini greenhouse frame with a black/blue/reflective surface, Joel Holland-style - At least make it worth one's while; If I were in the desert...eg
11/22/2022 9:46:47 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
Thank you, all 3 - eg
11/22/2022 10:09:54 PM
pg3 |
Lodi, California
I was perusing pumpkin fanatic again, and I chanced upon this other pumpkin. Then when I searched the growers name I realized it's the reverse cross of the original pumpkin I posted!
That's amazing. Both his pumpkins are green. I wonder what he did.
11/23/2022 5:31:40 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
Yup...and I had not yet noticed the size of the lifting hook behind them - a real 'blocks and tackle'; Swiveling? Massive! I have one that is 'my' sized, lol. eg
11/23/2022 10:38:33 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
There is a GROWER named Garofano (of 727 Garofano '19 fame, whose SEED grew the 2008.4 Cutrupi);
Here is something more to chew on, concerning coloration and is it 'malleable'; Great word, Andy!
PLEASE, for once, read this through to the end for it may help any of you with pumpkin/squash, etc. research in the future on
I saw no progeny in 2015 nor 2016 and the last one is in 2014, butt for '17 through '21, it just SEEMS that he has either a really orange fruit(s) or an oddly/uniquely/walk on the wild sidely-colored fruit, more often than not with green near the bottom and you'd hafta think it is a combination of the soil compos(t)ition and perhaps the illumination of the fruit as well as the stone wall around the patch - It appeared in one photo that the ocean is in the background; Maybe it was a long, blue mobile home, I dunno, lol---
Be careful of the spelling, for research.
These may all be common circumstances but I remembered those fruits as being just like what is being discussed here.
EVERYONE may like this, below - If not, well, Merry Christmas, anyway! Bahhh, Humbug!
Ahem: If you type in the grower's NAME first and then the YEAR you want to research on PumpkinFanatic, all the fruits from THAT year for THAT grower will remain, so for example, GROWER 2019 yields all the fruits by more-specifically-GROWER IN 2019; Normally, you'd type in WEIGHT+GROWER or weight-only, with no reference to the year;
2019 GROWER yields NO results because there was no (unless he/she grew a) 2019-pound GROWER pumpkin.
Usually you type in like '1999' and tons of results are evident, including results of combinations of any of the numbers in there such as are IN 1999; There are only TWO, butt, whatever, lol. I hope this helps y'all in enriching and speeding up your queries. (Grin.)
Hot air is always good air, so here goes: This can become really easy and you'll develop a knack for it:
11/24/2022 2:13:41 AM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
The Madness Method: Type in your searched GROWER 2020
Gerry 2020, for example, lol;
Results for that grower/year will appear - my 940.6 in 2020, a shameless plug and neat to see!!! left click three times quickly (or click/drag to highlight the usual way) on the searched grower 2020 (Gerry 2020, in this case), right click on it for the menu and then left click 'Copy'; You have saved the 'template' for further research; Research the results all you want for that grower/year and pumpkin '(View Pumpkin Family Tree)';
When you go back to research the next fruit and the window is back to BLANK again (I've always wanted it to remain populated - could we see about this?) put the cursor back in the window and you can become a pianist/guitarist real quick by hitting Ctrl and V at the same time and your original (your searched GROWER and year) will appear again; CLICK and backspace the end digit(s), replace it/them with the next desired year, copy THAT (Triple-Left Click then Ctrl C or click/drag/right click, Blah Blah) and click on the desired fruit of those listed, then '(View Pumpkin Family Tree)'; You wanna be advancing and saving each respective year of research, you'll see...
11/24/2022 2:16:37 AM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
If anyone finds even better methods let's have 'em and I hope anyone can use this. Nothing is perfect and I noticed that sometimes I had to hit Ctrl + Z or Ctrl + Y to get it to bring up a reponse from the window, but it IS very helpful and I really know the G-man's fruits very well now - DO research his colorful oddities and I'm gonna go research some of the Italian Pumpkin Progeny for any more excitement. The End Result? Imagine turning ANY pumpkin into a squash or the reverse by knowing what to do to or add to the soil. Blasphemy??? Probably. I am NOT a stranger to being in trouble! Happy Thanksgiving---Eric G
LOL---After all this, although helpful in being more specific, I find out that typing in the YEAR-only yields all the fruits from a particualr year. Well, it'll STILL be helpful with its 'enhanced specificity', LOL---eg
11/24/2022 2:16:58 AM
pg3 |
Lodi, California
Keyword search
11/24/2022 11:22:13 AM
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