Squash Growing Forum
Subject: How grows your greenies?
Date Posted
hammerthrow26 |
How are your squashes growing?
7/20/2017 8:59:47 PM
HankH |
My 1511 Haist is growing so fast it's making my kins look bad!
7/25/2017 11:41:05 PM
Dustin |
Morgantown, WV
Can't get a set on my 1511 Haist to save my life. Have tried 6 fruit now, if it doesn't set by August it will be pulled.
1060 Holub gave me 4 yellow fruit plants, and also having trouble setting a fruit. The very first fruit at 6 feet on the main vine showed up green, and all others have been yellow with green stripe. Only kept the plant because I am trying to organize a mini regatta through my university and need all of the fruit I can get this year.
Trying to get 1511 x self or at least 1060 x 1511, but both seem to be failing efforts. Will just be an open now if I get one, tired of messing with them. Both plants are in great shape, but not here to grow salad.
7/26/2017 7:13:19 AM
MatthewO |
Essex, UK
1262 Jutras is going well, lovely colour but have found the plant to be not exactly vigorous. Quite small leaves and secondaries don't seem to have that much oomph to them. Noticed it has lots of fine surface roots too, significantly more than my other plants. Have crossed it with the 1844 Holub.
The 1844 was the last to pollinate so is my smallest fruit but on my largest plant. Pale in colour so may give it some sun, which we need more of in general. Still got a good chance of reaching the 990lb target that would get me a UK record.
7/26/2017 12:40:29 PM
Hayden R |
Western Massachusetts
1844 grows fast.
7/26/2017 1:49:29 PM
Christopher24 |
aurora, IL
Porky(890.5 Porkchop x 513.5 Weibel) is growing nicely on my 890.5 Porkchop, she is 78" in circumstance as of yesterday and is plain white in color. Been keeping her covered from the sun. As for my 513.5 Weibel, the plant is huge, but has aborted two of three that I hand pollinated and the three has a sticky stem. There is one other fruit on the plant that was found by surprise it was open pollinated and in a difficult spot. Both fruits on the Weibel are growing slowly. The plant has been showing signs of excessive nitrogen in the leaves because last year we had 30 cubic yards of composted horse manure dumped where the plant is this year.
8/12/2017 2:39:53 PM
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