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Subject:  Question about my squashes.

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aurora, IL

On both of my plants some of the side vines are growing very well, while others grow then become stunned or don't grow that all. What could be causing this?

7/2/2017 1:31:14 PM


I hope someone will answer your question. I read your diary entry and congrats to you on pollinating that female blossom this early am!! Very nice!! Grow her BIG!! Sweet dreams. Pay no attention to that little red riding hood SVB with her fork and knife as she checks out "Porkchop's vines"!!

7/2/2017 2:45:30 PM


Central NY

Could be from burying too early,,,could be damage to that vine..,I've had it happen for no good reason also...if you see one of those SVB's feasting on the porkchop plants, slice it's nutz off and hang them on the stump for the rest to see...good luck !!!!!!!

7/2/2017 2:50:42 PM


aurora, IL


7/2/2017 6:27:16 PM

Rick j.

stoughton WI

I've had an issue with stunted secondaries, lack of nutrients is the cause, going by my tissue sample

7/2/2017 6:34:40 PM


aurora, IL

I will be increasing my feeding overtime.

7/2/2017 9:49:44 PM


Central NY

Just remeber...the mother plant was only fertilized about five times...

7/2/2017 10:25:09 PM


aurora, IL

I fed Nirvana to both of my squashes this morning out around their bases. Hot day and little wind, we need the rain!

7/3/2017 12:33:19 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

I also think that sometimes you get a weak secondary when the weak one has strong vigorous secondaries crowded on each side of it. They sort of shade it out and outcompete the weak one and then it fizzles out.

7/3/2017 2:06:00 PM


aurora, IL

What causes a giant squash plant to have most of its leaves have a yellowish green color and the growth of both the plant and fruit slow down? When the other squash plant has big dark green leaves and both the plant and fruit are growing fast. My Porkchop is growing slow where as my Weibel is growing faster. The plants are get fed the same.

7/10/2017 12:44:36 PM


Central NY

Bad diet...

7/10/2017 1:59:59 PM

Jane & Phil

Ontario, Canada

Water issues? The one plant could be in a wetter part of the garden. We are experiencing that with one plant. Leaves are smaller & light green in the corner plot. It is now drying here after a crap-load of rain over the past 3 months. The plants are starting to green up & hopefully the growth rates will increase as I hoped they would. Our clay/loam soil really holds the moisture well, which is good on dry years, but can cause serious issues on a very wet season like this year. We will start our watering here in a couple days for the 1st time this year.
Good luck.

7/11/2017 9:56:28 AM


aurora, IL

I don't think it is a water issue the plant sites were prepared the same and the whole patch was broad forked then tilled. I did give Biomin Manganese to both of my squashes by overhead watering and from receiving just over half inch of rain yesterday the leaves are starting to green up a little. The grow is still ready slow and the baby squash is not really growing.

7/11/2017 10:20:32 PM

Total Posts: 13 Current Server Time: 2/23/2025 1:23:21 AM
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