Squash Growing Forum
Subject: WWGG Squash uodate.
Date Posted
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
WORLD WIDE TRUE GREEN SQUASH CLASS! 75 members & growing 20 in this contest Free Product drawing Feb 1st 6 prizes to be won!The earlier you join the more you can win drawings every 2 weeks. 2014 Prize Structure!
1st.$500 plus $300 in free products! 2nd $200 3rd $150
4th $100 5th$100 6th $50 7th $50 8th $50 9th $50 10th $50 plus $200 in free products! Last year had 14 members total already at 20 here.8 more & the 1st prize jumps to a 1,000$$ We hit 40 members 2nd & 3rd increase.
World records grown will get a custom made plaque in all classes on Worldwidegiantgrowers.com
1/29/2014 7:47:14 AM
LongmontPete |
mmmmm..... greenies!
1/29/2014 8:38:31 PM
Dyberry Patch |
Honesdale Pa USA
Sounds like your hooked Pete!
1/30/2014 3:32:30 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
80 members Now 29 hrs to deadline for the first Product raffle 6 prizes to be won this Saturday
1/30/2014 7:03:19 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
80 members now! 1st product raffle this Saturday 6 prizes to be won by early bird members.
1st prize Voodoo Juice 1 liter 85$ 2nd prize Trantula 1 liter 85$ 3rd prize Piranha 1 liter 85$ 4th prize B-52 1 liter 45$ 5th prize Ancient earth 1 liter 27$ 6th Booby Prize Buuba Presly T-Shirt Priceless lol! I will ship these March 1st with your members pack & seeds. David Cantrell just won a membership! Congrats
Join now 2 days to first raffle. Worldwidegiantgrowers.com
1/30/2014 7:22:35 PM
brotherdave |
Corryton, TN
Thanks Mark!
Put me in the squash class.
1/31/2014 4:22:15 AM
Dave McCallum |
Put me in the squash class too..Dave McCallum [email protected]
1/31/2014 4:00:32 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Thanks Guys were at 90 members now!! Please submit form on membership page when joining.This way I have your info on file.
1/31/2014 7:59:02 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Hers the link to join.I need the form submitted to have your choices of Veggie classes entered ,Then you choose the seed raffles you want,they dont have to match.
Yes Bubba can be in Melon class & win a Giant pumpkin seed like the 2032 Mathison.His wife Bubbettta can join Mater class & win a field pumpkin seed.If dont make a seed choice I will assume you want the class you entered in seed choice.
Its there choice.
2/1/2014 7:43:46 AM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
So I will extend raffle to 8 pm tonight.
To keep it fair I will add another prize for every 8 members who join today.
So the guys & gals who who made the original deadline this wont hurt your chances.
6 prizes divide into 92.You have about a 1 in 15 chance of winning.So this will improve your odds not hurt them.
In Fact!If we hit 100 members today I will add 2 prizes.
2/1/2014 8:02:57 AM
Total Posts: 10 |
Current Server Time: 2/23/2025 4:06:57 PM |