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Subject:  How did you get the best out of the 848 Mckenzie?

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Mocksville, NC

How did folks get the best out of it, i mean a contender to the weighoff, and certified weight, and the tailgate dropped. Sam lovelace has done it in these parts, but i would appreciate, more from surrounding states, thanks for any, and all advice 2 years nada!I'm open to all advice at this time, and this year back on track to grow.
Thank you, Rog

12/30/2011 6:55:33 AM


Rapid City, SD

give it to someone else.....he he

1/8/2012 6:46:12 PM

Dutch Brad


Pollinate as many as you can. They like to abort.

1/9/2012 4:00:16 AM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

Try to keep the fruit from getting too warm, every year my squash seem to shut down in a heat wave. I am thinking a tent over the fruit instead of just a sheet like I have been using.

1/9/2012 8:17:51 AM

26 West

50 Acres

squash are dark and absorb more heat from the sun I keep mine fully covered with aframe and dark cloths.

1/9/2012 9:34:56 AM


Hampstead, NC 28443

To add on to the tent idea, I use four posts, I actually use cut off PVC pipe, then I use tarp clamps to attach the sheet to them so it is suspended. Still cheap but lets air pass through.

1/9/2012 10:11:00 AM


Mocksville, NC

Been woking 6 days a week, just got time to say,
Thank you all, Brad yep! Jim sherwood gave me the same advice, thanks!
Matt, you maybe right my soil were i live right now is well.. crap, and limited. So...
Any of you 5 wan't to try the 848 no bs, and it's the real deal free. Happy new year may it bring you all new personal bests.

1/14/2012 2:30:16 AM

26 West

50 Acres

Don't give up yet. My soil isn't the best also . In my opinion heat is the problem . Start early , shade the squash in the heat . Grow it big. Jim

1/14/2012 8:40:24 PM


President - GPC

Didnt have one take on mine till it was out...30 feet...ItZ got a lot of energy this one does....

1/19/2012 12:40:41 PM

Phil and Jane Hunt - GVGO


We had trouble pollinating one last year on our 848. Every female on the main aborted, so we finally got one to set on the 1st secondary vine @ 6' from the stump. It was a late starter, but we still got an 877#er from it. We cover it completely with a white cloth to keep temps down on the fruit. We hope this helps.

Jane & Phil

1/20/2012 8:44:22 AM


Mocksville, NC

Thanks, all! I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the support, and advice~Go Green machine.:)


1/21/2012 5:45:08 AM


Mocksville, NC

I still love growing Pumpkins also, all giant veggies. I'm not going to plant alot because of time,i still have to wait until i can dedicate myself to growing some contenders. The household 1st right now,it won't be long now, I gain alot of paid time off this year, to even things out, and enjoy the greatest sport/hobbie there is.
Thanks again, and grow'em big in 2012. Best of luck.

1/21/2012 6:11:38 AM

Total Posts: 12 Current Server Time: 2/24/2025 1:26:42 AM
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