Squash Growing Forum
Date Posted
pap |
Rhode Island
i have read lots of comments and complaints as of late regarding green squash color rules, with causes mentioned such as low prize payouts,declining interest from giant pumpkin growers,etc,etc. which got me to thinking? how would i go about generating more interest in the hobby? how would i get green squash entries back to a respectable level at weigh-offs? how could i influence more gropwers and in doing so push the weights to a more respectable level in competing against giant pumpkins?
fiest of all we must all realize that just talking about a problem or situation does not accomplish much. other than seeing our commentary in print nothing really happens to further the end result. i believe that if you truely want to improve the present green squash weights, payouts,interest in the squash hobby? that you need to consider forming your own organization on a world level. get growers from around the world to join your organization. elect some officers, donate and or raise funds as needed, incorporate your own big prize money prizes/awards program.
one person here or there could never accomplish the strength in numbers effect your own organization could have. how do you think the gpc, wpc,or any other clubs got started to begin with? to further that particular piece of the gardening hobby.
my best to everyone for a big green 2011. you can do it with a team effort. pap
12/30/2010 9:39:34 AM
pap |
Rhode Island
no takers ? where did everyone go?
1/4/2011 4:09:21 PM
Caleb |
Soldiers Grove, WI
I'm in. Who is with me?
1/4/2011 4:21:42 PM
quinn |
Saegertown Pa.
I was wondering the same thing Dick.
1/4/2011 4:26:26 PM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
I'm here. But I think its a bad idea.
1/4/2011 4:47:06 PM
Kennytheheat |
Bristol R.I. USA
I'd plant a squash if I had the room for it. I love some color in the garden I just dont have the space. Ive also heard that getting some of the fruit to pollinate is difficult. Id hate to have all that space wasted if I couldnt get a fruit to set.
1/4/2011 5:09:46 PM
Big City Grower (Team coming out of retirement ) |
I would be interested in joining :)
1/4/2011 5:48:18 PM
i've grown two greenies over the years, space was the only thing that stopped me from growing more, however my 12 yr old son wants to try growing one this up and coming season.
1/4/2011 8:50:56 PM
Iwan Horde |
Leerdam, The Netherlands
What would you need? 1-a name for the organisatioon!? 2-electing the "officers" yes!? 3-raising funds by auctioning of seeds (wich are donated)!? 4-raising funds by taking on members!?
So some kind of virtual weigh off with top three deviding the cash!?
Am I on the right way here or completely off?
please tell!
1/5/2011 3:29:02 AM
Iwan Horde |
Leerdam, The Netherlands
great king squash commonwealth?
just a starter......
1/5/2011 3:31:18 AM
pap |
Rhode Island
heres the thing of it all
people on this squash site have discussed time and again about bringing the squash weights and groups of green squash growers more in line with the giant pumpkin growers. its not gonna happen by just talking about it.
to push the green squash weights/interest and to get more people involved in the hobby it takes effort,unterest and raising funds
if you want the green squash weights to continue going forward and to eventually catch the pumpkins ? YOU NEED THE GREEN TO ALSO BE GROWN BY MORE OF THE WORLDS TOP PUMPKIN GROWERS. if you put green squash seeds in the hands of these people the weights would soar for sure.
however to do this ya gotta put some gold at the end of that rainbow. look we all start out growing for fun. but once you start to become successful? you want to win each and every year. its no different with green squash.
if you want big time interest you need a club --- a pay per member organization with various fundraisers to generate the necessay capital.officers who are committed. newsletters-etc.
a decent prize schedule --- (the great attention getter) even a large payout for the first 1,500 pound green squash.
people to run it --- that are more action than talk.ones that are goal oriented and driven to be successfull
1/5/2011 10:12:58 AM
mshy |
Nekoosa, Wisconsin
I really like the idea of a big prize for the first 1500 pound true greenie. That should create some interest. How about John Deere as a sponsor. They love the color green. :) Everybody would have to agree on the color rule though, and that will be tough.
1/5/2011 4:51:58 PM
CountyKid (PECPG) |
Picton,ON ([email protected])
I totally agree with your thoughts on this Dick, but I feel the GPC should/could put more emphasis on squash. This is on our winter meeting agenda. There's no sense reinventing the wheel!
1/5/2011 6:57:21 PM
pap |
Rhode Island
the problem is not the gpc, they weigh green squash and other giant veggies and flowers as a side attraction to the giant pumpkins. its getting green squash interest from more growers at the individual club/weigh-off level that will push the weights up.
my suggestions were only what i thought might help these people who truely wanted to improve the present status of green squash in our hobby.
the gpc has their hands full with their present work load so i as one would not expect the committee to push for improving the interest/results of green squash.
good luck to everyone .......... pap
1/6/2011 6:18:03 AM
quinn |
Saegertown Pa.
I have to agree with Dick this is not a GPC problem, and I would recommend to the GPC that the pay out for green squash should not be anymore than for the other veggies. To start if it was me I would get together with three or more people to help that were proactive about true green squash and start raising the money for a pay out on the first 1500 LB squash. There are a lot of proactive ideas that were posted in this post, they just have to be implemented.
1/6/2011 9:50:11 AM
pumpkinJesus |
The bottom of New Jersey
I'm curious as to why LIpumpkin thinks it is a bad idea. What are some of your concerns?
1/6/2011 10:34:42 AM
mshy |
Nekoosa, Wisconsin
Are you volunteering Quinn? If so, I'm in. :)
1/6/2011 12:27:58 PM
Kennytheheat |
Bristol R.I. USA
It would be cool to plant a squash. It would also be cool to help out an organization that would have the squash planters in mind. all great ideas. I'm a rookie to this hobby even after 2 years. I'd support someone or even help out if there where a person wanting to make the squash equal to that of pumpkins. All I can do is wait and see who takes the ball and runs with it..I'd be happy to join any organization such as that.
1/6/2011 1:28:56 PM
Kennytheheat |
Bristol R.I. USA
isn't there some legal red tape that needs to be done. Maybe a limited Liability partnership? What about taxes and the collection of funds. Are insurance cost needed. How would such a organization be started. Getting the people isn't the problem its the red tape and making sure its legal. I guess its just my profession talking.
1/6/2011 1:34:36 PM
iceman |
[email protected]
I agree totally with Quinn and Pap on this. We need to get this spearheaded by a seperaste entity. Ideas 1) progessive pot for squash going over 1500 lbs, start off with $500.00 and add to it yearly until it's won.
2) need support from all the clubs including financially, possible 1 lot per auction to back the Squash kitty
3) Lobby all weigh offs to close the gap in prize payouts between pumpkins and Squash.
These are a few ideas I have, and there are more. I have much more time on my hands than I ever had, and I would help anyone anytime with this. But first I need the blessing of the GPC as I rejoined them and If there is a conflict of interest in their eyes then I would have to decline.
1/6/2011 2:20:26 PM
Caleb |
Soldiers Grove, WI
Giant pumpkins and Giant true green squash are very closely related and basically the same apart from color. When all is said and done WE are all growing squash. I feel that this fact alone would put a greater significance on a true green squash than that of a tomato at a Giant pumpkin contest. I am with John on not re-inventing the wheel.
1/6/2011 2:30:02 PM
quinn |
Saegertown Pa.
Eddy No 1 sounds good but I would think it would have to be more than 500 to start. I'm sorry but I don't think the clubs should put more money into the squash when the weights are so low and lets face it a very small % of people grow squash, and I don't feel the rest of the growers that don't grow squash should have to give something up to fund it. With the low response by the squash growers I would say there isn't enough interest and maybe nothing should change. mshy no I don't won't to volunteer I'm just making suggestions' to the ones that have a problem with the way it is.
1/6/2011 3:03:56 PM
Kennytheheat |
Bristol R.I. USA
This might be a idiot question but whats so different between a squash. Other then the genetics and color. And isnt a squash harder to grow pollinate and maintain?
1/6/2011 3:47:29 PM
iceman |
[email protected]
also suggestions from here, and until someone puts the time and effort in, it will remain the same and unfornately will continue to loose interest
1/6/2011 3:48:48 PM
Iwan Horde |
Leerdam, The Netherlands
If you want to have more people growing green, don't put the bar to high at once. only a few can do it with pumpkin let alone with squash. Generate some money and cash out to the top three and keep a certain procentage in the bank every year for whenever the 1500lbs mark is met. Let the green genes go around from at least the top three to the next 50 or 100 members to breed with. for sale for people who aren't members.
how many officers you need?
1-president 2-treasurer 3-....... 4-........ 5-........
1/6/2011 3:52:09 PM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
PumpkinJesus- I've stayed away from this thread for a bit because I wanted to see where Pap was going with this and a few other reasons including seeing what other people think. It seems when I was posting on the other threads no one else was....hard to tell who thinks what when most don't post. But to answer your question I don't think its a good idea to reinvent the wheel. If the GPC is truely interested in representing the growers they should- well, represent the growers. If there are enough growers in favor of the green thing they should make themselves known. But what is the Green thing anyway? My ideas seem to be off-the -beaten-track based upon what I am reading. I do NOT think squash should be equal to pumpkins. I am not worried about the squash weights not being up to par with the pumpkins. I do not fear squash will disappear anytime soon.-more-
1/6/2011 7:43:53 PM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
I don't agree in any urgency I'm seeing by posters like Pap. Sure- it would be nice even better to see more people growing because that increases the fun. I Don't think theres anywheres near enough green growers to create a GPC2 (Green Pumpkin Commonwealth) and quite frankly the idea could sound like a "we're not doing anything about the squash so start your own darn group ". Some people would just love to see a Squash Organization fail. (I'm not saying thats Pap btw). I do wish there was more incentive if thats whats needed to get people to grow but if you don't feel like there's a urgency in getting the wieghts on par with pumpkins (like me) or feel that squash will die (I don't)I think we would be happy having an official catagory with SOME prize at all GPC events. Personally, I would rather people grow green for the fun and friendly competition rather than the money.
1/6/2011 7:54:05 PM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
I see Pap has started another thread and I will watch that and this.....most people don't post so to take a poll and base everything on a poll might be a bit risky imho. But any conversation is good. I'm also still a bit baffled about Quinn's being personally offended when I said most of the big growers grow for the money, yet here money is used as the lure for the bigger growers to work to get the wieghts up. And, as Quinn states...500 dollars won't do it. It has to be more. To me that sounds almost like theres got to be more money in the pot for the bigger growers to grow squash. Like I said...I'm confused, so I'll just sit back and listen for a bit. Hope I answered your question PumpkinJesus....
1/6/2011 7:59:19 PM
Kennytheheat |
Bristol R.I. USA
Come on LIpumpkin nobody grows for the money. Its not cost effective and the hobby isnt about the money Im sure you agree with that.
1/6/2011 8:07:22 PM
pumpkinJesus |
The bottom of New Jersey
Yes, thanks for your replies LIpumpkin. Kenny, I think there will always be SOME people motivated by the money even though most of us do it for fun and possible prestige. When we win money though, none of us turn it down, lol. Right now there is so much focus on reaching 2,000 lbs. with a pumpkin that everything else pales in comparison, and that is understandable. As pumpkin weights begin to top out at some point in the future, I believe the focus will begin to shift to green squash and other things as people realize those records will be more obtainable. Everything goes in cycles and I don't think this will be any different. That being said, I'm going to start to add green to my patch because I like diversity in general. As far as which organization is best suited to promote green squash growing, I am just not sure. The more the merrier I guess, and as long as everyone's heart is in the right place good things should come of this.
1/7/2011 11:53:26 AM
Tree Doctor |
Mulino, Oregon
Well said Glenn.
1/7/2011 3:51:12 PM
Team Wexler |
Lexington, Ky
I have to respectfully disagree with anyone who says it's not about the money. If it's not, why do growers "chase" weight offs? The payout is certainly part of it.
Let's say Kentucky puts up a $1,500 payout for Squash next year, where do you think the majority of squash will be weighed? LOL
1/7/2011 7:57:35 PM
bigbuck88 |
SE Minnesota
umm 1320..Chris Stevens could have "chased" the money...but chose to "stay" at Stillwater...sometimes it really isn't about the money
1/7/2011 10:52:57 PM
Gads |
Deer Park WA
Glenn for President!
1/8/2011 2:05:54 AM
Kennytheheat |
Bristol R.I. USA
Sayimg that growers are notivated by money is an insult. If it where about the money then why don't the growers keep their seeds or have their own auction. Instead they donate seeds to charities and clubs to keep the hobby going. Isnt that what all this is about?
1/8/2011 9:55:28 AM
BrianB |
Eastern Washington State
Could it just be that money payouts and Recognition are intertwined to a large degree?
It's like playing baseball, playing it is just as enjoyable in the major leagues, minors, or down in the corner lot. However they turn away a lot of people trying out for the major leagues. The bigger paycheck has to factor in for most players, but some would do it for minimum wage because it gets them recognition (and women, lol). So there are multiple motivations here of course. The question of relevance to this group seems to be whether the majors be as prestigous without the multimillion dollar salary, i.e pay them and then will they come?
1/11/2011 3:20:47 PM
erik presto |
Eighty Four,PA
After reading all he entries above, it would be exciting to have a the green squash in a club as its own world wide with a prize worthy of putting the excitement back into growing them. I have never grown one but have 6 world record seeds to grow. I paid out good money for seeds, others were traded, but feel if I am going to grow I would like to see a weigh-off just for squash world wide. We can still take our squash to any weigh-off, but the squash world-wide club pays out for ex.)OVGPG payout but instead just for squash. Everything is like a virtual weigh-off and of course you register before all GPC weigh-offs start and pay like joining any other club fees. Also provided will be newsletters, seed auction, seed sale just for squash club. It won't take much except to get the word out, people to run it, website, etc.,. I am willing to help anyone, but to get the excitement back into the squash all the ideas are good above, we just got to get the leaders and make it happen.
1/25/2011 1:30:17 PM
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