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Subject:  Squash and hot weather

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big moon

Bethlehem CT

I just read an excellent article by Eddy Z. in the most recent SNGPG magazine. In it he states that he thinks squash may perform better in cooler weather. This year my 666 Horton 09 squash was doing great. I had some nicely growing early set fruit. Then we had a week of extremely high temps and the fruit pretty much stopped growing. The skin even took on some brown spots. The Atlantic Giant pumpkins kept right on growing at a good rate. I just use a white sheet over the fruit for protection. Have any growers noticed this with squash?

9/1/2010 4:59:22 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

This is my first year with a squash and the heat has not shown to have hurt it by comparison with my lone surviving pumpkin. I lost two pumpkins in early August. One pumpkin and one squash survive, the squash is taping low 900's while the pumpkin is taping high 800's. Both started and pollinated about the same time, in the same patch, pretty much receive the same treatment. If Eddy is right, I can't imagine what kind of squash numbers I'd have this year if we had cool weather!

9/1/2010 5:53:49 PM

Monster Grower

Redmond, Washington; U.S.A.

I have not read the article but I respect Eddy's knowedge about squash. I can say this. Even though both giant squash and pumpkins are considered c. maxima, they both can exhibit different types of characteristics when presented with adverse weather conditions. Also, we know, a lot of the pumpkin and squash genetics have been intermingled. If thats a scientfic enough term. lol. However, After observing my other pumpkin plants this year that all yellowed a little during our cloudy and wet spring. The squash plant that i'm growing shows no sign od anything but green. I have not concluded that squash behave better in cold weather than pumpkins, but I know mine did this year. good luck to all of you. Ryan E

9/2/2010 12:13:14 AM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

1320 That sounds like a nice squash! Keep it going.

9/2/2010 4:12:36 PM

Monster Grower

Redmond, Washington; U.S.A.

pix and measurements tommorow. thx

9/3/2010 12:02:48 AM



I wasn't sure what slowed one of mine down. I had all of the above in one week .High 90's for days then 6 inches of rain in 3 cool days then hot with HAIL and 50 mph wind for 20 minutes! not too scientific but the plant slowly shut down after that.
Last year was cooler here and I did much better and was growing til weighin.

9/9/2010 10:04:06 PM


Soldiers Grove, WI

In my opinion true Green Squash do grow better in cooler weather than pumpkins do.

9/10/2010 12:09:13 PM


Las Cruces NM

Can't talk cold/cool weather but my Horton took the heat well. in fact it was problem free but since it was the only thing I had growing in July heat, have to say it saved my spirit! Kins did ##@!!

9/18/2010 2:46:05 PM

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