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Subject:  What squash seed are you planting ?

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I am going with the V/McGill world record seed and the 800* Neily.

3/19/2010 1:38:12 PM

Miika (Team Lunatic)

South Finland [email protected]

800* Neily and 661* Rivington if we ever get Spring.

3/19/2010 2:28:35 PM


President - GPC

1236 WR and Im going to cross it with this.........

1068 Wallace...

.....then hit it in subsequent years with green again.

3/19/2010 2:53:59 PM

MR. T. (team T)

Nova Scotia

Wiz I did something Similiar already I crossed the 800 neily on the 1502 wallace. not sure what I will cross it with though my 841 turner

3/19/2010 3:53:58 PM


Rapid City, SD

229* Hathorn

3/19/2010 6:10:26 PM

Stephans Pumpkins

Milky Way

800* Neily and 895.5* Hester '00

3/19/2010 6:20:55 PM

mellowpumpkin(Josiah Brandt)


858 Bowles 09,and 695 Landry 04.

3/19/2010 6:24:47 PM


Sparta, NC

I'm planting my own squash this year.

676.9* Lovelace ( 848* Mackenzie x 556* Lovelace )
556* Lovelace ( 218* Andrews x 748* Koch )
200* Lovelace ( 200* Andrews x self )

3/19/2010 7:24:01 PM

The Pumpkinguru

Cornelius, Oregon

If I wasn't so cheap I would plant the 800....LOL
900 lyons, backup is the 962 Hoult.

3/19/2010 7:36:43 PM


Corryton, TN

969 Jutras 08
1097 Razo 07
975 Andrews 07
1221.5 Werner 07
1236 Vincent-McGill 09
946.5 Carlson-Peterson 06
1086 Carlson-Peterson 04
820 Lovelace
676.9 Lovelace
also a multitude of squash/pumpkin crosses to compliment Wiz's plan

3/19/2010 8:26:47 PM


Long Island,New York

Two from this list : 1177Haist*, 1236 Vincent-McGill*, 218Andrews*, 220Andrews*, 1132Vincent-McGill, a 697Ciliberto based squash seed, 262Toftness*, 100Wells03*, and a 350Pistono01*.

3/19/2010 8:44:35 PM



3 from this list, and 3 as back ups ----1236* Vincent Mcgill, 1131* Urena, 666* Horton, 797* Young, 549* Wells, 1013* Wells.

3/20/2010 12:35:33 AM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

751* Huffy (1028*Johnson x 605*Huff)
1236* Vincent/McGill

Backup 666* Horton

Then the pumpkins...

689.5 Rebel
1288 Wallace

275 Van Hook

May cross or stay in greenie/orangie brackets
I *will* be sewing a mesh pillowcase to do pollenations in, last year bees were persistent (ever do a pollenate with one hand and swat bees with the other?)

3/20/2010 2:24:44 AM

Dutch Brad


1234 Wursten 07* (1055 Pitura* x self)
947 Cuypers 09* (1310 Pitura x self)

The WR will fall twice this year with one close to 1300 lbs...

3/20/2010 5:01:49 AM

Miika (Team Lunatic)

South Finland [email protected]

Debruska, if you have problems with bees when pollinating you can always pour honey on your back and get done what you are doing.

3/20/2010 7:20:05 AM


St. Thomas Ontario

Riding the Green Stallion again...800 Neily for sure.

And although pulling up lame last year with a soft spot on her belly, she also has a chip on her shoulder. 'Miss 1217' has something to prove, and will definitely be running in the "Great Filly Race":)

3/20/2010 7:53:52 AM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

666 Horton 09

3/20/2010 8:28:43 AM


Long Island,New York

Deb...we don't care about your orange ones......lol

3/20/2010 9:16:22 AM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

You will if I cross out then cross in for a few years, Glennifer... :)

3/20/2010 11:17:47 AM

Maxima Saarland


I will grow this:

1.) 690* Jager 09 (1055*Pitura x 1310* Pitura)
2.) 459* Jager 09 (1132* VincentMcGill x 1310* Pitura) +24.50% Heavy
3.) 1055* Pitura 06
4.) 800* Neily 07
5.) 1177* Haist 07
6.) 895* Hester 00
7.) 1236* Vincent-McGill 09
8.) 848* MacKenzie 04

Hi Brad

the WR comes to Germany. lol

3/20/2010 2:28:08 PM

CountyKid (PECPG)

Picton,ON ([email protected])

1236* for sure. I hope to grow the 792* Olsen if I can get one to germinate. Other seeds I like are 943.5* Jacobus and 549.5* Wells. If I had space they would all go in! The 962* Jarvis produced nice colour this year

3/20/2010 10:23:47 PM



848* Mackenzie
1040* Van Rompaey

3/21/2010 7:16:25 AM


The bottom of New Jersey

I'm going to try my hand at a green squash this year for the first time, a 1063 Mackenzie '05. I'm not sure if I should self-pollinate it, or cross with one of my AG plants as several others have indicated that they have done. My AGs will be a 992 Glasier '05 and a 1142 van Kooten '04. Any suggestions on what you guys would do?

3/21/2010 9:52:48 AM


Long Island,New York

self or borrow pollen from some close-by squash grower.

3/21/2010 11:48:04 AM

Bourney(Team Lunatic)

Petrolia,Ontario. Canada

I am going to grow either the 800 neily or the 1236 Vincent- Mcgill or maybe both not 100% on how many plants yet

3/21/2010 12:24:04 PM


Jefferson Me

I'm going with the 824 Brunst and the 1052.3 Timm

3/23/2010 9:32:47 PM


Clinton, Iowa

Looks like we will be growing a 999 C&P 2009...(848Mac X 1086 C&P)
not sure what we will throw in as a pollinator

4/5/2010 7:58:52 PM


Thunder Bay Ontario

I see alot of people growing the 1236 Vincent-Mcgill '09 but the 905 Vincent-Mcgill '09 hasn't gotten a sniff. why? Same genetics no?

4/8/2010 8:26:26 PM


St. Thomas Ontario

Reverse cross I believe...

4/9/2010 2:42:07 PM

Billium frm Massillon


Just Joynson marrow for me!

4/15/2010 1:50:03 PM

CountyKid (PECPG)

Picton,ON ([email protected])

The 905 is the reverse of the 1236. There are several growers growing it this year (they are just quiet!)

4/15/2010 6:18:44 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

I moved the 666* Houghton to first slot, along with the 731.5* Huff and am going to do 1236 Vincent/McGill as the backup.... wish they'd get the grow on for me. C'mon N hoist them leaves!

4/21/2010 9:51:14 PM

Iwan Horde

Leerdam, The Netherlands

921 Horde for me.
Was bright orange last year but crossed with 895* Hester.
Lots of green in it (1310 Pitura x 895* Hester)
Planted 6. (6 sprouted) biggest two will hit the patch

good luck everyone

Iwan Horde

4/22/2010 6:04:04 AM

Dick K

Anacortes, WA

1020 Jutras for sure.

4/25/2010 12:10:58 AM

Dutch Brad


1236 Vincent-McGill* seeds put into the pot Saturday. 947 Cuypers* (1310 Pitura x self) both up and running, one of them is already in the greenhouse. Just have to beat Iwan now...lol

4/26/2010 3:40:37 AM

Iwan Horde

Leerdam, The Netherlands

Don't forget Arnold Brad,
Arnold is growing also the 947* cuypers and the 976*Horde

good luck

4/26/2010 6:11:25 AM

Dutch Brad


Going to be quite the squash competition then this year in Holland and the rest of Europe for that matter.

4/26/2010 8:47:49 AM


President - GPC

1236 up and looking good.....

4/26/2010 8:51:36 AM

Mark G.


1236 and 905 V-M both have cracked their shells....it's very exciting, first time growing green for me, I can't wait to get them in the ground.

Mark G.

4/26/2010 9:56:10 AM


Oakley, UTAH

the 800 neily and the 556 lovelace .. this yr,, curt

4/26/2010 5:35:13 PM


Soldiers Grove, WI

943.5 Jacobus
1236 Vincent-McGill
800 Neily
1097 Razo
1125 Razo

4/27/2010 11:28:04 AM


Bristol R.I. USA

I started a Jutras 1020. I'll plant that in a small place maybe my sisters house. If I only had the space.....

4/27/2010 12:48:10 PM

Total Posts: 42 Current Server Time: 2/24/2025 7:38:52 AM
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