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Subject:  Cantaloupes?

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Spudley (Scott)


Can anyone out there tell me once a female is pollinated how many days does it take before the melon slips from the vine? I'm looking at a mellon that is 43 inches around 17 inches long and it has only been growing for about 38 days since I pollinated her. I'm trying to temper my excitement but it's hard. Does any one know what the world record cantaloupes (63.5)measurments were? Thanks Spudly.

7/24/2004 3:30:41 AM


[email protected]

Not sure but I did find this:

Great Pumpkin Commonwealth Weigh-Off Results 1999

Terry Checkon of Spangler, Pennsylvania, weighed in with the world's largest pumpkin ever, at 1,131 lbs. this year at the weigh-off in Altoona, Pennsylvania.
Canadian Todd Kline of Shawville, Quebec was second with a 1,036.5 lbs. weighed in in Ottawa. Third prize winner, for the world, was Allen Eaton, had a 1,009.5 lb. pumpkin, also weighed in in Ottawa.

The largest squash in the world was raised by Joe Goetze of Pittsfield, Maine. The squash topped out at 896.5 lbs. The world's largest watermelon was raised by Edwards, the 198 watermelon was grown in Marshall, Minnesota. Mike Lehman grew the largest cantaloupe ever, 24.5 lbs. worth at Billsburg, Pennsylvania, and the largest tomato weighed in at 2.58 lbs. Art Franek of Munson, Pennsylvania grew the big red one.

7/24/2004 8:52:28 AM


Western Pa.

The secret with muskmelons or canteloupe is that you must pick them as soon as they stop gaining. A muskmelon will turn from green to orange overnight, and will not keep long in that state. For this reason, plants must be started later in the season to assure a fruit if you plan on entering one in the weigh-off. A green one will keep for 1-3 weeks in the refigerator. Not sure what the world record is, but I grew a 34#er a few years back.

7/24/2004 11:56:30 AM

Spudley (Scott)


Thanks for the info. I guess my biggest fear is that it will ripen to soon. I've read on different web sites that it takes about 80 days. I'm not sure if that means from germination or pollination? I will be watching very carefully and pulling at the first sign of rippening. Thanks for the help. I'll keep ya posted.

7/24/2004 2:20:18 PM


Md/ Usa

Tremor you are wrong 24.5 lbs is not biggest cantaloupe.
a list some of biggest cantaloupes ever.

1 63.5 Rogerson 1997 *
2 62 Daughtrigde 1991 *
3 55 Daughtridge 1982
4 51.5 Daughtridge 1981
5 47.85 Robb 2002
6 43.5 hathorn 2003
7 41.5 Lehman 2001
8 41.13 Dulaney 1981
9 40 hathorn 2003
10 39 Weeks 1977*
11 37 lehman 2003
12 35.8 lehman 2002
13 27.25 Robb 2000
14 27.03 BEACHY 2001
15 24.5 Lehman 2000
* world record

7/24/2004 7:27:31 PM


Md/ Usa

forgot that number 8,3 and 4 are also world records

7/24/2004 7:32:46 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Does anyone know where a photo of the world record cantaloupe can be found? Are you out there Mr. Bill Rogerson of Robersonville North Carolina. Would love to see a picture. Thanks Spudley.

7/25/2004 3:50:45 PM



Spudley,,Thomas Hawthorne of Oklahoma grew some whoppers last year..Ask him..He's a regular here,,maybe he can help ya with measurements..Thomas,,can ya hear me???

7/26/2004 10:11:23 AM



Jeff,, Can you hear me now... I like that. LOL.. Spudley I grew several large sized cantaloupes last year but never took a measurement one. DOH,, Never thought about it at that time, but its not a bad idea..I grew the 43.5 a 40 and a 38 lb cantaloupes. I have pictures of them if that would be of any help. Good Luck with them. Jeff you still growing anything?

7/26/2004 3:49:25 PM

Spudley (Scott)


I found the tale of the tape in the 2004 Guinness World Book. It was 45 inches around by 21 inches long. Thomas I sure would like to see your pictures. Always good to see the fruits of ones labor. Hardee Harrrr. Thanks Spudley.

7/26/2004 4:59:09 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Thanks for the pictures Thomas. They were great!!
Well my ole girl is still growing along 46.5 inches around by 19 inches long. Slower growing and not as predictable but still growing. Maybe 55 pounds? Take care Spudley.

8/5/2004 12:13:18 AM

Spudley (Scott)


Update. She measures 48.25 around by 20 inches long. Growing faster than could be expected at this time of her growth cycle. Has to be in the 60 pound range? Holy Guacamolia!! Chow Spudley.

8/11/2004 3:04:51 PM



Sounds like your doing something right. Post a pic of it here on bigpumpkins for us to see. Good Luck with it

8/11/2004 3:59:30 PM

Spudley (Scott)


I uploaded a photo I took a few days ago. When I get a more current one I'll post it. Thanks Spudley.

8/11/2004 8:55:28 PM

Spudley (Scott)


I posted 2 more photos I took today. Check them out! Spudley.

8/13/2004 6:03:10 PM



Hey Spudley looking great there. Keep it going.. New World Record hopefully going there. What seed did you say you planted to grow it on? Did you hand pollinate it or is it open? Remember me when its seed time.. LOL

8/13/2004 7:16:43 PM

Spudley (Scott)


The orignial North Carolina Giant seeds I got from Ray Waterman P&P. Last years 43 pounder is producing this years monster. I hand pollinated several on the vine and the wife chose the one we kept. Way to go Honey. I'v always had great luck with Ray's seeds. In 1999 I grew the world record rutabaga (75.75lbs) from Ray's seed stock. I'll keep ya posted. Later Spudley.

8/13/2004 8:15:31 PM

Tom B


If I were you I would start getting in contact with the local extensions office and finding out where you can weigh that thing.....

Tom Beachy

8/14/2004 12:03:07 AM

Spudley (Scott)


Well she did it 64.80 pounds a new world record YAHOO!!! Now it's up to Guinness. Spudley.

8/17/2004 6:50:56 PM



how long should it take after i get my first female to open

8/23/2004 4:47:43 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Ole Girl stayed on the vine exactly 60 days from pollination to harvest. From reading past notes and talking to others it seems 50 to 60 days is the norm. Spudley.

8/27/2004 3:09:35 AM

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