Other Gardening General Discussion
Subject: Albino gray stripe Sunflower??
Date Posted
John Maness |
[email protected]
I started some sunflower seeds I got from PGVG and one of them seems to be an "albino"! Cots, stem and first leaves started are all a cream color. Has been in the sun for several days? Other seedlings are green! Any clue? Alien seed perhaps? :~)
6/4/2004 6:59:53 PM
Louie1 |
that sounds really cool! I would sure love to see a Photo of it!!! Now what it going to grow red seeds? Needs to be all Albino right?
If you can keep that thing alive till it flowers make sure you cover with a bag or something so you can make sure you only cross it with it's self.
I have really never seen any sunflower grow cream-white before, Purple and blue yah.
Keep that baby Alive and get us a Photo :)!
Best of luck!
6/5/2004 12:00:48 AM
blkcloud |
Pulaski Tn [email protected]
i hate to tell this but..last year at our state fair..i saw what i think was the biggest sunflower i had ever seen, it looked like it was 24 inches across and flat as a pancake..well i kept looking at it and noticed down on the bottom some one had "accidently" taken 5 or 6 seeds..porbably to feed their squirrel..so i lingered around looking at some potatoes and a few tomatoe displays until the coast was clear and i eased over to the big sunflower and gently swiped me 6 or 8 seeds from the same little spot where the others had been taken from and off i went.. well i put them on the window sill in the bathroom where i could look at them every day to make sure i wouldnt forget where i had placed them..about a month ago we had a little get together at our house for some beer and skeet shooting and the next morning i awake..walk into the john and holy macroni my seeds were gone..my wife had cleaned up the house from top to bottom and i guess she threw them away.....she never even remembers seeing them..i still havent got over it yet..that just goes to show what happens when you do something wrong..
6/5/2004 10:47:20 PM
AussieMaster |
Ohio, USA
Thats really interesting. Yeah do as Jeff said.
6/12/2004 11:04:16 PM
AussieMaster |
Ohio, USA
I don't know if it has much chance of survival because it lacks chlorophyll which it needs for photosynthesis.
6/12/2004 11:18:55 PM
Tremor |
[email protected]
Fine thing. Keith burns in hell & no giant sunflowers to show for it. LOL Better make good in God's eyes soon Keith or that black cloud might never pass!
6/13/2004 7:40:07 AM
John Maness |
[email protected]
Sorry to report that the neighbors dog knocked over and trampled the sunflower. Not sure if it will make it! Hard to believe that it was growing! No green at all!
6/13/2004 11:29:24 AM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
Maybe its an Ohio GPC sunflower??????
6/13/2004 12:34:55 PM
Louie1 |
still growing? any updates?
6/13/2004 5:18:54 PM
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