Other Gardening General Discussion
Subject: Birds in evergreen trees
Date Posted
Urban Farmer (Frantz) |
No Place Special
I have two large evergreen trees, one on each side of my driveway. They are always just packed full of birds and they poo all over the drive and any vehicle parked near them. Does anyone know of something that will keep these birds away? Thanks!
6/1/2004 12:27:50 AM
Tom B |
shotgun...if there isnt a population, they wont come around
6/1/2004 1:15:36 AM
Mr. Sprout |
Wichita, KS
6/1/2004 2:15:48 AM
southern |
Appalachian Mtns.
LOL! Those two should sum it up Mike :0)
6/1/2004 5:31:59 AM
burrhead gonna grow a slunger |
Mill Creek West by god Virginia
my mom had the same problem in her driveway she would hang silver pie pans along some of the lower branches and this seemed to scare the birds away!if this dont help let me know i got several stray cats i could send ya real cheep!!!!!!!burrhead
6/1/2004 5:37:56 AM
Tremor |
[email protected]
Try a rubber snake or a bobble head Owl doll. Sometimes these work as advertised.
Around here the issue is Monk Parakeets. Big noisy green parrots that have escaped capture & naturalized. No weeping or Norway Spruces are getting planted here. No way.
6/1/2004 7:02:42 AM
docgipe |
Montoursville, PA
A couple of genuine four foot black or garter snakes would love to be introduced to that food source. They will also go for the mice, voles chipmonks and moles. While many gardeners kill any snake they are indeed making a grave error in so doing. They are great to have in residence.
6/1/2004 11:36:55 PM
Louie1 |
not out here, 9 times out of 10 the snake you find will kill you(Rattler). But I always let the bull snakes go, you wound not belive how they are on the mice. A bull snake in a barn will kill 5x as many mice as a cat.
6/2/2004 12:08:00 AM
burrhead gonna grow a slunger |
Mill Creek West by god Virginia
hey doc 2 days ago i got a 3 foot rattle snake in my patch just before it got me survival of the fittest he he burrhead
6/2/2004 2:35:00 AM
docgipe |
Montoursville, PA
The Eastern black and yellow phase rattle snake is a protected reptile. They are common in our mountains but their home ranges are being removed by dozers, bricks and morter. In our state no one has ever been killed by a rattle snake. People have died who had other serious problems or weakened bodies from other causes...even fear of the same and heart attacks due to fear.
I personally would not let one live where children and pets play but I would not kill it. I would remove it to the wilds or ask for help to relocate it.
6/2/2004 12:50:13 PM
blkcloud |
Pulaski Tn [email protected]
Not long ago my elderly aunt and uncle went into my cousins out building to get a something..well low and behold there lay a 4-5 foot long snake up in the rafters..they flew home, got a garden hoe and went back to kill the snake, my uncle finally got it down and chopped its head off..much to their suprise the snake didnt give too much of a fight nor any blood ran out onto the ground.. after close inspection they realized it was a rubber snake!!!
6/2/2004 1:08:57 PM
jeff517 |
Eastern diamond back rattlers are caught here during winter for a rattler round up..Hundreds are brought in each year,,and there are no problems getting 100's more the following year..They can have up to 15020 little ones a year,,so times that X 100,,and we know 100 is an understatement equals a whole bunch...Kill everyone I see,,cant take a chance on letting one go for kiddies sake..So Doc,keep'em there,,if you'd like,,I'll bring ya some this winter to up your population..LOL..Will send in the pecans..hehe.....Only harm done down here is the number of gopher turtles killed when hunters put a few drops of gas in the gopher holes to runn'em out...
6/2/2004 1:09:40 PM
jeff517 |
Was suppose to read 15-20 * babies a year...Mike,,srry I got off topic here...
6/2/2004 1:10:49 PM
Urban Farmer (Frantz) |
No Place Special
LOL! Thanks everyone
6/2/2004 3:25:56 PM
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