Other Gardening General Discussion
Subject: pumpkin facials?
Date Posted
got2garden |
Walnut Creek, CA
There was a news item about a hotel/spa near Half Moon Bay Calif. that is offering pumpkin facials. They say it's not the gooey insides of a pumpkin but orange citrus smelling, pumpkin makes good material for facials because it is high in Vit. A and zinc. Now we know what to do with those big pumpkins after the weigh offs!!
8/17/2001 9:24:51 PM
Alun J |
Liverpool , England
yo, just cut a hole in the fruit and stick your head in...you can cut holes in so you can see out...wear it all day...do-your-own-facial...cool or what?
8/18/2001 8:54:40 PM
hey you |
Greencastle, PA
that's not as cool as it is scary, you would probably frighten people sitting around with your head in a 500 pound pumpkin on your head. Hey, that makes it even cooler!
8/19/2001 12:01:35 AM
C.C. |
Omaha, Nebraska
This subject should be in the "Beauty" section or the "Facials" section.
8/19/2001 12:05:40 AM
Bruiser |
Herndon, VA
I think if you're using an AG then forget about the facial and go for the full body wrap!! There's more than enough pumpkin!!!
8/19/2001 1:17:00 AM
Nappy G |
Charlotte, North Carolina
How about giant pumpkin catapulting?
8/19/2001 11:08:47 AM
jeff517 |
LMAO,,,,,Incoming!!!!!!!! hehehe
8/19/2001 12:27:42 PM
hey you |
Greencastle, PA
if it's a GIANT pumpkin you would need a cannon to shoot it.
8/19/2001 12:58:04 PM
Nappy G |
Charlotte, North Carolina
I have heard of cannons being used a pumpkin catapulting contests but they don't use gunpowder like a normal cannon, just pure air like a spitball shooter. They let the pressure build up behind the pumpkin then they pull a lever which lets the pumpkin free, like a spitball. (sorry for the gross comparison)lol
8/19/2001 3:30:57 PM
hey you |
Greencastle, PA
yes, the air cannons work the best for small ones.
8/19/2001 6:44:51 PM
Pumpkin_lover |
Wroclaw, Poland (51 N, 17 E)
Do you know any website(s) about catapulting pumpkins?
4/13/2003 5:11:34 PM
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