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Subject:  The Perfect Purse! $$$$$$$$$$$?????????

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Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Hi Friend Im a little confused?? My purse is set up pretty much the way you describe it. Ned Sandercock took 7th with a 500lber thats an average squash.He was about 50th out of 147,that would make him average.The 50 lbers win nothing.Even under 400 lbs win nothing(below average).Are you saying the 1000$ first prize is too much & should be spread downward?I think what Im hearing is that the average squash guy doesnt think he can win 1st place.So the 1000$ is no incentive??Please let me know??

Mark Yes you can send seeds I will distribute if the members sign up.I just give 1 or 2 seeds per member.Im not looking to be a big seed pack supplier.Thats a lot of work.I want to promote(ship) products & raise prize money for all veggies.I feel Im drawing attention & promoting veggies that the Pumpkin people dont have time to touch.I know I cant set up a purse to please everyone.
Thanks for your feedback Mark

1/22/2014 7:22:56 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Just wanting to hear what people want??

Please post how you feel & try to keep it nice.

I think the average guy in all veggie classes feels he has 0 chance of winning the contest? Is this true??

1/22/2014 7:25:46 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Ok here is an incentive to speak your mind! I will give a free membership away for every 20 opinions that are posted.one entry per person please.lol

If you think is fine that way its set up know please post that.

If you think it should be changed please give details?

I will give away up to 3 memberships here with one veggie entered

1/22/2014 7:41:43 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

If your a member already you can add a class give the membership to a friend or get a bottle of goodies instead.

1/22/2014 8:08:56 AM



Hi Mark,
I think i am an average grower. So here is my opinion:

I think it´s a big distance between the first and the second place. (AG-/Watermelon-class)
In my opinion it looks better when the first prize is 1000$ and the second one is 500$ and the following places 300/200/150/and so on...

In the other classes everything is fine.

To my mind it seems to be realistic for everyone to win the contests. Season for season you learn how to handle with your plants so that your knowledge is growing and every season you have different weather conditions.
For me it would be an award to win 1000$. If everybody wins the same price (eg. 100$ place 1.-20.)it is not an exiting competition.


1/22/2014 9:31:10 AM


Madisonville, TN

I think that it is fine the way it is set up now. First place should have a much larger purse since it is first place after all.
I most likely wont be enter in the giant pumpkin class since Im a southern grower and the odds are heavily against a winner. Our pumkins wil be shooting for a state record. On the other hand I do plan on entering and winning the watermelon class. I have the seeds and the location, so this year my daughter and I plan on going big.

1/22/2014 9:47:36 AM

Farmer Ben

Hinckley MN

I have always been a proponant of paying deep to encourage participation.

1/22/2014 10:19:50 AM


Linden, Mi.,

OK, I went and look at your prize money
To me it looks great!
There is not many place's that have $50.00 for 10 place
I would say a person could not find a better pay off.

1/22/2014 10:23:25 AM


Manchester, TN

I'm not a participation award kind of guy, so I like the big payouts for the top. Whether I ever get a cut or not. You're shooting for the top.

1/22/2014 10:28:54 AM



I prefer paying good prize money to more than just one winner. Don't like the winner takes it all. Smaller prize money for 4.-10. is fine. The chance to earn one out of three bigger prizes might lead to more participants, because some people might be afraid that they won't finish first place anyways...


1/22/2014 10:35:50 AM


Fenton, MI

I think the way you have all prizes set up is good. I feel you want some big money at the top, but paying down like you do is good for all that is in that class. That will help to get more in that class. Just my 2 cents.

1/22/2014 11:54:10 AM


Armada Michigan

Mark ..I think that you are doing a good job with the prize money in each categorie ....its good that you are thinking about everyone ...keep up the good work you do..Eric

1/22/2014 12:10:47 PM


Corryton, TN

Every weigh-off/competition has to make this same decision. We're struggling with it here also. First what are your primary goals? Is it more members in each class? More money for the winner? By the way I don't think the winner works harder at it than I do, they're just smarter. I've got plenty of other excuses but that's not one of them.

If membership is your main goal I'd look at a set percentage of your prize money for each position. I like the structure of the squash payout the best of your big 3. If funds were available I'd increase the 200 to 300 and 150 to 200 for a more balanced approach. As membership increases you could increase the prize structure based on the pre-set percentages if you see fit. This gives the growers that are less experienced or have to grow in less than ideal conditions a shot at being rewarded for their work even if they are toward the bottom.

With all that said be careful on changing what you said about increasing to the $1000 payout at 28 members even with a vote. It may lead to disgruntled members calling all sorts of names and questioning your morals/ethics.

1/22/2014 12:35:36 PM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

No complaints here, as long as the WWGG is around I'll support it. I placed much better than I expected. Keep up the good work Mark! You'll never please everyone! Even if there were no $$ involved, for the cost to join you get that back in the seed raffle.

1/22/2014 1:21:24 PM


Valencia Spain

i have no complaints either, i agree with josh

1/22/2014 3:16:56 PM

Ron Rahe ([email protected])


I only looked at the pumpkin class.I see 5th thru 9nth pays the same. I would progressivley step down the prizes 6th thru 9nth and add that to 2nd & 3rd. The better you place the more you get.

1/22/2014 6:19:28 PM



No problems either. I am in TN and first is not probable, but the spirit of being in a contest helps us to strive for personel best. Plus you get FREE product and great seeds!

1/22/2014 6:33:32 PM

Pumpkin Farm

Going Green

Personally I think 1st is worth $200 more than 2nd and 2nd is $150-$200 than third and so on. But I would like to see a gradual amount rather than first getting 1/2 the money.
I also feel you should award top 10 growers. But that is just my opinion. When I placed 1st in three categories this year I was glad to accept the big money. 1st in Pumpkin, 1st in Squash and 1st in Cantaloupe. In another year I would have won very little because others did better!

1/22/2014 6:47:51 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Keep em coming! Great feedback, Dave is right I cant change what is already in place.It would not be right.I however can add money to existing places.I plan to do exactly that if the membership doubles from last years.So keep posting.I will draw winning memberships when comments stop coming.

1/22/2014 7:46:50 PM


Devon uk

It's wonderful to receive any prize, But is it really about big money. It should be about stepping up to the challenge. if you want to win big money go to the bookies. or do the lottery. for me a first prize card and the recognition for what you have achieved is plenty,

1/23/2014 5:07:28 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Im having the 2013 picture holding 1st place plaques made now with the winners name & fruit engraved on it.2014 I plan to have a very unique one made for each veggie class.So unique some may want to win just to have the plaque.I will also make them for any WorldRecords that are grown.We will start with Chris Kents 350.5 lb.I am having a very special one made for him.It will take time as it has to be hand made.The trophy shops are not as creative as they should be.I want the WWGG to be 1st class & unique.

1/23/2014 8:00:29 AM

leines (Team Green Gro)


Looks good the way it is. When I joined last year it was for the free product and fun contests. ( just by joining you get your money back in great product.) I had no intents of winning. I improved my PB by 400 Lbs with Advance products that I WON free form Mark. It was sure a nice surprise finding out that I won the big contest!!! I used the prize money to buy more of the great product advance offers and my Wife couldn't object!! LOL Mark you have done a great job. Keep growing the top prize so WWGG always has access to those top seeds.

1/23/2014 9:54:20 AM

Rick A


I think you are doing a great job.As long as the WWGG is around I'll support it to.

1/23/2014 4:36:47 PM



I think the way it was last year was just fine

1/23/2014 11:55:59 PM


In general, I like your ideas Mark, it's a supply & demand world, so if you get more entries in a class, then pay more out for it, you're doing a fine job!!!

1/24/2014 8:04:15 PM


Karns City PA

Keep up the good work great operation mark

1/24/2014 8:04:53 PM



Looks very good to me!

1/24/2014 10:47:31 PM

Dyberry Patch

Honesdale Pa USA

I'm an average grower and the system worked for me! I think you have the right formula. Thanks for all the hard work you put into the WWGG.

1/24/2014 11:05:23 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Yes I hope yo have a good turnout this year.If the classes double like I posted a few weeks ago.I will increase the classes to $1,000.00 each.Were almost there on most of them.We only need 8 more squash guys & the same on the mater class.Then if it really takes off I will add more to 2nd & third place to even it out with 1st.I feel the Top 3 deserve the big money just like the Olympics and most other weigh-offs.Some clubs have no money or awards after 2nd or 3rd place.So I think 50$ for the lower places is good.It however could increase with membership.Plus I am working on having the nicest plaques you can get.The 2013 seasons will be nice with rosettes for top 3.2014 I will be really special as I will have them custom made and have time to find a creative artist to make them.Thanks for all the feedback I will post winners in a few days.Keep posting!

1/25/2014 5:46:07 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Also I order product on the first of each month.This time of year it takes up to 2 weeks to get full order in.So I send membership packs out March 1st with seed raffle .If you want to your product by early March I have to order it Feb 1st.So please join now if you can.The second batch of membership goes out April 1st.I wouldnt want to get root mass expanders much after that.I feel it is critical to use them the first 30 days of your favorite veggies life.This will give you the biggest root system possible.Big roots! Big Fruits!

1/25/2014 5:53:17 AM


Karns City PA

Woot woot! Didn't even realize my previous post fell in the number 20 spot till now! Like I said before great job mark :)

1/25/2014 7:39:07 AM


Bloomington Indiana

Have a loto draw for the product in each class out of the top 10. Instead of 1st and 10th

1/25/2014 9:18:13 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Good Idea Gary & maybe a drawing for the participants below 10th place,so everyone gets a chance.Im liking it.

1/25/2014 8:53:22 PM


Valencia Spain

dont want to post again but i also join just for the products and seeds as im a below average grower.:)

1/26/2014 5:02:44 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Ok thanks for your feedback Dave Cantral is our 80th member He just won the Prize for leaving his feedback above.I used a random number generator it picked 9 .Dave is #9 to post.So Dave just submit form at Worldwidegiantgrowers.com membership page.You can choose 1 class. Write free membership in comment box please. Congrats!!

The feedback really helped.

1/30/2014 6:53:00 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

were at 90 members! 4 hours left to next raffle deadline.

1/31/2014 8:09:00 PM

Total Posts: 36 Current Server Time: 2/22/2025 5:44:40 PM
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