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Subject:  Transplanting Larg Plants

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Princeton Joe

Princeton Kentucky

I thought I've transplanted large plants in the past..OK people beat this!! http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=BFTj0hM3DHM

12/31/2012 10:58:50 PM

Farmer Ben

Hinckley MN

how many hungry children could have been fed for what it cost to move a bunch of firewood?

12/31/2012 11:55:38 PM


Bowdon, GA

Didn't look like they got enough of the root ball. I wonder if it survived?

1/1/2013 12:41:29 AM


Baker City Oregon

Too cool Joseph! Where did you find that? That whole team should be proud of their acheivement. And Ben, how many hungry and homeless could have been fed and housed from what we wasted on the Vietnam war?...Whitey, Vietnam vet!!! Happy New Year!! I wonder if they used Myco when they transplanted it.

1/1/2013 1:05:20 AM


NSW, Australia ([email protected])

Check this one out!


1/1/2013 1:54:00 AM



that was great joseph, nice to see everyone come together on a great cause.....

1/1/2013 3:54:57 AM

Princeton Joe

Princeton Kentucky

whitey, just stumbled across this looking for transplanting info, thought it would get some discussion, lol. Happy New Year to al you BP'rs

1/1/2013 7:43:15 AM

Princeton Joe

Princeton Kentucky

Holloway it has survived the move...also Farmer Ben, cost were kept to a minimum, the time and effort and equipment, man power all was donated to move it. Thats probably why you really didn't see more people around, lol. The City paid for fuel costs only which in itsself probably wasn't too cheap..not enough to worry about..I think mans best efforts were well justified that weekend. Not judging anyone here just my 49 year old personal opinion.....Dang I'm going to be 50 this year...I wish someone would have warned me, lol.

1/1/2013 7:52:09 AM


Baker City Oregon

That's a good one too Aussie Ben.

1/1/2013 8:05:42 AM

Princeton Joe

Princeton Kentucky

Man oh Man bensbigpumpkinsAUS, that was one big Boab Tree and yes I think they have got the Transport record...37 tonnes..now there had to be a couple bridge laws violated there in western Aussie, lol. http://youtu.be/K_1xcFiomtU

1/1/2013 8:08:36 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

That is amazing. It is wonderful to see what great things can be done when we all get together to develop a common cause.

1/1/2013 8:09:53 AM


Baker City Oregon

Couldn't say it better Tennessee! Happy New Year!

1/1/2013 8:34:16 AM

Farmer Ben

Hinckley MN

whitey, I'm just as entitled to think it was a collosal waste of time and money as you are entitled to think it was wonderfully enriching event. The majority of transplanted trees over 4 ich caliper, die within 5 years. both trees were a bit larger than 4 inches across. I'm glad to hear it was mostly donated time and equipment. 2 cranes, 3 excavators and 2 dozers wouldn't have been cheap at government contract rates. For the fuel costs alone I bet they could have planted 1000 little trees. Unless there was a lifesaving cancer drug hidden in that tree, I just don't think it was wise use of time or money, even donated time or money, to save it.

1/1/2013 3:36:42 PM


Bowdon, GA

Check this one out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtOfeMs7wGc They have a website treemover.com

1/1/2013 4:26:39 PM


Deerfield, Michigan

Now that was amazing.

1/1/2013 7:11:31 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Crazy! they said it still can be seen growing there.

1/1/2013 7:52:04 PM

Princeton Joe

Princeton Kentucky

Pretty cool Holloway. Checked out that website, Amazing!!

1/2/2013 12:25:53 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Happy New Year Whitey and everyone on Big Pumpkins.

1/2/2013 3:33:40 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

Farmer Ben I don't know where you got the statistic about the majority of 4"+ caliper trees dying. I have not seen that in my experience, A healthy growing tree can be transplanted successfully assuming you get a good root ball with lots of hair roots. And most importantly it is given water on a regular basis until it has established itself in it's new location. And I see your point on the idea that it was a waste of time and resources that could have gone to the needy. BUT I believe we all live in "glass houses" when it comes to this matter.

1/4/2013 10:20:58 AM

Total Posts: 19 Current Server Time: 2/23/2025 7:12:44 AM
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