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Subject:  Topsy turvy planter

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Mount Vision, NY

Just curious is anyone has actually gotten one of these to work as advertised? My sister found them for $2 someplace and picked us each up one. It was a waste of $4 to say the least. I've yet to see one of these do anything and I've seen quite a few, all with small scraggly looking tomato plants.

1/2/2012 1:36:32 PM

Lee Taylor

Nicholls Georgia

Yep they are crap

1/2/2012 3:20:39 PM

Farmer Ben

Hinckley MN

cut a hole in the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket. insert large tomato start from greenhouse. fill bucket with potting mix. hang on really sturdy hook. water often.

Then again, plants want to grow up... not down.

1/2/2012 7:00:32 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

They make good squirrel feeders. My dad was hep on trying them in 2008 so I had two shipped to him. No matter what he did the squirrels got into/onto them and ate what was trying to grow. Told him to hang it in the picture window INSIDE maybe.

1/2/2012 11:13:06 PM

Darren C (Team Big-N-Orange)

Omaha, Ne.

They will work if you plant sweet pea, Black trifele, and patio only some of the best container tomato species.Only the black trifele tastes good (but are prone to blossom end rot. The reason you see so many stringy plants out in front of others house is that they dry out so easily. That stresses the plant and they won't recover. You will have to be a very committed grower. I put them on a drip system where they got water for one minute three times a day and use a tomato fertilizer once a week. The big ones you see on TV are just that on TV. maybe you could get them to look like that, hydroponically. The only tomato I would put in them would be sweet pea they are an interesting plant an will do well. I use mine for herbs. I grow 20 different kinds of tomatoes in 5 gallon buckets, up right and staked. trim the suckers. I just let 1 or 2 stems grow. with a water timer and drip 2 or 3 times a day for a minute each time. Trying new things is growing. So keep trying.

1/5/2012 9:28:10 AM



i tried one a couple of years ago. dried out way to fast. year of the late blight also.

1/5/2012 8:07:48 PM

Total Posts: 6 Current Server Time: 2/23/2025 3:49:19 PM
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