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Subject:  cabbage

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Growing a cabbage for s#?ts and gi**les. Are the spent leaves [die offs] at the base removed?? Water, ferts, ... any other in season info appreciated. TY Peter

7/27/2010 7:16:04 PM

Captain Cold Weather

Boulder County Colorado USA planet Earth

Here is what i do for the cabbage

1. Weed around the base of the plant and to the edge of the leaves.

2. no mulch

3. Remove any dead leaves.

4 Prune any side heads.

5. Fertilize with wat ever your fertilizing pumpkins with.

6. water water water

7. I like seaweed,humic acid, compost tea, organic way is less chance of them splitting.

8. 21-0-0 could cause them to grow fast and split.

9. drink lost of beer.

10. Use BT for catapillar worms.

hope this helps. my cabbages are not as good as last yr.

7/28/2010 2:48:23 PM


Western PA

Try to come up with a way to keep ALL leaves up away from the ground. They will rot when they come in contact with soil.(maybe lay down some chicken wire fencing or something.

Keep them dusted with something like seven as much as possibe or the cabbage moths will feast.

Like Captain Cold said, keep the soil moist(not wet) at all times to avoid splits.

What kind are you growing ?

7/28/2010 3:55:46 PM



Helping a 3rd grader with a small contest for Giant Cabbage. We got one going pretty decent but with you help got 3,4,5,6,7,10 TY CAPT. Also the other thee items as well TY ZAPPA.. NO prob with 9 TY Peter

7/28/2010 6:42:21 PM


Western PA

Every leaf you loose, could be 1-2 pounds less. I lost 10-15 leaves from each of my cabbages. So definately keep them up. They ended up at 21 pounds. (os cross). A lot of fun to grow.

7/28/2010 7:06:03 PM



How do you get giant cabbage seed? Don't you harvest them before they flower?

7/28/2010 9:09:03 PM


Western PA

Nic, I purchased mine on line. I believe from Herts Gardens.Yes ,they are harvested before they seed.

7/29/2010 7:55:06 AM


Jericho Vermont

I can help you with number 9 Peter!

7/29/2010 12:55:40 PM



Well that sounds like it is harder to get bigger cabbage every year if the seeds from the biggest are not saved. And controlled crosses are hard/impossible.

7/29/2010 10:01:23 PM


Soldiers Grove, WI

Cabbage is a biennial, here you have to store plant over winter in a root cellar and replant in the spring. Keep cellar stored roots damp and cool through winter. Try growing Megaton cabbages from Jungs they grow the best for me.

7/30/2010 12:03:55 AM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Nic, a controlled cross for a cabbage plant is real simple. Grow only one variety!!! The hard part is getting it to the seeding stage!!! Second stage (or year) growth is what produces seeds. Peace, Wayne

7/30/2010 12:24:34 AM

Spudley (Scott)


It's Hirt's Seeds.

7/30/2010 12:55:03 AM

Spudley (Scott)


Maybe this would be a bit more helpful.

7/30/2010 1:00:04 AM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Scott, is Cross...the same as OS Cross? Peace, Wayne

7/30/2010 2:01:00 AM

Spudley (Scott)


Yes it is Wayne. Oriental Super Cross is the full variety name. It was first introduced by Takii seed back in 1950. Takii introduced the world's first Brassica F1, Hybrid Chinese Cabbage "No.1" and Hybrid Cabbage "O-S Cross". in 1950. In 1951 the O-S Cross won the A.A.S. Bronze medal award.

7/30/2010 5:16:42 AM

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