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Subject:  Pumpkin wine

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NB Canada

I have a batch of blueberry mead thats just about ready to bottle and have been thinking of what to make next. Then got to thinking about pumpkin wine, it would be intresting to try although how it would taist could go eather way. Anyone ever try making it? Made with apple and a vanilla bean or two it might not be too bad.

6/12/2009 11:42:57 PM

Brooks B


Ive thought about making it this year, I think with added cinnamon it might be pretty good, but your right about the taste , Im thinking it could go ether way also. Vanilla bean sounds like a great idea to mix in though!

6/13/2009 4:53:20 AM

Brooks B


Bee, if there was a way to get it to taste like some pumpkin icecream I have eaten before then it should be a great tasting wine!,,lol

6/13/2009 4:55:53 AM

Ron Rahe ([email protected])


Hey Bee can you email me that mead recipe?

6/14/2009 9:56:58 AM


NB Canada

Pumpkin icecream? Sweet! I like the sound of cinnamon in it, would be a good wine for the Thanksgiving table.

I sent you a couple mead recipies Ron, enjoy!

6/14/2009 6:37:15 PM


new middletown ohio

dave Mccallum made some a few years back, notn too shabby. you might try him.

6/20/2009 9:20:57 PM


Mercersburg, PA

I think I have seen some pumpkin wine recipes in my winemaking books, but my parents are borrowing them right now. I will try to find the recipes. If anyone has one let me know. I would think a little cinnamon would help.
[email protected]

6/23/2009 10:32:31 AM


NB Canada

I found this on Jack Keller's site. If you never heard of him you should take a look at his site. Although I would modify it with cinnamon aswell, and a vanilla bean.

5 lbs grated pumpkin flesh
3-1/4 lbs finely granulated sugar
1 tsp pectic enzyme
1/2 oz citric acid
1 tsp yeast nutrient
1/4 tsp yeast energizer
1 finely crushed and dissolved Campden tablet
6-1/2 pts water
wine yeast (see above)
Grate the pumpkin flesh mechanically (recommended) or by hand and set aside. Do NOT place chunks in a blender and attempt to chop them. Bring the water to a boil and stir in the sugar until dissolved. Remove from heat. Place grated pumpkin flesh in primary and pour boiling water over pumpkin. Allow to cool to room temperature and add finely crushed and dissolved Campden tablet. Cover primary and allow to sit 8-10 hours. Add pectic enzyme and allow to sit overnight. Next morning add citric acid, yeast nutrient, energizer and activated yeast. Cover primary and stir twice daily for three days, submerging "cap" as necessary to keep moist. Pour through a nylon straining bag and let pumpkin drip drain. Transfer to secondary and fit airlock. If you did not recover a full gallon of liquid, wait 5 days and top up as necessary. Rack after two weeks and again after additional 30 days, topping up and refitting airlock each time. Set aside for 3 months and then rack, stabilize, sweeten if desired (unlikely you will need to but...), wait 3 weeks for dead yeast to fall out, and rack into bottles. Set aside to drink next year at Thanksgiving or Christmas. [Adapted from Leo Zanelli's Home Winemaking from A to Z with major modifications by Jack Keller]

6/23/2009 8:04:57 PM

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