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Subject:  possible new world record amaranth

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West Amwell, NJ

My friend Jesse from Pughkeepsie, NY measured his amaranth today and he says it's over 15 ft. tall and with a stem circumference of over 40 inches. Does anyone have a contact number or person at Guinness World Records? He tried calling the number and no luck. Do you have to pay that 300 plus pounds for the fast track to get the record listed or can you do it for free?

He's going to apply for tallest Amaranth, and wants to get a new record for largest stem circumference (if possible)

7/18/2007 4:32:04 PM


[email protected]

Guinness charges record holders for a "fast track" listing???

That's pretty lame.

Congratulations to your friend!

7/18/2007 5:43:56 PM


West Amwell, NJ

That is pretty lame. He doesn't have the money to pay it. It's like $700 some US dollars when you convert it. Maybe you can just do it for free, but it probably takes a lot longer. He also doesn't want to pay it, because mine were planted later, and may get taller. I'm at 12 1/2 ft. right now, and I generally have frost much later than him. We actually worked on this together. I grew them from seeds, he kept them in pots in the house in the winter/spring. We planted them out, and both took cuttings for more plants. I'm growing some in my basement right now, and when I go up to see him, I'm giving him some of mine to grow. If I get the record, I want to see about if we can both have our name on it. He spent months growing them under lights in his house before I put it in the garden. BTW, It's Poughkeepsie. (typo)

7/18/2007 10:33:30 PM


[email protected]

$700 is highway robbery. Joe Jutras & Ron Wallace just went throught the Guinness deal this pasy winter. Maybe Pap will chime in on how they handled it.

I was in Poughkeepsie yesterday. We stopped at the Cold Stone Creamery. There a couple of pumpkins doing well there right now too. BIG things coming out of Poughkeepsie this summer.

7/19/2007 12:36:37 AM


West Amwell, NJ

I'm not a big fan of Guinness anymore. I saw one of the newer Guinness Book of World Records in the store. I flip through it and it barely had anything on giant vegetables or giant animals. Most of the stuff that I saw was pictures of Britney Spears and things of that nature. When I was a kid, I remember looking at GBoWR books in the 70's and they were these small, black and white books. They were packed with all sorts of natural records. Today it seems that is minor to non-existent. They really sold out. I don't think the founder(s) are alive anymore. They would be rolling in their graves if they saw what happened with Guinness.

7/19/2007 8:42:05 AM


Rhode Island

the guinness confirmation and award was set up last fall by the martha stewart show.

the actual record, photo and acknowlwdgement will not get into the book until this septembers yearly issue.

thats how they do it. depending on the publishing deadline you may wait a year for it to get into hard copy

i do not have any contact info, if i did id be glad to pass it on. --- suggest you try and find the guinness office thats located in n.y. city


7/19/2007 7:29:20 PM

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