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Subject:  Sunflower question

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Jason D


To any giant sunflower gurus out there...I was wondering why my sunflowers are getting some yellow spots on the leaves? The plants seem to be doing fine I already have a couple 9 plus feet but some are getting these yellow spots on the leaves. Is this normal or something that can be corrected? Thanks for any info.

6/14/2007 9:10:11 AM


western PA

how about some pics ??

6/14/2007 9:40:25 AM


[email protected]

Has there been an extreme temperature shift lately?

6/14/2007 9:44:47 AM

Jason D


Ill try to get some pics for better reference. There just some yellow spots about a centimeter wide on some of the leaves. The temps been about the same 85 degrees with hardly any rain. But I do keep the soil around the plants watered regulary. The plants are all about three feet apart so I dont believe spacings a problem. I fertilize them with fish ferts and kelp. There planted in plenty of organic compost and manure. There growing very tall on a daily basis but again Ill try to post some pics.

6/14/2007 10:00:22 AM


West Amwell, NJ

If you look on the underside of the leaf, do you see white powder in the same spots that are yellow on the top side of the leaf?

6/14/2007 2:41:07 PM

Jason D


Sunflower info I went home and checked the spots there isnt any white powder in the same spots but it rained preety good yesterday Ill check again tonight. There growing like skyrockets but the spots just concerened me. Maybe im using to much fert. Im gonna spray with garden disease control tonight so well see whats up. Thanks

6/15/2007 10:16:58 AM


West Amwell, NJ

The reason I ask, is because I have a disease in my garden called sunflower downy mildew, which can do some major damage to your sunflower crop. Someone who grew some of my Bott's Strain seeds this year ended up with it in his garden. Once in the garden, it's nearly impossible to get rid of it.

6/15/2007 1:43:39 PM


West Amwell, NJ

BTW, what variety of sunflower are you growing?

6/15/2007 1:43:57 PM

Jason D


Im growing a couple different strains in different areas. Im new to sunflowers so I might mess this up. One variety called Botts strain and I believe Dianes Russian. A couple athers were from growers on Big Pumpkins and im also growing some Cravens.

6/15/2007 2:46:42 PM


Bay Area

Sounds like you are growing some of Brian's stuff. LOL.

I wouldn't worry about yellow spots on leaves if they are found on the lower leaves. Those are from things on the leaves that blocked the sun. As the leaves get old chances are there will be yellow spots, unless you keep the leaves clean.

6/15/2007 3:00:55 PM

Jason D


Thanks for the help yeah most of the spots are on the lower leaves and the plants are doing great weve had nothing but sun here since I planted them and I on a well so I can water them whenever they need it. I did stake them just because of the wind and there on 8 foot stakes and there already taller them. Its fun watching the rapid growth its actually preety amazing.

6/15/2007 3:24:17 PM


Bay Area

Yeah insect waste does seem sometimes make those little yellow spots. Are your sunflower forming any buds yet?

6/15/2007 4:03:04 PM

Jason D


Nope there not forming any buds as of yet I reckon they should preety soon. This is the first year Ive grown Giant sunflowers Ive grown regular field ones for a while now. But there nothing like watching these ones grow. Should you fertilize them on a regular basis like you would pumpkins and veggies? Ive been using fish ferts and two kinds of kelp. The top 3 inches of the soils also covered in worm castings and compost.

6/15/2007 4:06:57 PM

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