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Subject:  rhubarb

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NEPA [email protected] KB3QKV

We just planted some rhubarb plants last thursday and sunday we saw that they were already popping through the soil. Now will the rabbits eat the rhubarb this upcoming winter like they did our blueberry plants the past winter? Just trying to think ahead.

4/17/2006 11:50:06 PM


Kiel WI

It dies back to the ground in winter, if they eat it it won't matter.

4/18/2006 12:25:14 AM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI ([email protected])

Rhubarb Leaves are high in oxalic acid and will kill a rabbit. So I wouldn't worry about that.

4/18/2006 8:52:07 AM

out of my gourd


Last year the rabbits chewed on everything but the Rhubarb(and I hate rhubarb).

4/18/2006 10:52:58 AM

Dutch Brad


I believe goats can eat rhubarb leaves without a problem. Any goats in the area?

4/18/2006 3:31:02 PM


[email protected]

Goats can eat rusty nails, rocks, spent uranium fuel rods, just about anything. Why not Rhubarb?

4/18/2006 5:05:14 PM



sheep will eat about anything too. Even burdock.

4/18/2006 6:57:37 PM


NEPA [email protected] KB3QKV

Thanks for all the help everyone. No goats or sheep. No deer. Main problem pests are rabbits and !@#$%^&* chipmunks. Saw a squirrel this past winter, it was so cold one day I saw him rubbing his nuts together.

4/18/2006 11:35:11 PM


Follansbee, Wv

If your rhubarb begins to send up flower stalks, be sure to cut them off. It will help the plant become more vigorous. Rabbits have never bothered mine, but there are a few insect pests to watch out for.

4/20/2006 6:42:28 AM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI ([email protected])

Another thing on rhubard. Pull the stalks away from the base instead of cutting them.

4/21/2006 3:17:46 PM


Spanish Ontario

let the rabbit,s eeeeaaaattt

4/24/2006 3:33:26 PM

Desert Storm

New Brunswick

Speaking of rhubarb, why does mine die down in late summer and my neighbour picks hers all summer and it remains vigerous and healthy right up until frost? I always thought you were only to pick it in late spring and early summer but she picks hers all summer. I tried pulling most of the older stalks and it made no difference. It did not rejuvinate itself. Also the first plant has very large stalks and the other two plants much smaller stalks. Does it need lime or some supplement? The plants are growing quite near our horse manure pile.

5/22/2006 10:01:46 AM

Total Posts: 12 Current Server Time: 2/25/2025 2:36:11 AM
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