Other Gardening General Discussion
Subject: BIG ZACS??
Date Posted
blkcloud |
Pulaski Tn [email protected]
how long do it take to sprout one of these seeds?? i have had 2 of them in a zipper lock bag with a moist paper towel at room temp. now for 72 hrs. they are sewlled up but no feets appearing??
2/22/2002 11:04:04 AM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
I've always started mine straight in the peat cubes & it mormally would take about 7-10 days to push through the soil..
2/22/2002 12:08:22 PM
Gads |
Deer Park WA
I have read that big zac's are perenial and will keep growing untill something kills them. Did I screw up by starting them a few days ago??? :[
2/22/2002 8:59:32 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
Last year I wasn't concerned about a contest, just food & I started them March 1st. Well up till Oct.26th when we got our first killing frost they were STILL setting fruit.....
2/22/2002 9:07:29 PM
Alun J |
Liverpool , England
Yo Gerry, My Big Zacs are just popping through now.
2/23/2002 8:27:48 PM
Gads |
Deer Park WA
Hi Alun, My Zac's just poped up last night! I hope I didn't start them to soon. I plan on building them mini green houses. It only took six days for them to come up.
2/24/2002 2:46:42 PM
Sequoia-Greg |
porterville, calif.
When is your last frost up there Gads? Our last frost is about March 10th or so. That shouldn,t be too early to start your seed..... Greg
2/24/2002 4:13:08 PM
Alun J |
Liverpool , England
Yo Gerry, I plant the biggies earlier than the others so they get a lot taller then I lay the stem down on the ground and cover with soil so they will grow a lot more roots....like a vine. This means that I have a lot of roots to help pump up the tomatoes. I grow them in a greenhouse..my best so far is 4lb..gotta do better.
2/24/2002 7:38:02 PM
Gads |
Deer Park WA
Greg, my last frost date is May 15 were close to Canadian border, 49th paralell I believe. Alun 4lbs is huge! what do you support the plant with? The Zac's are indetermenant so how tall do you let them grow. My mom lets her tomatoes grow on the ground, and they grow like a cucumber. I thought about trying that with Zac's but the fruit is suseptable to more damage on the ground than if trellesised. I have built a 4'x10' by 10" tall raised bed to grow my tomatoes in this year.
2/24/2002 11:21:16 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
As far as height I topped my Big Zacs off between 8-10 foot last year to help the fruit growth. And as far as support for them , this year I'm going with a new idea . I'm going to drive 13' pieces of rebar into the ground then place pvc over the rebar & cap it off. Then I'm taking my pvc cutters & making grooves into the pvc so the twine will have something to hang onto when I tie them up. And don't worry about having to support the fruit the stems are HUGE, you can't pull a Big Zac off the plant I had to use pruners to get mine off. Like Alun I also had fruit over 4 lbs & they always stayed on the plant. In fact I had one cluster of 3 & all three of them went over 3 lbs each. There was over 10 lbs of fruit on one cluster & the plant STILL held up. Just so you know how prolific these plants are I got over 168 lbs of fruit( thats when I stopped keeping track)off of 3 plants.
2/25/2002 8:37:52 AM
blkcloud |
Pulaski Tn [email protected]
huff, i got a big zac to sprout two days ago and it has grown 2 inches in 2 days.. if this keeps up???? look out jolly green giant.. is this normal for them to grow this fast? thanks,keith
2/28/2002 2:25:46 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
Yes it is, That's why I wrote in my article that you can easily tell the good big zacs from the duds before you put them out.....
2/28/2002 2:39:35 PM
Alun J |
Liverpool , England
Yo Gerry, I just build a frame out of old bamboo and let them grow up them...tying them with plastic clip ties. The fruit I just let hang as it does not seem to bother them. Wanna 5lber this year..some hope...but have to try.
2/28/2002 7:30:32 PM
Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings |
Menomonie, WI ([email protected])
Mine are 28 days old and 24 inches tall. I buried almost twelve inches of the stem. By the time mid may comes. They will probably loose their welcome in the Solarium.
3/1/2002 12:09:24 AM
Brian C. |
Rexburg, Idaho ([email protected] )
28 days since planting or germinating? I was going to plant mine about 6 weeks before I was going to put them out but if they grow that fast I should do it only about 4 weeks before planting time. Do Big Zac's grow faster then other varieties? The packages say plant inside 5-7 weeks early but at that rate they will over three feet tall in that time.
3/1/2002 8:38:46 AM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
Hey Brian, The "hot" ones do grow that fast & if you do get some hot ones hold on & enjoy the ride !!
3/1/2002 9:05:41 AM
Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings |
Menomonie, WI ([email protected])
Germinating Brian, its almost like watching an AG vine grow. Every two days I go check on them and they are rapidly growing. For the first three weeks I had them under grow lights 20 hours a Day.
3/1/2002 10:39:48 AM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
I told you guys these seeds were great. Problem is I should have kept my big mouth shut...lol I can kiss winning the GPC goodbye..Oh Well, live & learn..HAHAHAHA
3/1/2002 10:54:48 AM
Brian C. |
Rexburg, Idaho ([email protected] )
I don't think they even bother with tomatoes at the Utah GPC. So don't worry about me.
3/1/2002 6:49:02 PM
blkcloud |
Pulaski Tn [email protected]
if tomatos pay anything like pumpkins do i'll be looking a big fat check of around .13 cents at my weigh off..
3/1/2002 8:06:57 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
The GPC pays $500 for first & a local show down the road pays $100 a pound......
3/1/2002 8:16:34 PM
Gads |
Deer Park WA
Of the fifty Zac seeds I started only 27 have germinated :[ I hope I didn,t get a crumby batch of seeds or is 45% about normal? I useually just buy the plants from a nursery.
3/1/2002 8:25:29 PM
Gads |
Deer Park WA
Hay Huff, what is the World record for a tomato? What about USA Record??? Crap, I was going to put this on my earlier post, but I got the "Itchy Finger"...
3/1/2002 8:29:49 PM
Brian C. |
Rexburg, Idaho ([email protected] )
7 pounds is the record.
3/1/2002 8:38:13 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
Brian's right...7 pounds....I ain't gonna rest till I get it. On half the plants I'm putting out I'm only allowing 3-4 fruit total to set per plant......
3/1/2002 8:44:44 PM
Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings |
Menomonie, WI ([email protected])
The seven lber was grown from a "Delicious" tomato.
3/2/2002 12:25:46 AM
Gads |
Deer Park WA
Rainydays, there all Delicious! Is that the name of the variety? 7 lbs WOW. Think of all the tinkering, and babying that must have went into producing that monster! Anybody know who grew it, what year, or where it was grown? Their e-mail address would be greatly appriciated ;} LOL Gerry
3/2/2002 1:34:18 PM
Brian C. |
Rexburg, Idaho ([email protected] )
Gerry, Take a look at garden web forums. They have a forunm on growing tomatoes. They deal more with Heirloom types but still some interesting reading. They had a string dealing with this world record tomato several months ago. It was grown in the US but I don't remember the details. http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/#subs
3/2/2002 1:48:38 PM
Sequoia-Greg |
porterville, calif.
How will Big Zacs do here in the hot valley? Im going try and grow some. I usally grow Better Boys. But after reading and watching you guys talk about Big Zacs, I have decided to give it a try...Greg
3/2/2002 8:15:44 PM
blkcloud |
Pulaski Tn [email protected]
Huff, do you bury your mater vines while they are still in the sprouting stage or wait til you put em outside? thanks,keith
3/4/2002 2:22:48 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
When they get about 4-5" tall I replant them back down to 2-3". And when they get about 6" tall I replant them flush with the seed leaves & that's the pot they stay in until I put them outside. Then I'll place them about 6" lower yet when I replant. Once you cover the stem up with dirt, roots shoot out, so they way I look at it the more roots the better....
3/4/2002 2:35:39 PM
blkcloud |
Pulaski Tn [email protected]
Huff, your better than any customer service rep i've ever dealt with !!!!! thanks,keith
3/4/2002 2:43:11 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
Keith, I run with a cable modum, so I'm always on line & my computer is right by the kitchen. So when I go to get something to eat ( which is always) I just click in & see what's new...........Paul
3/4/2002 2:57:01 PM
blkcloud |
Pulaski Tn [email protected]
lucky you!!! im runnig so slow i sometimes time my downloads with a sundial !!!
3/4/2002 6:04:02 PM
jeff517 |
do you defrag your pc blk cloud??
3/4/2002 6:46:48 PM
Gads |
Deer Park WA
Paul, how far apart do you plant your Zac,s in the garden? Don't hurry, I wouldn't want you to get any PBJ on your key board!
3/4/2002 8:20:19 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
This trip it's popcorn...lol The ones I'm growing for food I'll put about 3-4' apart. the ones I'm raising for competion I'll put about 2 1/2' apart ( these ones will have a single stalk & only 3-4 fruit)......Now excuse me, I need a Coke
3/4/2002 8:45:30 PM
blkcloud |
Pulaski Tn [email protected]
Jeff, i have a couple of times but it takes all day long to do it, so i always try to remember to set it before i leave work so it can run all night but by the time i leave i'm so brain dead i can never remember to do it.. thanks,keith
3/5/2002 9:08:57 AM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
Paul...in the past I have grown the plants tall, and layed them down, burried abou4 inches sideways...same idea--a foot or two of additional rooting stems.....but in laying them down on the sides i figured they would have a warmer soil to grow in. At two feet deep the soils a tad chilly and air might be a bit scarcer.....any comments on this idea?.....Glenn
3/5/2002 9:43:41 AM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
I'm sorry I should explain, Where I grow my tomatoes it is a raised bed 3 1/2 ' high, 4' wide & 38' long , surrounded by paving stones. So with the large raised bed I've never worried about cold soil.........Paul
3/5/2002 12:38:15 PM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
Ahhhhhhh......so THATS the secret....Hmmmmm....the plot grows thicker.....LOL.....G
3/5/2002 1:15:26 PM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
Paving stones for sale.....2 bucks each......G
3/5/2002 1:16:00 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
3/5/2002 1:25:59 PM
Sequoia-Greg |
porterville, calif.
Im going to use a 50 gallon whiskey barrel to grow a big Zac in also im going to go a better boy in another whiskey barrel. Going to see which one does the best for me..Greg C.
3/5/2002 4:21:22 PM
Gads |
Deer Park WA
Greg ya gonna empty em first? or is that the secret?
3/5/2002 8:24:56 PM
john boy |
Last year i grow big zacs 3 pounds 5 ounces. My goal this year is 4 pounds. Greg.......
3/5/2002 8:54:55 PM
clouddoc |
Stratham NH
Was testing Big Zac germination about 4 weeks ago, only 2 of 5 seeds germinated. Kept one plant going which is now in 10" pot & steadily growing(~8"). Hope it will last til May 15-20 so can plant it outside after hardening. Put 10-10-10 in potting soil & feed 15-30-15 soluble prn. Bernie
3/6/2002 7:09:44 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
I posted on my diary that I was starting 26 seeds on March 6th, well I ended up only putting 20 seeds in pots & today (5 days later) I have 7 up right now. That's not to bad 1/3 of them up in the first 5 days. And they ARE quick, the ones that were just starting to show through this morning are about 1" high this evening..........Paul
3/11/2002 6:07:04 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
I know it's hard to believe ( except to those of you growing them) but my Big Zac's that poked through the ground yesterday are 3" tall today & have to be replanted. These seeds amazed me last year & are doing the same this year.........
3/12/2002 7:57:44 AM
blkcloud |
Pulaski Tn [email protected]
I cant figure mine out?? those jokers came roaring up like a lion, grew to 3 inches in 2 days and have now quit growing, the leaves are coming on good but the height has just quit??
3/12/2002 8:42:19 AM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
Well 6 days from planting & 14 out of 20 are up ( 70%),mabey I'll get lucky & go 20 out of 20. If I'm boring you guys let me know, but until the punkins go in this is about it for me....... Paul
3/12/2002 1:18:39 PM
john boy |
Keep going paul, you doing good.Greg..........
3/12/2002 2:32:46 PM
Gads |
Deer Park WA
Paul, I transplanted mine Sunday from two inch peat pots into 4 inch peat pots and the agressive buggers never even wilted. They were at the first 2 true leaf stage and now are at four true leaves! I had to raise the light another two inches. Some are definatly more agressive than others. I'm down to 20 plants and can already tell that only half of those have the "JAM"! I will give the rest to my neighbours... (He,He,He)... and then tell them to enter the fair! :]
3/12/2002 9:13:50 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
I told ya it would be easy to tell :)
3/12/2002 9:29:47 PM
blkcloud |
Pulaski Tn [email protected]
i came home yesterday and about half of my maters had just fallen over.. looks like im off to my usual start..
3/13/2002 8:36:48 AM
Gads |
Deer Park WA
blk cloud, what the heck is a mater? Sounds like you you should have feed em better, or not worked em so dang hard?
3/13/2002 8:18:31 PM
Gads |
Deer Park WA
blk cloud, I get it whats a mater? Nuthin.....
3/13/2002 8:20:22 PM
blkcloud |
Pulaski Tn [email protected]
e gads your real funny.. its a southern thang.. mater is like baccer you know chewin baccer, the stuff you spit all over feriners cars when they come through your town and laugh about how backwards you are..
3/14/2002 8:58:22 AM
blkcloud |
Pulaski Tn [email protected]
hey my luck is changing.. i got me some bigger peat pots to transfer my maters in and when i went out side to go to wal marks to get some potting soil dad burn if my blue healer didnt drag up a half full bag of it the night before.. talk about luck!! i think this is some kinda sign??
3/14/2002 9:01:20 AM
Giant Veggies |
Sask, Canada
Well I came here looking for info on Ag's but never thought you guys grew Giant Tomatoes to. I have a site you all might be interested in checking out Giant Tomato Growing the url is http://www.members.shaw.ca/giantveggies/ it is about 75% complete should be finished with-in a week. Have Fun....
3/15/2002 11:30:45 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
Cool Site, very interesting. But I have to differ on the larger ones having a "mushy" taste. I grew the Big Zac variety last year & the taste was great....
3/16/2002 7:14:44 AM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
Germination update::: 18 out of 20 of the Big Zac seeds I put out sprouted. Now all I have to do is weed out the weak ones..........Paul
3/16/2002 7:32:01 AM
Giant Veggies |
Sask, Canada
Yes and no Paul:
The larger of the beefstakes like Big Zac, Mortage Lifter, Delicious, Thunder Creek and a few others do retain most of their firmness and taste when grown very large, however most do not.
This is caused by the pulp of the fruit softening to such a degree as a result of over enzymatic digestion of the cell walls that it makes them taste mushy and over ripe.
It is alot easier to create a page for growing large, one slice fits a piece of bread kind, for the table (as opposed to competition growing) than to explain which variety's do and do not taste mushy and at what point this happens as there is a lot of factors to consider, the biggest one is different growing methods.
However with that said I'm glad you enjoyed the site and found it interesting.
TTYL Ernie
3/16/2002 12:34:41 PM
Superdave |
Brridgewater, NS, Canada
Hi all Are there any suggestions for seed vendors where I could get some Big Zac seeds? ( that would ship to Canada) Thanks for the help?
3/21/2002 4:39:23 PM
Alun J |
Liverpool , England
Yo SuperDave, Totally tomatoes have big zac...I get them in England so you should get them in Canada.
3/21/2002 6:46:40 PM
Superdave |
Brridgewater, NS, Canada
Alun...We already tried that site and called them on the phone since there was no pop up choice for any location other than one of the states. They don't ship to Canada any more. Thanks though.
3/21/2002 7:22:59 PM
Gads |
Deer Park WA
Hi SuperDave, try Exhibition Seeds, their web site is http://www.exhibition-seeds.co.uk they also have the Ailsae giant onion seeds.
3/21/2002 7:51:14 PM
jeff517 |
This link has them,,but I dont think in seed packets...I think pre planted in cubes....
3/21/2002 7:57:26 PM
John D. |
Connecticut, USA
I ordered some Big Zacs from Totally Tomatoe and received a bonus packet of Empire Hybrid seeds. I planted both packs. The funny thing is, the EH seedlings are huge and the Zacs are about half the size...
I can't wait to see how they turn out.. Anyone get a packet of these too?
4/3/2002 6:57:02 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
Hey John, I started those to just for the heck of it along with some white beefstakes. The white beefstakes are doing great but after about 10-12 days from germination the EH seedlings started keeling over one after another. It was probably my fault, they couldn't handle the fertilizer the Zac's & White ones were getting.....Oh Well, survival of the fittest I always say. BTW, the Zac's I started on the 6th of March are about 6" above the soil ( 12" under the soil) working on their 4th set of true leaves and are about the size of a pencil lead in circumference. The ones I started on the 28th started coming up on the the 1st. As of today ( the 3rd) 20 out of 30 have sprouted so far............ Paul
4/3/2002 7:24:31 PM
Gads |
Deer Park WA
The Zac's I started in late Feb. are huge I have ten plants in 10 inch peat pots (just transplanted em yesterday). They have six to seven true leaves and are about half as big around as a pencil. I had to lay off the fertilizer as I won't be able to hold them much longer if I keep giving them the juice! What a vivacious, hardy plant!
4/4/2002 12:27:00 AM
Sequoia-Greg |
porterville, calif.
I ordered seed from totally tomatoes on line a month ago. I recieved a confermation by email that they got my order. It has been 38 days and no seed yet. I called them today, they had no record of my order. So i guess i won,t be planting Big Zac,s this year. I,ll stick with my better boy,s , And find a better seed source for next year... Greg C.
4/4/2002 12:39:18 AM
Brian C. |
Rexburg, Idaho ([email protected] )
I planted mine a week ago today. 11 of 19 germinated. Also started some Goliaths and Early Goliaths 4/5 germinated on each of these. They should be ready to go outside about the same time the pumpkins are.
4/4/2002 8:24:51 AM
Green Angel(Cary Polka) |
Grants Pass, Oregon
I started 18 seeds. 16 have germinated and are growing strong. I see a few that are not up to par with the others so I think these will pulled. I am also growing Cold Set, delicious, Big Mama's, cherry, beef steak, and better boy.Think I will have enough tomatoes. lol Has anyone heard of Tomatoe Boosters? These are what I will be using to water " as blkcloud would say" my Maters. I will pos a pic in the photo gallery of these things.
4/4/2002 10:55:33 AM
John D. |
Connecticut, USA
BigTomatoes.com is it taken?
4/4/2002 8:08:50 PM
Brian C. |
Rexburg, Idaho ([email protected] )
Sounds like a title for a new message board!
4/5/2002 8:10:17 AM
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