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Subject:  onions and sweet taters,,,,

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is it ok? or will i get onion tasting spuds?
what about regular tatters and onions?

5/19/2005 8:24:33 PM


Md/ Usa

now that is a stupid question

5/20/2005 12:38:04 AM


Deer Park WA

Naw dont cross them or you will get taters that even a matfox wont eat!

5/20/2005 2:13:42 AM



Thank you Matfox,for your opinion,,,

but,you have not answered the question,,,
perhaps you are too ,,,uneducated to answer it.
So whatever,,
I know some stupid dirt person,
with some time,
AND answers,,will respond,,

5/20/2005 11:27:23 AM


Md/ Usa

the answer is no and it is obviously no that is why I said it was a stupid question.

5/20/2005 1:40:22 PM


Md/ Usa

but there is another reason not to do it that makes more sense besides taste. the sweetpotato is vine and it will cover the onions preventing them from get enough sunlight thus making them smaller and less mature.

5/20/2005 3:49:56 PM

Desert Storm

New Brunswick

I bought a new pc...and must have missed your question while I was trying to find this site again....(stupidly thought I burned my favorites list to load on here and goofed).....anyway...what was your question? I know a neighbour planted onions in between his regular potato plants and it deterred the potatobug. It probably would stunt the onions...but if it works for potato bugs I would go for it...but maybe you were crossing sweet potatoes and onions...(like I said I missed the question)

5/20/2005 8:45:09 PM



NO,,You have answered,,with class,,,exactly the question
I was asking.ty desert storm.

5/20/2005 9:48:51 PM


Md/ Usa

MCPUMPKIN maybe next time you ask a question you should use a properly worded questions.

Such as the following.

If I plant sweetpotatoes with onion plants will my sweet potato tast like onions.
If I plant potatoes with onion plants will my potatoes taste like onions.

5/21/2005 9:37:08 AM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI ([email protected])

I would think the sweet potato or potatoe for you other folk, Would over power the onion plants.

5/21/2005 10:21:11 AM


Long Island,New York

Plant regular potatoes with the onions...add a hot pepper plant or two...a paprika plant..sure would save some time on Sunday mornings making the hash browns.......

5/21/2005 12:22:32 PM


Montoursville, PA

Forget the hash browns. Onions into and mixed with anything if you can stand the jungle will, in fact, deter those insects that will not bother onions. If they do that who cares about the size of the onion. They will do some good mixed in with any other planting.

It is not clear to me if this actually repells the insects or just confuses them. That being said don't hold back on the onions. There is seldom an insect or fungal attack, for that matter, in a garden raised as a jungle rather then blocked out nice straight rows. Even cukes on the ground seem to avoid fungal attacks until they raise their heads above the average mass of plants.

Along with this theory written, in some books, is the advisement, to work in, a mulch as the jungle grows......or just leave the mulch, in place, and plant through it or into it.

5/21/2005 2:39:16 PM


matfox, the smart grammar king, puts a period at the end of the questions instead of question marks. ha ha.

5/22/2005 11:30:04 AM


Md/ Usa

Brigitte the phase ha ha. should be spelled Ha! Ha!

5/22/2005 11:00:20 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

matfox, the phase? Could you possibly have meant phrase? Ha! Ha!

5/23/2005 6:16:06 AM



ty doc.
still no answer matfox,,,???

5/23/2005 4:49:32 PM


Follansbee, Wv

Boy, this looks like a winter conversation. Don't you people have pumpkins to grow?

5/23/2005 10:18:34 PM


Md/ Usa

the answer to both questions is no.

5/23/2005 11:19:57 PM




5/29/2005 6:38:45 AM


Appalachian Mtns.

Matfox...you're more of a jerk than I am, thanks for that!

5/29/2005 8:36:05 AM

Desert Storm

New Brunswick

You guys crack me up...matter of fact, I am not growing pumpkins this year...plan on growing strawberries in my pumkin patch instead. My knees frigged up and since I am growing on a sidehill, I decided to give them a rest this year. Besides, strawberries tase better!

5/30/2005 7:27:55 PM

Total Posts: 21 Current Server Time: 2/25/2025 8:43:00 AM
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