Other Gardening General Discussion
Subject: strawberries
Date Posted
Brooks B |
If I plant the runners now,how long before I start seeing strawberries,next year at this time?
thanks, Brooks
4/22/2005 10:29:04 PM
Bears |
New Hampshire
June-July 06
4/22/2005 10:43:54 PM
Bmn |
Yea, you wont get much of anything this year.
4/22/2005 11:30:57 PM
Bears |
New Hampshire
I would pick flowers off this year to concentrate on plant development.
4/23/2005 7:09:26 AM
MontyJ |
Follansbee, Wv
Actually it depends on the variety. If they are June bearing, you should pinch off all flowers for the first year. This helps the plant to develope a good root system, and start producing runners. If the plants are everbearing, you can pinch the blooms until June, then let them go. The first year is always pretty meager for fresh berries, but in the second year, a well tended patch can really produce. Just make sure they have a wide open growing area, are weed free, and the berries are picked often. Keep the plants as dry as possible, with good air flow, or the dreaded gray mold will come calling. I just put my new patch in last weekend, in a new spot. I also put some rhubarb in beside it...mmm...strawberry rhubarb pie!
4/23/2005 9:43:44 AM
Desert Storm |
New Brunswick
I read on line somewhere that you could leave one blossem out of every seven blossems per plant thus allowing each plant to produce one berry the first year. I am growing strawberries for the first time this year as well....but too soon to transplant here as yet. I lucked out...a neighbour is suppling me plants. (: My rhubarb is well established so heres to that pie!! Yum yum
4/27/2005 10:39:38 PM
Ottawa, Ohio
strawberry rhubarb pie! Yum! Yum!
5/15/2005 1:54:12 AM
overtherainbow |
try making a strawberry rhubarb sugar crum cake.....
5/19/2005 8:20:36 PM
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