Entry Date
Nick Name
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Lymington UK
Entry 2 of 4 |
I�m going to run through all of our soil samples and try to explain how we look at plant nutrients.
So the first soil sample is about normal and fairly well balanced.
We have told many growers that we stopped all feeding last year around the time the pumpkins were a little bigger than the size of a beach ball.
We have also made no amendments before tilling.
Looking at the first recommendation some Triple super phosphate is advised. This is the only recommendation, in our eyes worth considering for our patch.
The potassium is fine and both of these can be gently added later on if needed.
We have always had high magnesium but it�s not the end of the world.
Sulphur is just Witchcraft, we have plenty but a leaf sample would probably say that the plants short of the stuff.
Boron is good but if it starts to drop we will add more. Between 4 and 6ppm is, I think the sweet spot. You certainly don�t want much less at pollination.
Molybdenum really should be addressed if only just to look good.
The Nitrogen is too high but we can soon flush that away if needed.
If that Nitrogen was perfect at 95ppm the EC would be probably just below 2.4.
Please remember that there are many ways to deal with soil fertility.
The way we deal with soil amendments will not be for everyone.