Entry Date
Nick Name
Monday, December 09, 2024
owen o
Knopp, Germany
Entry 12 of 12 |
On 3 October I decided to send the GPC $2000 to help off set the cost for green jackets as it is obvious many more are being grown and wanted to support our community, I kept that promise, I also offered $1000 to support a new WR unfortunately that was missed by about 18 lbs. I still have that money set aside. I will not be growing AGs in 2025, I retired...to early it became obvious when I sent my seeds out this year that this could be the last time. I am still going to sit 2025 out, I need a break. However I can already taste 2026. I am itching, but I will wait.
I will send the GPC the $1000 for their use as needed to grow our hobby as they feel if I can get seeds without me having to send a SASBP to the growers willing to meet this challenge. At least 1 of the seeds must be over 2500 pounds.
Seeds to Germany do not require anything special, no certificate.
So, I hope my challenge will be accepted but i am a realist if it is not so is life. I will continue to support the GPC regardless.
I am not looking for anything special. I only want to support our hobby.
[email protected] for address info.