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Saturday, April 13, 2024
Big Kahuna 26
Ontario, Canada.
Entry 13 of 70 |
LanTerra Update > Squash hoop house soil temp already at 65*F. No cables needed this year.
Promoting the rhizophagy cycle for cover crop roots that benefit in bacteria and fungi > these new roots will be able to get nutrients from them. Initially, microbes grow on plant roots in a zone outside the growing root tips. To cultivate microbes, roots secrete exudates or carbohydrate sugars and other nutrients. As root cells suberize and mature, the microbes are then doused with reactive oxygen (superoxide) they explode then degrade and release nutrients. Key is what components contain Superoxide. This Answered by WR holder Jim Bryson > was end of season maple syrup.
Sprayed the spring cover crop and the main planting site in the patch. Soaked the soil with Naphthaleneacetic Acid (NAA) plus a strong Compost Tea blend mixed with lots of Molasses and Apple Cider Vinegar. Added in water soluble Black Swallow Amino Acid, Humic Acid & Fe. Grow Squash Grow...