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Tuesday, April 09, 2024
McMillin Giants
Salem Ohio
Entry 12 of 71 |
Not much to show this week. Here�s a look at the 2245 Andrusz and 1109 McMillin, They are both chugging along slowly and lighter green than I prefer, but we had a really cold and cloudy week plus the Motherboard on my new pellet stove went out after only two weeks of use, so I wasn�t able to maintain the perfect temperatures inside the greenhouse for about 5 days (that really didn�t help!) but were up and running now, the sun has came out, so things should definitely pick up now.
Outside of the greenhouse I dug out a 6�x6� area for heating cables then amended the soil and put a hoop house up for the 1783 New seeds we started. 1783 was started 4/4 and broke soil 68 hours later. It will be planted outside of the greenhouse in about 5 days.