Entry Date
Nick Name
Saturday, September 04, 2021
Central NY
Entry 100 of 113 |
Alright�I�m not on social media so I�m always late to hear about the � internet fads� or �tik tok challenges� but for some reason I get a kick out of watching the videos and memes of the videos. This one is �the banjo beat� challenge. Which I believe was just a �dancing with your head� video to this song�anyhow, there�s some meme videos of the original Bella Porch videos that lambchop saw�I haven�t talked to her in a couple days and I told her I took the video down, but her last words to me were � AM I HUMPING A PUMPKIN!!?�..she was mad. I liked the video..probably funnier if you know what the �banjo beat challenge� is�.Here�s the link.
(Would love if you can share this on the Facebook..maybe Ron will see it).
YouTube video