Entry Date
Nick Name
Monday, May 03, 2021
Central NY
Entry 33 of 113 |
But first....an update....there has been a delay in the shipping of the remaining trophies. Mostly quarantine related, but the good news is I got a chance to talk to Ron a few weeks back and he sent us some Wallace wow SwAG to ship out also!!..a big congrats to last year�s winners!!!..My apologies for taking so long and my hearfelt thanks that not single person bugged me about it. Along with trophies, our �open division winners� The Rebel Rousers will receive 100.00 cash and the Wallace swag...The Winners of the draft division will win 50.00 each, second place 25.00 each and third 10.00 each with the trophies and Wallace swag.!!!!....I think there�s still an address or two I�m looking for but hope to get these out this week!!...let�s go for it again people..You all are the Best tomato growers in the world.