Entry Date
Nick Name
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Central NY
Entry 1 of 318 |
*mic crackle...kshh...kshhh...is this thing on?...wow...Halloween, thanksgiving, Christmas, the new year?..and now less than 60 days until spring?...man oh man time is flying..and here we go with another one of my favorite parts of this hobby, the BigPumpkins.com grower journal...but before I get started I just wanted to give our sincere thanks to the members of the gpc who work so tirelessly to make this hobby what it is. Especially this time of year when they are up to their elbows getting prepared for the big show...You�d think that growing a record fruit would be the highlight of anyone's gardening season , and yes I still have smile from ear to ear, but it�s the support we�ve had throughout the whole process, not the record, thats got me grinning.....right from the start last season, being in constant contact with Woody Lancaster along the way, getting a call from the GpC president , the great Wizard himself when we broke the tomato record, to all hard work that Todd Kline has put in(and continues to put in)to ensure our names would be in the Guinness book...and it hasn�t stopped there..there�s more amazing things the GPC has up its sleeves...so cool I don�t even want to talk about it...(or jinx it)...man oh man, what the hell can I say?...thank you thank you ThaNK YOU!!!...i think I speak on behalf of thousands of growers around the world when I say you, the work you do, and the time you invest is So Appreciated by all of us...you make this hobby what it is today....And yes, the Guinness world record came in the mail...so pretty much, thanks to the GPC....we are now �Officially Amazing�...