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Saturday, June 29, 2019
Matt D.
Entry 128 of 210 |
Temperature and CO2 Level
The fog to the image is because the misters were on for cooling but I wanted to provide a cloudy, but warm days temperature and CO2 level in the indoor structure.
Inside the structure it is 87.4F and outside it is 85.6F at the present time. I can say that my ventilation system is just about to turn on since I do not want it getting much over 88F can cause unnecessary heat stress can occur and even a reduce the net photosynthetic rate. However, with CO2 enrichment the data does suggest that the peak efficiency temperature for photosynthesis can be increased from 78F (normal 400ppm CO2) to over 87F (enriched CO2 of 1400ppm).
However with pumpkin plants there leaves are very large and supplementing CO2 causes the stomata (small pores on the under sides of the leaves responsible for gas and water exchange), to be closed for a greater duration. This reduces the plants ability to transpire (loose water, like sweat) and causes the plant to not to be able to cool itself as efficiently. This is in part why adding my mist system to the indoor plant is so important and why I have the ventilation system come on around 86-88F.
The displayed CO2 level of 775ppm is with-in the 50ppm of my set target of 800ppm. This is a great check to make sure things are operating as set and the increase in temperature should help increase growth. However, especially when it comes to photosynthesis we need to consider the amount of light that hits our plants and this is something that is not often measured by growers so look at my next two postings for some insight into light energy�