Entry Date
Nick Name
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Matt D.
Entry 37 of 210 |
Germination Chamber
This shows the seeds in a cooler with a seed starting (single tray sized which is (9� x 19.5�) heat mat in the bottom. A standard 1020 crate is elevated about one inch above the mat and then some dish towels are placed in the tray. The seed bags are placed on the towels with the temperature probe under one of the sealed bags which will provide an accurate seed exposure temperature reading.
The seed bags contain the seeds in a paper towel that has been wet and then rung out so it is moist, but not dripping wet and then placed in a sealed plastic bag.
There are also some back-up seeds (the 2170 Daletas �18 this year) started at the same time, �just in-case�.