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Tuesday, March 12, 2019 Little Ketchup Grittyville, WA

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Going dark here to be in solidarity with the victims of U.S. imperialism in Venezuela. Our empire breaks these commandments: "Thou shalt not steal". "Thou shalt not bear false witness".

I'm going to stand up to these lying stealing thugs on Wall Street because its Gods commandment... however I can. Its Gods commandment, even if I have to switch my own vote to a fringy socialist candidate, I will. Capitalism is great but Wall Street has turned it into a means towards slavery and abuse. They've turned capitalism into imperialism. The oil wealth stolen from Venezuela will pay for next great immoral war, one in which your kids may be killed or their souls destroyed.

The cycle will continue until we stand up loudly against our thuggish capitalists on Wall Street. There are also high-tech "bullionaires" and defense department bullies that we must stand up to. These people are not fit to have so much wealth and power. The truth will set us free. That's the good news... but only once we refuse to bear both external and internalized lies.

Can you see this: There is a double meaning in "Do not bear false witness" it means dont lie... It also means if we see a lie, dont put up with it. The truth is Bolton and Rubio are greedy bullies and we are shooting ourselves in the foot to let Wall Street win in Venezuela because Wall Street is already winning via inflation and via your mortgage and simply printing money out of thin air. Why do they need to win more than that.

Maybe we, the citizens of the world, will dump the Federal Reserve banking system on its head... because their own corruption is too excessive. They will keep winning and winning, but suely the day is coming that all the slaves will revolt and they will lose. If you don't want socialism then stand up for FAIR capitalism. Unfair (money printing plus warfare) capitalism destroys true capitalism. Unfair capitalism is imperialism. The last global empire used to be London, England. Now its Tel Aviv and San Francisco and New York.

Lies destroy justice.

Lewis County, where I live, is the Venezuela of the new global order... Full of exploited impoverished people with no one who cares and no one to lead them. Who will we vote for? Will we even have a choice? A candidate who will really stand up for us?? Won't any such candidate be destroyed by the imperialist media as anti-semitic or anti-gay etc. etc... The only people who are allowed to run for office are the ones who will trade away your wealth, and sell you like slaves. Guiado comes across as a glorified slave trader. He promises that the conditions in prison are better than those in the real world. Well, that may be true in the short term.

How long will you or I be free when 95% of the U.S. is NOT protesting... its just too hard to be the one sheep that fights back. But if we do try follow Gods commandments there is something better in store; something better than endless sin.

We can ha

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