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Sunday, July 16, 2017
Allentown, PA
Entry 65 of 73 |
The 1495 passed est 200 lbs today. Wheat that germinated from the contaminated straw mulch now all nearly dead using Grass-be-Gone � didn�t� hurt the vines at all. Today Applied Epson, Borax, Fish/Kelp solution, a double dose of Jacks 10-30-20, McCleary Fungicide and Eight Insecticide. Fungicide program so far: AzoOxyStrobin (Heritage) May 10 rototilled into soil, 6/5 foliar and soil, 7/9 foliage. McCleary�s 3336F 6/29 & 7/16. Copper � 6/17 & 6/29 Insecticide � Eight 6/17, Bac thurgensis 6/17, Merit 6/20, Eight 6/29, Merit 7/9; Eight 7/16 Other -Anthesis hormone �48 hrs after pollination all fruits up to 6/30 when I ran out - 11 fruits The 3 vines are astoundingly healthy and limited out by the fence. All growing tips cut. Not a tertiary to be seen. 3 nice fruits �one est 200 1495, 2 on the 2048 at est 45 lbs @ and 4 more basketball size; the 2624 is waaaaayyy behind, with 3 small fruits ---but with 24� leaves � maybe that�s all it does, is to grow big pretty leaves.