Entry Date
Nick Name
Friday, June 30, 2017
Allentown, PA
Entry 60 of 73 |
Pollinating for past 7 days � all closed flowers the night before opening and immediately after pollinating � pictured here 1495 x 2624 day 7. Status as of 6/30 2624 Willemijns. X 2048 � 6/24 � main vine X Self -6/28; X 1495 6/28 X 1495 6/29 2048 Willemijns X 2624 � 6/25 � main vine � 11� X 2624 � 6/30 � main vine � 16� X Self - 6/30 X 2624 - 6/30 X 1495 - 6.30 1495 Snyder X 2624 � 6/22 � main stem; first pollination X Self � 6/29 (really gonna be an orange pumpkin!) X 2624 � 6/30 So � 7 pollinated so far. The 6 that are more than a day old clearly growing. 5 more females tied up ready to open and pollinate tomorrow morning before going away for a week at the lake (will be very nervous). That�s 11 fruits started before July 1. New indoor record for me.