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Sunday, April 23, 2017
Allentown, PA
Entry 14 of 73 |
So here we go today with Team 1 : 2624 Willemijns, 1495Snyder (Winner of the MidAtlanticPGA Howard Dill Award for the Most Beautifully Orange Specimen of the Year), and the 1218 Snyder out of the 1744Fulkx2323Meier. Edges filed and carefully placed in sandwich bags cuddled in warm wet paper towels. All auspicious representatives of the species. Holding and gazing upon the 2624, I appreciated that I am holding the container for a mixture of brand new DNA that has never been available on this planet over its entire 4 � billion-year history. Just think of that. The potential in a few grams of casement to produce the largest pumpkin ever grown on planet earth (no proof here) and maybe in the 13 billion-year history of the Milky Way. Whew � just too much to get my head around. Yeh, sometimes I just wax inordinately philosophic.