Thursday, June 27
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Growing the 2212 Chan this year alongside my dad who after several years of pumpkin growing retirement decided to have one more go. It's been a cold and wet spring but hoping the main vine pollination done today will take. Of the 8 males, only 3 had pollen so fingers crossed.
Sunday, July 7
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Pollinated June 27 on the main vine. Really hoping this is the one - I chose not to pollinate too many others this year. The plant is healthy although some leaves have been burnt due to the heat wave we've been having on the west coast. I'm heading up north for some dog shows, so my son will be given the responsibility to take care of the patch for a week.
Wednesday, July 17
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Although I have a lot of vine maintenance to deal with, I'm happy to see my pumpkin survived my week long absence. DAP 20.
Saturday, July 20
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The patch has filled in nicely. After being away and no vine maintenance done, it took awhile to tend to the patch. The pumpkin is making steady gains - nothing huge if it continues it will still be more than last years at the same DAP.
Saturday, August 3
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The patch has officially gotten away from me. My other summer hobby has been keeping me from being on top of things including powdery mildew and managing the new vine growth - but Gerald has still been steadily growing and packing on more pounds with the better weather. He's DAP 37 and measuring at 405 pounds - about 70 pounds ahead of last year's personal best.
Sunday, September 22
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Gerald is pretty much on life support - much of the plant is dead so it was time to start the clean up process. He measures out in the mid 900s so he won't be a PB or prize winner this year. But not bad for a later pollination. We'll still support the weigh off at Krause Berry Farm and hoping to bring my dad's pumpkin with us, too.
Sunday, September 29
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That's a wrap for 2024. Gerald will be lifted into the trailer tomorrow for his trip this next weekend to Krause Berry Farm. He measures out to 990 - we'll see if he makes it to 1000.
Saturday, October 12
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It was fun to spend the day with my folks - Jake and Elaine van Kooten - at the BC weigh off. My dad and I both grew the 2212 Chan and were happy with the results, even though both weighed a bit light. Not a bad return to pumpkin for my dad who hasn't grown one in several years - 14 I think? It was a special day and congratulations to all the participants and winners.