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11 Entries.
Tuesday, April 30
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I am growing pumpkins again! My current lineup is 326 Ritter, 1024 Wohlert, 2054 Strickler, 2062 Corbin. Will have two plants in 700 square feet.
Tuesday, August 13
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Here is the 1024 Wohlert. It is 142 pounds dap 28 Growing about 13 pounds per day.
Tuesday, August 13
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Here is the 2062 Corbin. Dap 26 and estimated at 178 pounds growing 18 pounds a day.
Friday, August 30
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Here is the 2062 Corbin on day 44. It is 670 pounds and averaged 30 pounds a day this week!
Saturday, August 31
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Here is the 1024 Wohlert. Day 46 estimated at 540 pounds. Has averaged 25 pounds a day this past week.
Saturday, September 7
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Here is the 2062 Corbin. It is DAP 51 and 885 pounds. It grew 215 pounds this week!
Monday, September 9
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Here is the 1024 Wohlert. Day 53 and 685 pounds. This pumpkin grew 145 lbs in the past week.
Saturday, September 14
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At 1060 pounds on the 2062 Corbin! That is up 175 pounds for the week.
Wednesday, September 18
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Here is the 1024 Wohlert. It is estimated at 798 pounds and grew 113 pounds this past week.
Saturday, September 28
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I have a new personal best with my teammate Joel! It weighed 1133 pounds!
Sunday, October 6
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Excited to share that Joel and I this year grew 2 over 1000 pounds! Last week's weighed 1133 and was a new personal best. This week's weighed 1001 lbs. The largest was a July 17th pollination. Each were grown in 450 square feet.